

  1. Set the in the constructor (details)
  2. Support in the QuotaStore interface: (details)
  3. Fix the Quota model unit test: (details)
  4. Create quotas correctly in the ProductHelper. (details)
  5. Create quotas correctly in the FeatureTest. (details)
  6. Reduce the required Order fields: (details)
  7. Find orders by a subject list, not a single subject: (details)
  8. Update the OrderStoreTest to pass a subject list. (details)
  9. Improve calls to listOrders(): (details)
  10. Improve the console logging output: (details)
Commit 39a2c620e4dc3b0a5709b7c145961e7e1c1e5017 by csj
Set the in the constructor
refs #68
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/api/
Commit 2183dff80aac2ba135e37564497f345b41b5321d by csj
Support in the QuotaStore interface:
Return the name property when getting or listing quotas. Set the name
property when updating quotas.
refs #68
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/jdbi/
Commit 7d34d18e1fd6ee3e4c2bf22542079d3a4088d499 by csj
Fix the Quota model unit test:
Make sure we include the name property.
refs #68
The file was modifiedsrc/test/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/api/
Commit 211d30d5953984424bb946d12b1b2e95393c3688 by csj
Create quotas correctly in the ProductHelper.
refs #68
The file was modifiedsrc/test/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/helpers/
Commit 949b26860adb29573ff3538eded801136f0660ae by csj
Create quotas correctly in the FeatureTest.
refs #68
The file was modifiedsrc/test/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/api/
Commit fd931416e5bebed05509866b5a3931353d954993 by csj
Reduce the required Order fields:
Make amount, status and seriesId optional to make creating orders
easier.  This are set serverside during create().
refs #70
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/api/
Commit 946914ffaa8e7212d67f6f45acfc36afae2fab81 by csj
Find orders by a subject list, not a single subject:
This allows us to return orders for groups associated with the caller as
well as the caller's subject. We did this previously in the
SubscriptionStore, so we're migrating the functionality over here.
refs #70
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/jdbi/
Commit 00a656e63c555fcc613b68c686137fbfbbbeed29 by csj
Update the OrderStoreTest to pass a subject list.
refs #70
The file was modifiedsrc/test/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/jdbi/
Commit c3e9dbab3038bb17a9e21a34b74a90bce9001fca by csj
Improve calls to listOrders():
Handle admin calls separately from non-admin calls, and always list
orders for admins. When no orders exist, return 404 NotFound. For
non-admins, return orders if the caller subject equals the customer
subject - i.e. they own the order. When passing in a list of subjects,
redact orders unless the customer subject matches the caller subject. We
want to expose financial portions of the order to owners, but send back
other order details pertinent to order group members. Note that we need
to not redact when the caller subject is a group owner. This is a future
refs #70
The file was modifiedsrc/main/java/org/dataone/bookkeeper/resources/
Commit 8f62c3e131868fe91b7f6711a410edb4376f1157 by csj
Improve the console logging output:
Include io.dropwizard DEGUG entries, and remove the appender json
layout. We need to discuss what format is best for Kubernetes logging.
refs #70
The file was modifiedbookkeeper.yml