#!/usr/bin/python # # '$RCSfile$' # Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California # # '$Author$' # '$Date$' # '$Revision$' # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # TODO: # validate # getNextDocid # getNextRevision(docid) # getDocids(keyword=None) # query(keyword, returnfields) # queryDict => same as above but returns python dictionary data structure import httplib, urllib class MetacatClient: def __init__(self, server="localhost:8080", urlPath="/metacat/metacat"): self.metacatUrlPath = urlPath self.metacatServer = server self.sessionid = None def getMetacatUrl(self): return "http://" + self.metacatServer + self.metacatUrlPath def login(self, username, password, organization=None): if organization == 'NCEAS': uid = 'uid=%s,o=NCEAS,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org' % username else: uid = username postdata = { 'action' : 'login', 'qformat' : 'xml', 'username' : uid, 'password' : password } response = self.postRequest(postdata) if response.find("<login>") != -1: return True else: return False def logout(self): postdata = { 'action' : 'logout', 'qformat' : 'xml'} response = self.postRequest(postdata) if response.find("<logout>") != -1: return True else: return False def read(self, docid, qformat="xml"): postdata = { 'action' : 'read', 'qformat' : qformat, 'docid' : docid } response = self.postRequest(postdata) # if error node returned if response.find("<error>") != -1: return False else: return response def insert(self, docid, doctext): postdata = { 'action' : 'insert', 'doctext' : doctext, 'docid' : docid } response = self.postRequest(postdata) # if error node returned if response.find("<error>") != -1: return False else: return response def update(self, docid, doctext): postdata = { 'action' : 'update', 'doctext' : doctext, 'docid' : docid } response = self.postRequest(postdata) return response def delete(self, docid): postdata = { 'action' : 'delete', 'docid' : docid } response = self.postRequest(postdata) return response def squery(self, pathquery, qformat="xml"): postdata = { 'action' : 'squery', 'qformat' : qformat, 'query' : pathquery } response = self.postRequest(postdata) return response def postRequest(self, postdata): conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( self.metacatServer ) params = urllib.urlencode( postdata ) headers = { "Content-type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept" : "*/*"} # If we have an active session, set the cookie if self.sessionid is not None: headers['Cookie'] = self.sessionid conn.request( "POST", self.metacatUrlPath, params, headers ) response = conn.getresponse() # If metacat responds with a new session id, # register it with the metacat client instance setcookie = response.getheader("set-cookie", None) if setcookie: jsid = setcookie.split(';')[0] if jsid[:11] == "JSESSIONID=": self.sessionid = jsid if response.status == 200: content = response.read() else: print " SERVER DID NOT RETURN 'OK'.... STATUS is " + str(response.status) content = "" conn.close() return content