<% if (userType == "portal") { %> <% var summaryTerm = "Summary" %> <% var userTerm = MetacatUI.appModel.get("portalTermSingular") || "portal"; %> <%} else { %> <% var summaryTerm = "Summary of holdings" %> <% var userTerm = "repository" %> <%}%> <article id="Profile" class="profile"> <% if(title){ %> <h2 class="profile-title"><%=title%></h2> <% } %> <section class="charts-container"> <% if(typeof description == "string"){ %> <p><%=description%></p> <% } %> <section id="user-summary" class="stripe quick-stats"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-signal'></i></h3> <h3> <%= summaryTerm %> </h3> </div> <section class="charts row-fluid"> <div class="summary-container"> <div class="show-loading summary-count-container" id="total-datasets"></div> <div class="subtle"> <p> The total number of publicly-available metadata records. Only the latest version of each metadata record is counted. A "dataset" here is defined by a single metadata record which may be packaged with one or more data files. </p> </div> </div> <div class="summary-container"> <div class="show-loading summary-count-container" id="total-size"></div> <div class="subtle"> <p> The volume of all publicly-available metadata and data files in this <%= userTerm %>. Only the latest version of each file is included. </p> </div> </div> <% if(userTerm == "repository" && !userIsCN){ %> <div class="summary-container" id="replicas-container"> <div class="show-loading summary-count-container" id="total-replicas"></div> <div class="subtle"> <p> The total number of data replicas hosted by this <%= userTerm %>. </p> </div> </div> <% } %> </section> </section> <% if(!hideMetadataAssessment){ %> <section class="stripe metadata-assessment"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-dashboard'></i></h3> <h3>Metadata Assessment</h3> <p>This graph shows the assessment score for all metadata in this <%= userTerm %>, based on the <a href="https://dataone.org/fair/" target="_blank">DataONE FAIR Suite</a>. The FAIR suite evaluates metadata based on these criteria: <strong>F</strong>indable, <strong>A</strong>ccessible, <strong>I</strong>nteroperable, <strong>R</strong>eusable.</p> <p>Each point represents the average score for that category across all the versions of datasets that were changed in that month.</p> </div> <section class="charts"> <div class = "static-img-container"> <h4 class="center">DataONE FAIR Assessment</h4> <div id="metadata-assessment-graphic"> <%= fairLoadingHtml %> </div> </section> <% if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("theme") == "dataone" ){ %> <p class="center"><span class="pill">Coming soon</span> Improved metadata assessment graphs are coming soon as we <a href="https://forms.gle/Hn5YPqrZ12mLUyAf7" target="_blank">get feedback</a> on this feature.</p> <% } %> </section> <% } %> <% if(!hideCitationsChart){ %> <section id="user-citations" class="stripe metrics"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-quote-right'></i></h3> <h3 class="citation-count"></h3> <h3>Citations</h3> </div> <div class="metric-description"> <p>For all versions of the data sets in this <%= userTerm %>, the number of citations reported to DataONE. </p> </div> <div class="citations-metrics-list"> <%= citationsLoadingHtml %> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </section> <% } %> <% if(!hideDownloadsChart){ %> <section id="user-downloads" class="stripe metrics"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-cloud-download'></i></h3> <h3 class="download-count"></h3> <h3>Downloads</h3> </div> <div class="downloads-metrics"> <div class="metric-description"> <p>For all versions of the data sets in this <%= userTerm %>, the number of times that all or part of these data sets were downloaded over time. These download counts are <a href="http://www.projectcounter.org/">COUNTER</a> compliant, meaning that downloads from some Internet robots and repeat downloads within a certain time window are excluded.</p> <p id="slider-instructions">Drag the slider to visualize a specific time window for the download events.</p> </div> <div id="user-downloads-chart" class='metric-chart'> <%= downloadsLoadingHtml %> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </section> <% } %> <% if(!hideViewsChart){ %> <section id="user-views" class="stripe metrics"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-eye-open'></i></h3> <h3 class="view-count"></h3> <h3>Views</h3> </div> <div class="views-metrics"> <div class="metric-description"> <p>For all versions of the data sets in this <%= userTerm %>, the number of times that all or part of these data sets was viewed over time. These view counts are <a href="http://www.projectcounter.org/">COUNTER</a> compliant, meaning that views from some Internet robots and repeat views within a certain time window are excluded.</p> <p id="slider-instructions">Drag the slider to visualize a specific time window for the view events.</p> </div> <div id="user-views-chart" class='metric-chart'> <%= viewsLoadingHtml %> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </section> <% } %> <% if(!hideUpdatesChart){ %> <section class="stripe updates"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-cloud-upload'></i></h3> <h3>Latest Updates</h3> <p>When datasets were last updated, separated by content type (science metadata or data).</p> </div> <section class="charts"> <section class="row-fluid"> <div class="metadata-updates-chart show-loading span6"></div> <div class="data-updates-chart show-loading span6"></div> </section> </section> </section> <% } %> <section class="stripe format-charts-container"> <div class="metrics-title"> <h3><i class='icon icon-file'></i></h3> <h3>File formats</h3> <p>We breakdown the types of metadata and data files uploaded. Only the most recent version of each file is included.</p> </div> <section class="charts"> <div class="format-charts"> <div class="format-charts-metadata chart"></div> <div class="format-charts-data chart"></div> </div> </section> </section> <section id="user-data-range" class="stripe metrics"> <div class="metrics-title"> <div id="coverage-title"></div> <h3><i class="icon icon-time"></i>Time period of data <span id="data-coverage-year-range" class="packages"></span></h3> <p>The years in which data was collected, regardless of upload date. Only the most recent version of the data package is counted.</p> </div> <div class="chart-container"> <div class="temporal-coverage-chart chart"></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </section> <!-- <section class="stripe" id="quality-chart"> <section class="charts"> <section> <h2>Metadata quality metrics</h2> <p>A summary of the MDQ scores are included below</p> </section> <div class="mdq-chart"> </div> </section> </section> --> </section> </article>