Metacat Administrator's Guide ============================= .. sidebar:: Version: |release| .. image:: themes/metacatui/static/metacat-logo-darkgray.png :height: 130pt Send feedback and bugs to: * * License: GPL Release Date: |today| .. role:: note2 Metacat is a repository for data and metadata (documentation about data) that helps scientists find, understand and effectively use data sets they manage or that have been created by others. Thousands of data sets are currently documented in a standardized way and stored in Metacat systems, providing the scientific community with a broad range of science data that--because the data are well and consistently described--can be easily searched, compared, merged, or used in other ways. :note2:`Note:` An external Solr HTTP server is required as of Metacat version 2.13.0. You should add the ``tomcat8`` user to the ``solr`` group and the ``solr`` user to the ``tomcat8`` group in order to avoid the file permission issues. The details can be found on the `Solr Server`_ part of the installation page. If this is the first time you have installed an external Solr server, you need to re-index all existing objects in the Metacat instance. The instruction can be found on the `Regenerating The Index`_ part of the Metacat indexing page. - Download Metacat - Binary Distribution (A war file installation) - GZIP File: |bin-link-pre|\ |release|\ |bin-gz-link-post1|\ |release|\ |gz-link-post2| - ZIP File: |bin-link-pre|\ |release|\ |bin-zip-link-post1|\ |release|\ |zip-link-post2| - Source Distribution (Full source, requiring build) - GZIP File: |src-link-pre|\ |release|\ |src-gz-link-post1|\ |release|\ |gz-link-post2| - ZIP File: |src-link-pre|\ |release|\ |src-zip-link-post1|\ |release|\ |zip-link-post2| - `Older versions`_ .. |bin-link-pre| raw:: html <a href=" .. |bin-gz-link-post1| raw:: html .tar.gz">metacat-bin- .. |gz-link-post2| raw:: html .tar.gz</a> .. |bin-zip-link-post1| raw:: html .zip">metacat-bin- .. |zip-link-post2| raw:: html .zip</a> .. |src-link-pre| raw:: html <a href=" .. |src-gz-link-post1| raw:: html .tar.gz">metacat-src- .. |src-zip-link-post1| raw:: html .zip">metacat-src- - For Developers: Metacat `API documentation`_ .. _Administrators Guide: .. _API documentation: ./api/index.html .. _Older versions: .. _Solr Server: ./install.html#solr-server .. _Regenerating The Index: ./query-index.html#regenerating-the-index Contents ======== .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 2 intro contributors license install configuration dataone submitting query-index themes authinterface geoserver replication harvester oaipmh event-logging sitemaps metacat-properties development Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`