DataONE Overview

The major goal of NSFs `DataNet program`_ is to catalyze development of a
system addressing the vision outlined in Chapter 3 (Data, Data Analysis, and
Visualization) of NSF’s `Cyberinfrastructure Vision`_ for 21st Century
Discovery in which “science and engineering digital data are routinely
deposited in well-documented form, are regularly and easily consulted and
analyzed by specialists and non-specialists alike, are openly accessible while
suitably protected, and are reliably preserved.” The DataNet project DataONE_
(Data Observation Network for Earth) is a federated data network built to
improve access to Earth science data, and to support science by: 

  1. engaging the relevant science, data, and policy communities; 

  2. facilitating easy, secure, and persistent storage of data;

  3. disseminating integrated and user-friendly tools for data discovery,
     analysis, visualization, and decision-making.

.. image:: images/ReferenceArchitecture.png

*Figure 1.* An overview of the major components of the DataONE architecture.

  .. image:: images/core_components.png
  @startuml images/core_components.png
  package ITK {
  [Member Node]
  [Coordinating Node]
  [lib_client] .. [lib_common]
  [Member Node] .. [lib_common]
  [Coordinating Node] .. [lib_common]

There are three major components in the DataONE infrastructure: Member Nodes
which represent data repositories, Coordinating Nodes which serve data
management and discovery services, and the Investigator Toolkit which contains
a variety of end user tools for interacting with the infrastructure.

Participation in the DataONE infrastructure as a Member Node or by using the
Investigator Toolkit (i.e. implementing or utilizing DataONE service
interfaces) provides several fundamental services upon which additional
infrastructure, services, applications and communities may be built. These
core, community building services include:

- promotion of data preservation through automated replication of data and

- support for arbitrary globally unique identifiers with guaranteed resolution
  and dereferencing

- extensible search and discovery services

- federated management of user identities and access control

  [[ Member Node APIs diagram ]]

Member Nodes are primarily existing data repositories (e.g. the `Knowledge
Network for Biodiversity`_, `ORNL DAAC`_, `Partnership for Interdisciplinary
Studies of Coastal Oceans`_) that already fill an important role in their
respective communities supporting data management, curation, discovery and
access functions. There are two main technical aspects to Member Node
participation in DataONE - the service interfaces to be implemented (i.e. the
:doc:`Member Node APIs</apis/MN_APIs>`), and the content that is to be served.
At a fundamental level, all content in DataONE is treated as discrete,
immutable objects, each of which has a unique identifier. A Member Node would
be considered functionally complete if it were able to support the required
services interfaces for :term:`Tier 1` participation (i.e. public access, read
only content), and so enable the discovery of all objects available on the
Member Node (through :func:`MNRead.listObjects`), low level description of
each object (through :func:`MNRead.getSystemMetadata`), retrieval of the
object given it's identifier (:func:`MNRead.get`), and reporting of activity

There are basically three types of object being made available by Member Nodes
and processed by DataONE: :term:`data object`s, :term:`science metadata`
objects, and :term:`resource map documents`. Each of these are identifiable by
their unique identifier (PID), and each has associated System Metadata which
describes the type, size, and so forth of the object.

:term:`Data objects` are treated as opaque blobs. The object availability is
registered by the coordinating nodes, and the blob is retrievable via the
:func:`MNRead.get` method given its identifier.

:term:`Science metadata` objects are metadata documents such as EML, FGDC,
ISO19115 and so forth that provide metadata describing some data object(s).
These are represented in XML according to their respective schema.

:term:`Resource map` documents describe the relationships between data and
metadata - they are basically RDF documents that conform to the OAI-ORE

From an object or class inheritance perspective, science metadata and resource
maps might be considered specializations of the data object type in that more
functionality is provided to DataONE by those types of object.

From a purely technical perspective, a Member Node may be completely
functional and not provide any metadata or resource map documents. It will
mean that the content provided will not be discoverable through the search

Member Nodes may implement a subset of the full suite of :doc:`Member Node
APIs</apis/MN_APIs>`, and in this way participate in the network with minimal
effort (e.g. as a "read only" or :term:`Tier 1` Member Node). Member Nodes
that implement the full suite of APIs (a :term:`Tier 4` Member Node) will be
able to accept data from other Member Nodes which in turn assists with data
preservation by ensuring multiple copies of all content are available, thus
reducing the risk that content will be lost or inaccessible if a Member Node
should go offline.

Member Nodes may eventually number in the thousands as progressively smaller
repositories come online, perhaps even to the level of individual labs
deploying their own Member Node to take advantage of the broad infrastructure
enabled by DataONE.

  [[ Coordinating Node APIs diagram ]]

Coordinating Nodes make critical services available through the
:doc:`APIs</apis/CN_APIs>` that enable identifier resolution, data
preservation, data discovery, and supplement the federated identity system.
Coordinating Nodes replicate all content between themselves, an in doing so
create a small set (3-6 nodes) of geographically and institutionally isolated
systems that ensure ongoing operation of the infrastructure should any
particular node be inaccessible. Coordinating Nodes maintain complete copies
of all science metadata (detailed descriptions of science data objects and
collections) and system metadata (low level metadata describing the type,
size, ownership, and locations of data and) and index this information to
enable data discovery services.

  [[ ITK APIs and components diagram ]]

Investigator Toolkit is a suite of software libraries, tools, and applications
that support interaction with the DataONE infrastructure through the
:doc:`REST</apis/REST_interface>` service APIs exposed by the
:doc:`Coordinating</apis/CN_APIs>` and :doc:`Member</apis/MN_APIs>` Nodes. Low
level libraries are initially available in Python and Java which assist
application developers to take advantage of the core services exposed by
DataONE participants. For example, an R plugin has been developed using the
Java library. Enabling this plugin within a R script enables discovery,
retrieval, and storage of content directly in the DataONE infrastructure.
Similar extensions are being developed for workflow tools such as Kepler,
VisTrails and Science Pipes to enable interaction with the core DataONE

The DataONE infrastructure was released for public use in July 2012 and at
that point supported identifier resolution, content discovery and retrieval
and the federated identity management infrastructure. The replication service
was implemented with release 1.1 of the infrastructure which occurred in May
of 2013 and completed the core services of the infrastructure.

.. _DataNet program:

.. _Cyberinfrastructure Vision:

.. _DataONE:

.. _Dryad:

.. _Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans:

.. _Knowledge Network for Biodiversity:


.. _NBII Metadata Clearing House: