Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 1 test.100
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History


#107 (Jun 14, 2022 8:19:30 PM)

  1. Bump the version to 2.3.15. Change the dataone repository from http to https. — tao / githubweb
  2. Change the dataone repository url to the correct one. — tao / githubweb

#106 (Sep 10, 2021 10:46:07 PM)

  1. Bump its version to 2.3.14. — tao / githubweb

#105 (Aug 25, 2021 11:57:57 PM)

  1. Exclude the module-info.class class in the shaded jar file. — tao / githubweb
  2. Bump its version to 2.3.14. — tao / githubweb