<% } %><%=description%>
<% } %><%= summaryTerm %>
The total number of publicly-available metadata records. Only the latest version of each metadata record is counted. A "dataset" here is defined by a single metadata record which may be packaged with one or more data files.
The volume of all publicly-available metadata and data files in this <%= userTerm %>. Only the latest version of each file is included.
The total number of data replicas hosted by this <%= userTerm %>.
For all versions of the data sets in this <%= userTerm %>, the number of citations reported to DataONE.
For all versions of the data sets in this <%= userTerm %>, the number of times that all or part of these data sets were downloaded over time. These download counts are COUNTER compliant, meaning that downloads from some Internet robots and repeat downloads within a certain time window are excluded.
Drag the slider to visualize a specific time window for the download events.
For all versions of the data sets in this <%= userTerm %>, the number of times that all or part of these data sets was viewed over time. These view counts are COUNTER compliant, meaning that views from some Internet robots and repeat views within a certain time window are excluded.
Drag the slider to visualize a specific time window for the view events.
Latest Updates
When datasets were last updated, separated by content type (science metadata or data).
File formats
We breakdown the types of metadata and data files uploaded. Only the most recent version of each file is included.
Time period of data
The years in which data was collected, regardless of upload date. Only the most recent version of the data package is counted.