

  1. Single quotes in string data values should be escaped by doubling them up (i.e. a sequence of two single-quote characters) instead of preceding them with a backslash character. The backslash was non-standard SQL but worked in Postgresql 8.x. Postgresql 9.x now standardizes this so the sequence of two single-quote characters should be used instead.
Revision 2380 by costa:
Single quotes in string data values should be escaped by doubling them up (i.e. a sequence of two single-quote characters) instead of preceding them with a backslash character. The backslash was non-standard SQL but worked in Postgresql 8.x. Postgresql 9.x now standardizes this so the sequence of two single-quote characters should be used instead.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/src/main/java/org/ecoinformatics/datamanager/database/DatabaseAdapter.javaN/A