Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History


#24 (Nov 9, 2016 5:49:15 PM)

  1. fixed properties for new rest package structure. — rnahf / detail
  2. Change the tags to 2.3.0. — tao / detail
  3. refs: #7913.  re-bumped patch versions in dataone-cn-portal, d1_portal_servlet, and s1_stable_build_control properties file, to fix some mistaken elements added to client.xml. — rnahf / detail
  4. refs: #7913.  bumped patch versions in dataone-cn-portal, d1_portal_servlet, and s1_stable_build_control properties file. — rnahf / detail
  5. refs: #7913.  updating stable build control to name the new portal tag (2.2.1) — rnahf / detail
  6. refs: #7913.  updating stable build control to name the new portal tag (2.2.1) and the CCI release will be 2.2.3. (there were two earlier patch releases). — rnahf / detail
  7. Update the version to 2.2.2 — tao / detail
  8. Change the version of DATAONE_CN_METACAT_DEB to 2.7.1. Also updated the cci version to 2.2.1. — tao / detail