Build stability: 1 out of the last 5 builds failed.80
Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 46 tests.100
Build History


#36 (Oct 30, 2020 2:08:50 AM)

  1. Upgrade to bookkeeper-api 1.0.0. — csj / detail

#35 (Oct 30, 2020 1:33:50 AM)

  1. Add the bookkeeper-api library as a dependency. — csj / detail
  2. Remove the org.dataone.bookkeeper.api package and tests: — csj / detail

#34 (Oct 28, 2020 6:53:50 PM)

  1. Set the docker tag to 0.3.0 to push a new image to docker.io. — csj / detail

#33 (Oct 23, 2020 10:23:49 PM)

  1. Set the Quota.name in the constructor — csj / detail
  2. Support Quota.name in the QuotaStore interface: — csj / detail
  3. Fix the Quota model unit test: — csj / detail
  4. Create quotas correctly in the ProductHelper. — csj / detail
  5. Create quotas correctly in the FeatureTest. — csj / detail
  6. Reduce the required Order fields: — csj / detail
  7. Find orders by a subject list, not a single subject: — csj / detail
  8. Update the OrderStoreTest to pass a subject list. — csj / detail
  9. Improve calls to listOrders(): — csj / detail
  10. Improve the console logging output: — csj / detail

#32 (Oct 7, 2020 7:08:52 PM)

  1. Change the Quota model: add a name property: — csj / detail
  2. Change the Quota.owner to Quota.subject: — csj / detail
  3. Refactor SQL scripts to update orders schema: — csj / detail
  4. Change membershipId to orderId in the Readme example. — csj / detail
  5. Reorder SQL schema migrations to handle orders change. — csj / detail
  6. Fix minor index bug. — csj / detail
  7. Merge in Subscription fields: — csj / detail
  8. Migrate quota subscriptions to orders: — csj / detail
  9. Migrate the MembershipMapper to an orderMapper: — csj / detail
  10. Don't initialize totalUsage to 0.0. — csj / detail
  11. Fix a typo with Quota.membershipId, now orderId. — csj / detail
  12. Update the order fixture to include new properties. — csj / detail
  13. Remove memberships from the README. — csj / detail
  14. Migrate the QuotaStore from using membershipId to orderId. — csj / detail
  15. Migrate the OrderStore to accommodate quotas: — csj / detail
  16. Migrate the MembershipQuotasReducer to an OrderQuotasReducer: — csj / detail
  17. Update the OrderMapper to accommodate new properties: — csj / detail
  18. Minor formatting changes. — csj / detail
  19. Migrate the QuotaHelper to use create Orders: — csj / detail
  20. Update the OrderHelper to handle new order details: — csj / detail
  21. Change the orders resource to insert quotas with new properties: — csj / detail
  22. Minor Javadoc update. — csj / detail
  23. Remove the call to register the MembershipResource. — csj / detail
  24. Remove the membership model, list, resource, store, and unit test: — csj / detail
  25. Fix reversed test assertion. — csj / detail
  26. Migrate the QuotaStoreTest to produce orders not memberships: — csj / detail
  27. Migrate the UsageStoreTest to produce orders not memberships: — csj / detail
  28. Remove references to memberships. — csj / detail

#31 (Sep 27, 2020 4:18:47 AM)

  1. Remove reference to Services. — csj / detail

#30 (Sep 27, 2020 4:13:47 AM)

  1. Minor typo fix. — csj / detail
  2. Actually, rename Overview to Readme for Github ease. — csj / detail

#29 (Sep 27, 2020 4:08:47 AM)

  1. Rename the overview to .rst — csj / detail
  2. Delete the .txt — csj / detail

#28 (Sep 27, 2020 3:53:47 AM)

  1. Add the architecture overview and image. — csj / detail