Referencing Content External to DataONE ======================================= .. contents:: Here "content external to DataONE" refers to data, metadata, or other information not accessible directly through the DataONE Member Node or Coordinating Node APIs. For example, a researcher may create a data package that contains the usual data and metadata objects, but would also like to provide a reference to additional data (the "external data") that can not be retrieved using the DataONE MNRead.get method. The external data is not synchronized by DataONE. There are two mechanisms for showing references to external content in the the DataONE Search UI, both rely on information stored in Science Metadata: 1. During rendering of metadata by stylesheet transformation. Some metadata formats have a mechanisms to reference arbitrary links to information outsie of the data package. 2. By reference to a Service through the ``service*`` index fields DataONE provides a mechanism where services related to a data package may be described within a metadata document contained in the data package. A reference to external content can be considered a simple type of service (e.g. a HTTP GET). The mechanisms for post processing allow for more control over the expression and reliability of such references through the service oriented metadata as opposed to a direct reference to an arbitrary location with poorly defined characteristics. Content creators are thus encouraged to leverage the servie description mechanism when there is a need to reference content external to DataONE from a data package. Index Fields ------------ The solr index in DataONE acts as a common representation of metadata for synchronized content. Content of the various formats of Science Metadata is mapped to index fields using various parsing and processing rules. The index fields relevant to external content are: =================== =================================================== Field Description =================== =================================================== isService Set to true if document is a member node service description document. Use to filter search results for to exclude or include member node services. serviceTitle A brief, human readable descriptive title for the member node service. serviceDescription A human readable description of the member node service to assist discovery and to evaluate applicability. serviceType The type of service being provided by the member node. serviceCoupling One of 'tight', 'mixed', or 'loose'. Tight coupled service work only on the data described by this metadata document. Loose coupling means service works on any data. Mixed coupling means service works on data described by this metadata document but may work on other data. serviceEndpoint A URL that indicates how to access the member node service. serviceInput Aspect of the service that accepts a digital entity. Either a list of DataONE formatId URLs or PID RESOLVE URLs that the member node service operates on. A pid RESOLVE URL indicates a 'tight' coupled service - while a list of formatIds indicates a loose coupled service. serviceOutput Aspect of the service that provides a digital entity resulting from operation of the service. A listing of DataONE formatId which this member node service produces. =================== =================================================== Use of Index Fields in Search UI -------------------------------- The DataONE `Search UI`_ uses the search index to populate user interface elements such as the data package view, which is shown when viewing a specific data package. For example:{1BDC13BA-A8C2-4787-8B77-4EB04AE6B416} Shows a table for "Alternate Data Access" which contains columns: ============= ======================= Column Index Field ============= ======================= Name serviceTitle Description serviceDescription Access Type serviceType URL serviceEndpoint ============= ======================= The Alternate Data Access table is shown if the index field ``isService`` is true. .. Search UI: Appearance of External Content in the Search UI ----------------------------------------------- .. TODO:: Mapping ISO-TC211 to Index Fields for Services ---------------------------------------------- The mapping from ISO-TC211 to the index fields is described at the generated `index documentation`_. An excerpt is repeated here with additional comments. (See application-context-isotc211-base.xml in the d1_index_task_processor project) In ISO 19119, services may be tightly or loosely-coupled to data they operate on and sit under the srv:SV_ServiceIdentification element. Or they may be limited to tightly-coupled distribution info and sit under the gmd:distributionInfo element. The solr fields may be populated either with one expression checking and/or concatenating both the srv:srv:SV_ServiceIdentification and gmd:distributionInfo locations (for example: isotc.isService or isotc.serviceCoupling) Or there may be 2 separate expressions for the different scenarios that affect the same field. (for example: sotc.serviceEndpoint and isotc.distribServiceEndpoint). Two expressions are only used for multivalue SolrFields; this way both results are added - both srv:SV_ServiceIdentification and gmd:distributionInfo subelements are indexed). .. index documentation: isService ~~~~~~~~~ Checks for existence of either srv service description OR distribution "service" info. :: boolean(//srv:SV_ServiceIdentification or //gmd:distributionInfo/gmd:MD_Distribution) serviceCoupling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The srv location can explicitly set this and if set will override distributionInfo. The serviceCoupling will set: * 'loose' coupling if srv:SV_CouplingType is loose * 'tight' coupling if srv:SV_CouplingType is tight * 'tight' coupling if distribution service info exists and srv:SV_CouplingType doesn't / is unspecified, empty if neither exists :: concat( substring ( 'loose', 1 div boolean( //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:couplingType /srv:SV_CouplingType /@codeListValue = 'loose' ) ), substring ( 'tight', 1 div boolean( //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:couplingType /srv:SV_CouplingType /@codeListValue = 'tight' ) ), substring( 'tight', 1 div boolean( //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution and not( //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:couplingType /srv:SV_CouplingType /@codeListValue ) ) ), substring( '', 1 div boolean( not( //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:couplingType /srv:SV_CouplingType /@codeListValue ) and not( //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution ) ) ) ) serviceTitle ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This combines the srv service title with the distribution "service" info's titles. :: ( //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /gmd:citation /gmd:CI_Citation /gmd:title /gco:CharacterString | //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:distributor /gmd:MD_Distributor /gmd:distributorTransferOptions /gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions /gmd:onLine /gmd:CI_OnlineResource /gmd:name /gco:CharacterString )/text() serviceDescription ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: ( //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /gmd:abstract /gco:CharacterString | //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:distributor /gmd:MD_Distributor /gmd:distributorTransferOptions /gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions /gmd:onLine /gmd:CI_OnlineResource /gmd:description /gco:CharacterString )/text() serviceType ~~~~~~~~~~~ Both are evaluated / indexed, checking the srv and distributionInfo locations for a service type. :: //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:serviceType /gco:LocalName /text() //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:distributor /gmd:MD_Distributor /gmd:distributorTransferOptions /gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions /gmd:onLine /gmd:CI_OnlineResource /gmd:protocol /gco:CharacterString /text() serviceEndpoint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both are evaluated / indexed, checking the srv and distributionInfo locations for service endpoints. :: //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:containsOperations /srv:SV_OperationMetadata /srv:connectPoint /gmd:CI_OnlineResource /gmd:linkage /gmd:URL /text() //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:distributor /gmd:MD_Distributor /gmd:distributorTransferOptions /gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions /gmd:onLine /gmd:CI_OnlineResource /gmd:linkage/gmd:URL/text() | //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:transferOptions /gmd:MD_DigitalTransferOptions /gmd:onLine /gmd:CI_OnlineResource /gmd:linkage /gmd:URL /text() serviceInput ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both are evaluated / indexed, checking the srv and distributionInfo locations for service input. :: //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /srv:operatesOn /@xlink:href //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:distributor /gmd:MD_Distributor /gmd:distributorTransferOptions /@xlink:href serviceOutput ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both are evaluated / indexed, checking the srv and distributionInfo locations for service output. :: //srv:SV_ServiceIdentification /gmd:resourceFormat /@xlink:href //gmd:distributionInfo /gmd:MD_Distribution /gmd:distributor /gmd:MD_Distributor /gmd:distributorFormat /gmd:MD_Format /gmd:version /gco:CharacterString /text() Mapping of EML to Index Fields for Services ------------------------------------------- (See application-context-eml-base.xml) The EML spec is limited in what info it can hold about services. EML holds no elements that correspond to these fields:: ServiceType SerivceInput ServiceOutput ServiceCoupling So info about these can't be indexed. Supported fields are below: isService ~~~~~~~~~ Checks for the presence of a distribution url. :: boolean(//software/implementation/distribution/online/url) ServiceTitle ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fetches the software title. :: //software/title//text()[normalize-space()] ServiceDescription ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fetches the software abstract. :: //software/abstract//text()[normalize-space()] ServiceEndpoint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fetches the distribution url. :: //software/implementation/distribution/online/url/text()