<!-- Icon column -->
<% if ( typeof type !== "undefined" && type !== null && type == "Metadata" ) { %>
    <% var indentFolder = nodeLevel * 40; %>
    <td class="type-icon">
        <i class="icon icon-chevron-down open toggle-rows" style="padding-left:<%=indentFolder %>px"></i>
        <i class="icon-large icon-folder-open"></i></td>

<% } else { %>
    <% var indentFile = (nodeLevel + 1) * 40; %>
    <td class="type-icon"><i class="icon-large icon-file" style="padding-left:<%=indentFile %>px"></i></td>

<% } %>

<!-- Files column -->

<td class="name" title="Click to rename" >
    <% if(uploadStatus != "l" && uploadStatus != "p"){ %>
    	<div contenteditable="true">
    <% } else { %>
    <% } %>
	        <% if (typeof title != "undefined" && title && title.length) { %>
	            <%= title %>
	        <% } else if ( typeof fileName != "undefined" && fileName) { %>
	            <%= fileName %>
	        <% } else if(type == "Metadata"){ %>
	            Untitled dataset
	        <% } else { %>
	            <%= id %>
	        <% } %>

<!-- Size column -->
<% if ( typeof sizeStr != "undefined" && sizeStr ) { %>
    <td class="size"><%= sizeStr %></td>

<% } else {%>
    <td class="size"><%= size %></td>

<% } %>
<!-- Type column -->
<% if (type && type != "Metadata") { %>
    <td class="type"><%= type %></td>
<% } else { %>
    <td class="type"></td>

<% } %>

<!-- Privacy/Sharing column -->
<% if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges") && (type && type != "Metadata") ){ %>
  <td class="sharing">
    <input type="checkbox" name="Make data private" value="true" class="private" />
<% }
   else if( MetacatUI.appModel.get("allowAccessPolicyChanges") ){ %>
<% } %>

<!-- Guide or Status column -->
<td class="status">
	<%  if( uploadStatus == "p" ){ %>
		<div class="progress progress-striped active">
			<div class="bar" style="width: <%=uploadProgress%>%;"></div>
	<% } else if( (!uploadStatus || uploadStatus == "c" || uploadStatus == "q") && type != "Metadata" && numAttributes == 0 ) { %>
		<i class="icon icon-circle-blank warning icon-large"></i>
	<% } else if( type != "Metadata" && numAttributes > 0 && hasInvalidAttribute ) { %>
		<i class="icon icon-exclamation-sign danger icon-large"></i>
	<% } else if( type != "Metadata" && numAttributes > 0 && !hasInvalidAttribute && entityIsValid ) { %>
		<i class="icon icon-ok-circle success icon-large"></i>
	<% } else if( type != "Metadata" && !entityIsValid ) { %>
		<i class="icon icon-exclamation-sign danger icon-large"></i>
	<% } else if( uploadStatus == "c" ) { %>
		<i class="icon icon-ok-circle success icon-large"></i>
	<% } else if( uploadStatus == "e" ) { %>
		<i class="icon icon-exclamation-sign danger error icon-large"></i>
	<% } else if( uploadStatus == "l" && type != "Metadata"){ %>
		<i class="icon icon-circle-blank icon-large"></i>
	<% } %>

<!-- Button column -->
<td class="controls">
        <% if ( typeof formatType !== "undefined" && formatType !== null && formatType.toLowerCase() === "metadata" ) { %>

          <input class="file-upload" type="file" multiple style="display:none; height: 0px; width: 0px" / >

          <button type="button" class="addFiles btn btn-primary" title="Add Files to this dataset">
              <i class="icon icon-large icon-plus icon-on-left"></i>
              <span>Add Files</span>

        <% }
        else { %>

         <div class="btn-group">
           <% if( hasInvalidAttribute || !entityIsValid ){ %>
             <button class="btn edit error">Describe</button>
           <%  } else if( (!uploadStatus || uploadStatus == "c" || uploadStatus == "q") && type != "Metadata" && numAttributes == 0 ){ %>
    			  <button class="btn edit warning" title="Describe this file and the data in it">Describe</button>
    			 <% } else { %>
    			 	<button class="btn edit" title="Describe this file and the data in it">Describe</button>
    			 <% } %>

    			 <button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
             <span class="caret"></span>

    			 <ul class="dropdown-menu">
						 <input class="file-replace" type="file" style="display:none; height: 0px; width: 0px" />

						 <% if (canReplace) { %>
							<li><a href="" class="replace replaceFile" title="Replace this file with another">Replace</a></li>
						 <% } else { %>
							<li><a href="" class="replace replaceFile muted disabled">Replace</a></li>
							<% } %>
    			   <li><a href="" class="remove removeFiles" title="Remove this file from the dataset">Remove</a></li>

        <% } %>