Warning: These documents are under active development and subject to change (version 2.1.0-beta).
The latest release documents are at: https://purl.dataone.org/architecture

Supporting Online Citation Managers through COinS

OpenURL COinS (Context Objects in Spans) is a simple specification for publishing OpenURL references in HTML. DataONE can leverage this mechanism as a simple way to facilitate automated citation extraction from search results for example.

Example, manually generated from the COinS generator at http://generator.ocoins.info/ :

Key SOLR Field Value
ctx_ver N/A Z39.88-2004
rfr_id N/A info:sid/ocoins.info:generator
rft_val_fmt N/A info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dc
rft.title title eBird Reference Data Set Subsampled Demonstration Data
rft.creator contactOrganization | investigator Cornell Lab of Ornithology
rft.subject keywords eBird
rft.description abstract Data used by the DataONE Exploration, Visualization, and Analysis working group for predicting spatially and temporally explicit bird migration patterns.
rft.publisher datasource http://knb-mn.dataone.org
rft.date endDate 2011-01-01
rft.type N/A Dataset
rft.format objectFormat eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.1.0
rft.identifier identifier erd.368.1
rft.source http://cn.dataone.org/cn/object/{IDENTIFIER} http://cn.dataone.org/cn/object/erd.368.1
rft.coverage westBoundCoord, southBoundCoord, northBoundCoord, eastBoundCoord POLYGON((-83.25 35.875, -83.25 46.75, -69.125 46.75, -69.125 35.875))
( NBC =  46.75
  EBC = -69.125
  WBC = -83.25
  SBC =  35.875 )

with a resulting COinS tag of:

      (Insert Default Text Here)