

  1. For the MNStorage test implementations, there are a few test methods against delete() and archive() calls which must first call create() and then fail on the subsequent call. Refactored them to use two call adapters, one with a rights-holder certificate for the create(), one without for delete() or archive(), so it fails as expected.
Revision 15032 by andreib:
For the MNStorage test implementations, there are a few test methods against delete() and archive() calls which must first call create() and then fail on the subsequent call. Refactored them to use two call adapters, one with a rights-holder certificate for the create(), one without for delete() or archive(), so it fails as expected.
Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified/software/cicore/trunk/d1_integration/src/test/java/org/dataone/integration/it/testImplementations/MNStorageTestImplementations.javaN/A