Notes -- EcoGrid Seattle Meeting -- 20030923

Raja: Notification service needed  Used for logging and auditing activity.
      Probably can use Globus notification service.
      -- Use this for notification of job status?
      -- Use this for notification of event occurence for logging/audit
      -- Can be implemented as  Globus NotificationSourcePortType, which 
         means we need to invent apprpriate XML message formats for the 
         various types of notifications we want
Registry and Indexing

What we need:
  1) Well known location for registering GSHs
  2) The registry then queries the GSH to get a GSR
  3) Then the registry tells a centralized index service 
     to subscribe to ask for the service data for the service
      The service data is a new XML type we need to create
  4) clients can query the registry to find out a list of GSHs for a given service type
  5) clients can query the central index for any service data for one of those GSH's
  There are two types of indexing:
    a) indexing about services using the serviceData from OGSA
    b) indexing that aggregates Query node data for centralized search
  See the diagram
  Registry Tasks
  1) Define WSDL interface for registry                    Matt/Raja
     reuse OGSA methods where appropriate
     register, delete, query, notify
  2) Create an implementaiton that can store the           Matt
     registry data and implements the interface
       -- metacat?
       -- sleepycat xml db
  3) Registry schema for xml that goes into                Matt/Bing
     the resultset documents
  4) Service data schema for query level I, II, II services,   Matt
     and application serviceData, including references to an 
     analysis ontology
     -- these schemas should use inheritance for 
     upper common parts
  5) Write client library that makes it easy to use the stubs  Chad/Matt/Jing
     from the services, then incorporate this into Ptolemy