#  Copyright: 2003 Partnership for Biodiversity Informatics and
#                  The Regents of the University of California
#   '$RCSfile: ecogrid-seattle-agenda-20030922.txt,v $'
#  '$Revision: 1.1 $'
#    '$Author: jones $'
#      '$Date: 2003-09-23 15:35:52 $'

SEEK EcoGrid Meeting: Seattle September 23-24 2003


Matt Jones
Arcot Rajasekar
Bing Zhu
Dave Vieglais
Jing Tao
Peter McCartney
Rod Spears

Tenative Agenda

Sept 23
  8:00 am breakfast
  9:00 am Introduction to EcoGrid and initial discussion
 10:00 am Query and Read interface
          Mertacat, SRB, DiGIR wrappers
 12:00 pm Lunch
  1:00 pm Registry and Indexing

Sept 24
  8:00 am breakfast
  9:00 am Authentication and Authorization
 12:00 pm Lunch
  1:00 pm Write and Replication
  3:00 pm Computation, Grid Services, and AMS