

  1. Increase the MAXLOOPNUMBER value from 20000 to 200000. Our experience (at LTER) was that the value was set too low for large data entities, causing data downloads to silently fail after 2000 seconds (33.33 minutes). We've been using the larger value for the past six months and it seems to have resolved the problem.
Revision 2385 by costa:
Increase the MAXLOOPNUMBER value from 20000 to 200000. Our experience (at LTER) was that the value was set too low for large data entities, causing data downloads to silently fail after 2000 seconds (33.33 minutes). We've been using the larger value for the past six months and it seems to have resolved the problem.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/trunk/src/main/java/org/ecoinformatics/datamanager/download/DownloadHandler.javasrc/main/java/org/ecoinformatics/datamanager/download/