

  1. downgraded the spring-data-jpa and -commons dependencies to what is in production. Their versions are limited by the primary spring framework version. Minor NPE patch in D1BaseJpaRepositoryConfiguration.
Revision 19368 by rnahf:
downgraded the spring-data-jpa and -commons dependencies to what is in production.  Their versions are limited by the primary spring framework version.  Minor NPE patch in D1BaseJpaRepositoryConfiguration.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/software/cicore/trunk/cn/d1_cn_common/pom.xmld1_cn_common/pom.xml
The file was modified/software/cicore/trunk/cn/d1_cn_common/src/main/java/org/dataone/cn/model/repository/D1BaseJpaRepositoryConfiguration.javad1_cn_common/src/main/java/org/dataone/cn/model/repository/