Regarding d1-trusted-certs.crt file ----------------------------------- This file must have a file extension on it (that matches what's in CertificateManager too, of course) for it to be found by getResourceAsStream() On the client side ------------------- -Get a CILogon certificate using the DataONE skin: -Supply a pkcs12 password we may try to do away with this -Note where the files are stored usually something like: /tmp/x509up_u503.p12 -The .p12 is a keystore and is the one we want to use (at this point). -Set the CertificateManager to use these two values (keystore name and password) -RestClient (and D1RestClient) will now be able to use CertificateManager to set up SSL connections On the server (Tomcat) side ---------------------------- -Generate a key/keystore for Tomcat to use (or import purchased cert for production systems) keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -validity 3650 -keystore /tmp/tomcat.keystore -Download the CILogon Basic CA cert -Import the CA cert into Tomcat's keystore keytool -import -alias cilogon_basic -file ~/Downloads/cilogon-silver.crt -keystore /tmp/tomcat.keystore -Configure the HTTPS connector to use the keystore and request client certificates