<% if(MetacatUI.appModel.get("displayRepoLogosInSearchResults") ){ %> <% if(memberNode && memberNode.logo && profileURL){ %> <a href="<%=profileURL%>"> <img src="<%=memberNode.logo%>" class="logo <%=memberNode.shortIdentifier%>" title="From the <%=memberNode.name%> repository" /> </a> <% } %> <% if(typeof logo == "string"){ %> <a href="<%=viewURL%>"><img src="<%=logo%>" class="logo" /></a> <% } %> <% } %> <div class="citation"></div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="info-icons "> <% if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("displayDownloadButtonInSearchResults") ){ %> <% if ((resourceMap && (typeof resourceMap != "undefined")) && (resourceMap.length > 1)) { %> <a class="download disabled-download" title="There may be multiple datasets associated with this metadata record. View the metadata page to choose a dataset to download."><i class="icon icon-cloud-download"></i></a> <% } else if(resourceMap && (typeof resourceMap != "undefined")){ print('<a class="download pointer icons" download title="Click to Download" href="', MetacatUI.appModel.get('packageServiceUrl'), encodeURIComponent(resourceMap), '" title="Click to Download"><i class="icon icon-cloud-download "></i></a>'); } else{ %> <a class="download pointer icons" download title="Click to download" href="<%=(MetacatUI.appModel.get('objectServiceUrl') + encodeURIComponent(id))%>"><i class="icon icon-cloud-download"></i></a> <% } %> <% } %> <% if(typeof abstract != "undefined"){ %> <div class="abstract icons"><i class="icon icon-info-sign popover-this abstract " data-delay="1500"></i></div> <% } %> <div class="resource-map icons tooltip-this" data-title="<%=dataFilesMessage%>" data-placement="top" data-trigger="hover focus" data-delay="800"> <% if (numDataFiles > 0) { <!-- img/data-table.svg --> print('<svg class="icon" fill="inherit" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 1536 1792" fill="inherit"><path d="M1468 380c19 19 35 44 48 76s20 61 20 88v1152c0 27-9 49-28 68a93 93 0 01-68 28H96c-27 0-49-9-68-28a93 93 0 01-28-68V96c0-27 9-49 28-68S69 0 96 0h896c27 0 56 7 88 20s57 29 76 48l312 312zm-444-244v376h376c-7-19-14-33-22-41l-313-313c-8-8-22-15-41-22zm384 1528V640H992c-27 0-49-9-68-28a93 93 0 01-28-68V128H128v1536h1280z"/><path d="M565 1491v-121c0-6-2-11-6-15s-9-6-14-6H341c-6 0-10 2-14 6s-6 9-6 15v121c0 6 2 11 6 15s8 6 14 6h204c5 0 10-2 14-6s6-9 6-15zm0-243v-122c0-6-2-11-6-15s-9-6-14-6H341c-6 0-10 2-14 6s-6 9-6 15v122c0 6 2 10 6 14s8 6 14 6h204c5 0 10-2 14-6s6-8 6-14zm325 243v-121c0-6-2-11-6-15s-8-6-14-6H666c-6 0-10 2-14 6s-6 9-6 15v121c0 6 2 11 6 15s8 6 14 6h204c6 0 10-2 14-6s6-9 6-15zm-325-487V882c0-6-2-11-6-15s-9-5-14-5H341c-6 0-10 1-14 5s-6 9-6 15v122c0 6 2 11 6 14 4 4 8 6 14 6h204c5 0 10-2 14-6 4-3 6-8 6-14zm325 244v-122c0-6-2-11-6-15s-8-6-14-6H666c-6 0-10 2-14 6s-6 9-6 15v122c0 6 2 10 6 14s8 6 14 6h204c6 0 10-2 14-6s6-8 6-14zm325 243v-121c0-6-2-11-6-15s-8-6-14-6H992c-6 0-11 2-15 6s-6 9-6 15v121c0 6 2 11 6 15s9 6 15 6h203c6 0 10-2 14-6s6-9 6-15zm-325-487V882c0-6-2-11-6-15s-8-5-14-5H666c-6 0-10 1-14 5s-6 9-6 15v122c0 6 2 11 6 14 4 4 8 6 14 6h204c6 0 10-2 14-6 4-3 6-8 6-14zm325 244v-122c0-6-2-11-6-15s-8-6-14-6H992c-6 0-11 2-15 6s-6 9-6 15v122c0 6 2 10 6 14s9 6 15 6h203c6 0 10-2 14-6s6-8 6-14zm0-244V882c0-6-2-11-6-15s-8-5-14-5H992c-6 0-11 1-15 5s-6 9-6 15v122c0 6 2 11 6 14 4 4 9 6 15 6h203c6 0 10-2 14-6 4-3 6-8 6-14zm81-203v690c0 28-10 52-30 72a98 98 0 01-71 30H341c-28 0-52-10-71-30a98 98 0 01-30-72V801c0-28 10-52 30-72 19-20 43-30 71-30h854c28 0 52 10 71 30 20 20 30 44 30 72z"/></svg>'); } %> </div> <% if(typeof MetacatUI.mapKey == "string" && MetacatUI.mapKey.length){ %> <div class="on-map icons "> <% if (typeof geohash_9 !== "undefined" && geohash_9 !== null){ print('<i class="icon icon-map-marker on-map open-marker " data-id="'+id+'" data-geohash="' + geohash_9 + '" title="This data set has ' + geohash_9.length + ' geographic regions on the map"></i>'); } else{ print('<i class="icon icon-map-marker inactive "></i>'); } %> </div> <% } %> <% if(hasProv){ print('<div class="icons provenance active ">'); print('<i class="icon icon-code-fork active " title="This dataset contains provenance metadata."></i>'); } else{ print('<div class="icons provenance inactive ">'); print('<i class="icon icon-code-fork inactive "></i>'); } %> </div> <% if (showAnnotationIndicator && hasAnnotations) { %> <div class="icons annotations "> <span class="icon-stack annotation-icon"><i class="icon icon-certificate icon-stack-base"></i><i class="icon icon-ok" title="This dataset includes annotations."></i></span> </div> <% } %> <div class="catalog-metrics icons"> <span class='catalog-stat resultItem-CitationCount'> <i class='icon catalog-metric-icon'></i> </span> <span class='catalog-stat resultItem-DownloadCount'> <i class='icon catalog-metric-icon'></i> </span> <span class='catalog-stat resultItem-ViewCount'> <i class='icon catalog-metric-icon'></i> </span> </div> <% if(!isPublic){ %> <div class="private icons "><i class="icon icon-lock private " title="This is private content."></i></div> <% } %> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- END info-icons -->