  @startuml images/log-aggregation-activity.png
    skinparam {
  	titleFofntColor black
		titleFontSize 16
		titleFontStyle normal
		titleFontName Lucida Bright
  title: Log Aggregation Overview
  (*) -down-> Initialization
  -down-> recover recent data from other CNs
  -down-> Register log index top listener
  -down-> register systemmetadata listener
  -down-> Loop through MNs
  if "More MNs to harvest" then
  -down->[true] "get log records from MN"
  -down-> "add data from systemmetadata"
  -down-> "add location data"
  -down-> send entries to Solr
  -right-> Loop through MNs
  -->[false] ===foo===

  ===foo=== -down-> (*)

  @startuml images/log-aggregation-sequence.png
  skinparam {
  	sequenceTitleFontColor black
		sequenceTitleFontSize 16
		sequenceTitleFontStyle normal
		sequenceTitleFontName Lucida Bright
	title: Log Aggregation Processing
	LogAggregationScheduleMananger -> LogAggregationScheduleMananger : addHarvest()
	activate LogAggregationScheduleMananger
	LogAggregationScheduleMananger -> LogAggregationHarvestJob : execute()
	deactivate LogAggregationScheduleMananger
	activate LogAggregationHarvestJob
	LogAggregationHarvestJob -> LogAggregatorTask : call()
	deactivate LogAggregationHarvestJob
	activate LogAggregatorTask
	LogAggregatorTask -> LogAggregatorTask : retrieve()
	LogAggregatorTask -> MNode : getLogRecords()
	activate MNode
	MNode -> LogAggregatorTask : Log
	deactivate MNode
	LogAggregatorTask -> "hzLogEntryTopic : ITopic" : publish(solrItemList)
		deactivate LogAggregatorTask
	activate "hzLogEntryTopic : ITopic"
	deactivate MNode
	"hzLogEntryTopic : ITopic" -> LogEntryTopicListener : onMessage()
	deactivate "hzLogEntryTopic : ITopic"
	activate LogEntryTopicListener
	LogEntryTopicListener -> indexLogEntryQueue
	deactivate LogEntryTopicListener
	activate indexLogEntryQueue
	indexLogEntryQueue -> indexLogEntryQueue : offer()
  indexLogEntryQueue -> indexLogEntryQueue : poll()
	indexLogEntryQueue -> LogEntryQueueTask
	deactivate indexLogEntryQueue
	activate LogEntryQueueTask
	LogEntryQueueTask -> LogEntryIndexTask : call()
	deactivate LogEntryQueueTask
	activate LogEntryIndexTask
	LogEntryIndexTask -> solrServer : addbeans()
	deactivate LogEntryIndexTask
  @startuml images/systemmetadata-listener-activity.png
    skinparam {
  	titleFofntColor black
		titleFontSize 16
		titleFontStyle normal
		titleFontName Lucida Bright
  title: System Metadata Listener
  (*) -down-> sysmeta entry added
  -down-> ===process_sysmeta===
  (*) -down-> sysmeta entry updated
   --> ===process_sysmeta===
  -down-> retrieve Solr entries for updated/added pid
  -down-> update permission fields
  -down-> update location fields
  -down-> update spatial field
  -down-> publish to index processing queue

Log Aggregation Overview


   See subversion log for revision information. 


The Log Aggregation Facility (LAF) harvests event log information from all Member Nodes registered with a Coordinating Node 
and aggregates this information into a Solr index that contains information from all member nodes. The Solr index can 
be queried to create reports of usage statistics for the DataONE network or individual Member Nodes.
A description of the data harvested from MNs is described here: `<LoggingSchema.html>`_

LAF relies on several
technologies: Quartz Scheduler, Hazelcast Data Distribution, Metacat 
Repository Storage, and the Solr Search platform.

The DataONE use cases are described here:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


An overview of LAF processing is shown in *Figure 1: Log Aggregation Overview*

*Figure 1.* Log Aggregation Overview

.. figure:: images/log-aggregation-activity.png


LAF software is installed from the dataone-cn-processdaemon and dataone-cn-solr Debian packages.

LAF is started when the Unix service /etc/init.d/d1_processing is launched.
LogAggregationScheduleManager is initialized by Spring when d1_processing runs the bootstrap class org.dataone.cn.batch.daemon.SchedulerDaemon.
All LAF related beans are configured in /etc/dataone/process/applicationContext.xml.

LAF does not require any manual configuration before it can be run, however Metacat must be installed and configured before LAF starts.

Several LDAP attributes are used to control the execution of LAF, so 
if necessary the following LDAP entries can be manually edited to alter execution of LAF. This may be useful for testing purposes. Table 1 shows
the LDAP attributes in the directory dc=dataone,dc=org,cn=urn:node:<nodeName> directory that LAF uses

*Table 1* LDAP entries

    =======================  =============  =======================================
    Attribute Name           Value          Purpose
    =======================  =============  =======================================
    d1NodeAggregateLogs      TRUE or FALSE  Enable/Disable this node for harvesting
    d1NodeLogLastAggregated  ISO 8601 date  Last time this MN was harvested
    =======================  =============  =======================================  

Log Recovery Processing
The Java class LogAggregationScheduleManager coordinates all scheduling of jobs for LAF. This class first checks if any other CN has more 
current log information and if so a recovery job is scheduled to query the other CNs for newer log records. 

Log Harvest Processing
Then LogAggregationScheduleManager schedules recurring Quartz job (every 24 hours) for LogAggregationHarvestJob which handles running the
tasks that harvest log data from the MNs.

Next a Hazelcast listener is registered for the top thehzLogEntryTopic. When log entries are returned from MNs they will posted to
Hazelcast so that they are distributed to every CN.

A Hazelcast systemmetadata listener is also registered so that certain changes to mutable systemmetata fields (see System Metadata
Updates for details).

The queue indexLogEntryQueue is then setup when the listener LogEntryTopicListener is called. This queue is how tasks that perform the log aggregation
and tasks that perform the log indexing communicate. 

LogAggregationHarvestJob runs the task LogAggregatorTask that queries each MN by calling mn.getLogRecords and retrieving up to 1000 event log records at a 
time, starting after the last date retrieved that was recorded by the last run, if any.

LogAggregatorTask then modifies
each harvested record by adding the following fields: isPublic, dateAggregated, nodeId, readPermissions, formatId, formatType, size,
rightsHolder, country, region, city, geohash_1 - geohash_9, location. These records are then published to the Hazelcast topic
hzLogEntryTopic so that each CN that is running LAF will have it's LogEntryTopicListener fire, which published them to the queue indexLogEntryQueue.
In this way one CN harvests a single MN at a time, and the processing of those records is synced with the other CNs. 

On the indexing side of processing, LogEntryQueuManager is initialized by Spring when d1_processing init script is run executes
the task LogEntryQueueTask that reads and processes entries from the logEntrySolrItemList when this queue has accumulated 100 entries.

LogEntryQueueTask then starts task LogEntryIndexTask which sends entries to Solr for indexing.

*Figure 2.* Log Aggregation Processing

.. figure:: images/log-aggregation-sequence.png

System Metadata Updates
In addition to processing harvested records, when an entry in the Hazelcast Systemmetadata map is added or updated, 
SystemMetadataEntryListener runs. This may happen when one of the mutable fields in systemmetadata changes, such as
formatId. In this event, all event log records for that pid must be updated, so SystemMetadataEntryListener
retrieves these records, updates them with the current information in systemmetadata and then updates
the entries and then publishes them to the IndexLogEntrySolrItem queue, so that they are processed in the same
way as new Event Log records.

*Figure 3.* System Metadata Listener

.. figure:: images/systemmetadata-listener-activity.png

Solr Index
Table 2 shows the fields contained in the Event Log Solr index 

*Table 2.* Solr index schema

.. include:: EventLogIndexSchema.txt
Solr Query Processing

The Event Log Solr index can be queried from the service endpoint https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/query/logsolr, for example, the following query
will return read counts for each node in the network:



The Event Log Solr index requires authenticated access, because some fields in the log entries contain sensitive information, as
shown in *Table 2*. 

Solr queries are inspected and rewritten by SolrLoggingHandler such that counts for Solr entries will be included only if the entries are
publicly accessible, or the user is a CN administrator or the caller's identify has access privileges to the pids of the entries.

If the requesting session has a certificate then a list of authorized subjects is obtained from LDAP and access is based on
the authorized subjects. Since the Solr index contains access information from systemmetadata, the same access rules that apply to
systemmetadata will apply to the event log. 

If the authenticated user is the CN administrator then the entire contents of each SOLR document are available in the SOLR result.

Example Queries

A description of how to query the Event Log Solr Index, please see the document `<UsageStatistics.html>`_.