<% if (typeof groupedResults !== 'undefined') { %>
var types = _.keys(groupedByType);
_.each(types, function(type) {
var results = groupedByType[type];
var total = results.length;
var success = 0;
_.each(results, function(result) {
if (result.get("status") == "SUCCESS") {
var width = (success/total) * 100;
width = width.toFixed(0);
<%=type%>: <%=width%>% complete
<% }); %>
var total = checkCount;
if (groupedResults.BLUE) {
total = total - groupedResults.BLUE.length;
<% } %>
Metadata Assessment Report
After running your metadata against our standard set of metadata, data, and congruency checks, we have found the following potential issues. Please assist us in improving the discoverability and reusability of your research data by addressing the issues below.
Assessment suite:
<% if (groupedResults.GREEN) { %>
Passed <%=groupedResults.GREEN.length%> checks out of <%= total %> (informational checks not included).
_.each(groupedResults.GREEN, function(result) {
_.each(result.get("output"), function(output) {
<% if (output.type && output.type.includes('image')) { %>
<% } else { %>
<%- output.value %><% } %> <% }); %> " data-content="<%= result.get("check").description %>"> <%= result.get("status") %> <%= result.get("check").level %> <%= result.get("check").type %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>
<% if (groupedResults.ORANGE) { %>
Warning for <%=groupedResults.ORANGE.length%> check<% if (groupedResults.ORANGE.length != 1) {print('s')}%>. <% if (groupedResults.ORANGE.length > 0) {print('Please review these warnings.')}%>
_.each(groupedResults.ORANGE, function(result) {
_.each(result.get("output"), function(output) {
<% if (output.type && output.type.includes('image')) { %>
<% } else { %>
<%- output.value %><% } %> <% }); %> " data-content="<%= result.get("check").description %>"> <%= result.get("status") %> <%= result.get("check").level %> <%= result.get("check").type %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>
<% if (groupedResults.RED) { %>
Failed <%=groupedResults.RED.length%> check<% if (groupedResults.RED.length != 1) {print('s')}%>. <% if (groupedResults.RED.length > 0) {print('Please correct these issues.')}%>
_.each(groupedResults.RED, function(result) {
_.each(result.get("output"), function(output) {
<% if (output.type && output.type.includes('image')) { %>
<% } else { %>
<%- output.value %><% } %> <% }); %> " data-content="<%= result.get("check").description %>"> <%= result.get("status") %> <%= result.get("check").level %> <%= result.get("check").type %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>
<% if (groupedResults.BLUE) { %>
<%=groupedResults.BLUE.length%> informational check<% if (groupedResults.BLUE.length != 1) {print('s')}%>.
_.each(groupedResults.BLUE, function(result) {
_.each(result.get("output"), function(output) {
<% if (output.type && output.type.includes('image')) { %>
<% } else { %>
<%- output.value %><% } %> <% }); %> " data-content="<%= result.get("check").description %>"> <%= result.get("status") %> <%= result.get("check").level %> <%= result.get("check").type %>
<% }); %>
<% } %>