Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 32 tests.100
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History


#313 (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM)

  1. Changed the test for getLogRecords() with a self-signed certificate so its expected result matches up with the CN API documentation: it should return a result (no exceptions thrown), but it should contain an empty log entry list. — andreib / detail
  2. Fixed some bugs that were introduced during refactoring. The tests now match the original intent. — andreib / detail

#312 (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM)

  1. Fixed a couple bugs in integration tests.
    - getCoordingNodeIterator() was overridden in order to return an iterator of Nodes that are schema compliant (though with bogus description, etc) because deserialization on the CN validates against the schema and fails otherwise.
    - this was one of the methods that would hang (setAccessPolicy). Setting the timeout milliseconds is a work-around for this. Interestingly, setting it makes the method return the expected data right away (as opposed to just making it timeout). Needs more looking into.
    - had to pass v1 Node types to the v1 API call

    refs #6731 — andreib / detail

#309 (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM)

  1. Fixed a bug in APITestUtils.buildPerson() - array[array.length] would always throw exceptions if it were hit.
    Switched a couple of the Identity API test methods to test the negative cases and added a couple test methods. (We can't go adding test accounts yet without having a removeAccount() method.)

    refs #6731 — andreib / detail

#308 (Jan 1, 1970 12:00:00 AM)

  1. Small bug fix: Log and ObjectFormatList needed their Slice superclass variables updated. Slice subclasses are a bit risky - state about the count/total is both in the Slice class variables as well as in the subclass' List and these can get out of sync. — andreib / detail

#305 (Jan 28, 2015 5:00:51 AM)

  1. Added some error checks for clarity, and fixed a few possible time-related issues with using "new Date()" as the time bound. — andreib / detail
  2. Fixed a couple v1/v2 type problems in the call adapters. — andreib / detail
  3. refactored div classes for each status. — rnahf / detail
  4. added style classes to results_head — rnahf / detail
  5. format cleanup (tabs to spaces), and added boilerplate license header; for org.dataone.integration.webTest package. — rnahf / detail
  6. refactored Query api tests, implementations, definitions, and adapters.  Wired into MN Tester. — rnahf / detail

#304 (Jan 27, 2015 5:00:51 AM)

  1. fixed CNCallAdapter.create method (converting v2 sysmeta to v1 as in MNCallAdapter).  Fixed bugs in instantiateD1Node methods for V1isAuthorized classes. — rnahf / detail
  2. fixed bugs in procureSpecialTestObject for the abstract authorization tests. Wired in the abstract tests to CN/MNAuthorization tests. — rnahf / detail
  3. Setting a few tests to get ignored in order to match the original tier tests and their results. — andreib / detail
  4. Fixed a possible problem in storage tests - we were using a "new Date()" for fetching a list of modified objects and therefore relying on the test system's and MN system's clocks being close. Switched to using the modified time saved to the SystemMetadata of the object created.

    Also cleaned up a couple unused variables I noticed. — andreib / detail
  5. Accidentally committed a local config change. Reverted. — andreib / detail
  6. We've renamed some test certificate files containing non-platform-independent characters to be platform-independent. This commit updates the config files and calls to fetch that data (which had default values of names passed in). — andreib / detail
  7. Modified a few methods in ContextAwareTestCaseDataone to clarify the difference between the certificate file name and the CN of the subject in the certificate. These may not be the same any longer since we've renamed some test certificate files containing non-platform-independent characters. — andreib / detail

#301 (Jan 24, 2015 5:00:52 AM)

  1. Programatically getting the subject needed to generate the mock system metadata instead of having to hard-code it everywhere. Avoided using ClientIdentityManager.getCurrentIdentity() because it would introduce a sneaky state out-of-sync bug with the certificate location. — andreib / detail

#300 (Jan 23, 2015 5:00:32 AM)

  1. MNAuthorizationV1IT was renamed, so I fixed a spelling error in the test suite — andreib / detail
  2. Fixed a few method calls in MNReplicationTesetImplementations to no longer use the deprecated metadata creation calls.
    Added a small MNv1TestSuite class so we can get an overview of MN v1 tests (we can delete it later when they're all fixed). — andreib / detail
  3. Fixed a bug in ExampleUtilities.generateTestDataPackage(): it was always using the currently loaded certificate's subject as the rightsHolder on the SystemMetadata. I overloaded the function so this would get passed in (and deprecated the existing function - it's still being used from a lot of other places). Updated MNStorageTestImplementations to use the new call. — andreib / detail
  4. Implemented the resource map parsing and checksum consistency tests as a separate set of tests "Content Integrity".  (used to be in MNodeTier1IT) — rnahf / detail
  5. Small bug fix and added a TODO statement to a test that'll need some more refactoring so it's more fail-safe — andreib / detail

#299 (Jan 22, 2015 5:00:41 AM)

  1. added apiTest classes for the SSL testing: MNAuthenticationV1V2, CNAuthenticationV1V2 — rnahf / detail
  2. minor layout change — rnahf / detail
  3. redesigned the layout of the cover page to make easier to scan the instructions. — rnahf / detail