Member Node APIs

The service interfaces described here are exposed through the Member
Node REST interface to support interactions with Coordinating Nodes and DataONE

The following table provides a list of API methods exposed by Member


  The tier in which a method is grouped.


  Version of API method is available. The lowest version number indicates when
  the method was added. A version number in parentheses indicates the method is
  available in that version and is unchanged from the previous version. If more
  than one version number is present, then the method signature or functionality
  has changed between API versions. e.g. "1.0, 2.0" indicates that the method
  was first introduced in Version 1.0 and has been modified in Version 2.0.


  The HTTP method and path relative to the Base URL. Parameters specified in the
  URL are indicatd by braces. Note that parameters included in a path MUST be
  properly path encoded, and parameters included as key, value pairs MUST also
  be properly encoded.


  The function name, associated with an API grouping.


  Indicates the parameters used when calling the method (sent in the message
  payload) and the return type.

  @startuml images/class_mn.png
  package MemberNode {
  package Tier1 {
     class MNCore {
       Boolean : ping()
       Log : getLogRecords()
     class MNRead {
     class MNQuery {
   package Tier2 {
     class MNAuthorization{
   package Tier3 {
     class MNStorage {
   package Tier4 {
     class MNReplication {

.. include:: generated/generated_MN_function_table.txt

Core API

.. module:: MNCore
   :synopsis: Base operations for Member Nodes

The *MN_core* API provides mechanisms for a Member Node to report on the level
of service compliance and to specify replication policies. The capabilities
information is used in the Member Node registration process by the
Coordinating Nodes.

The state of health API provides mechanisms for the monitoring infrastructure 
to report on the current state of the DataONE infrastructure and for the
Coordinating Nodes to track the current operating state of the Member Node.

.. include:: generated/generated_MNCore.txt

Read API

.. module:: MNRead
   :synopsis: Provide tier 1 operations for sharing content from a Member Node.

The *MNRead* API implements methods that enable object management
operations on a :term:`Member Node`.  

.. include:: generated/generated_MNRead.txt

Query API

.. module:: MNQuery
   :synopsis: An optional tier 1 API for Member Node support of local query.

The *MNQuery* API is an optional API that may be implemented by Member Nodes
that intend to support querying the local repository. The actual form of the
query is undefined, and t is expected that a small set of well known query
engine types will be supported.

.. include:: generated/generated_MNQuery.txt

View API

.. module:: MNView
   :synopsis: An optional tier 1 API for Member Node support of metadata and data views.

The *MNView* API is an optional API that may be implemented by Member Nodes
that intend to support providing rendered views of content on their repository. Each repository can implement multipe themed views of their content, each accesed using the name of the theme and the identifier of the content to be viewed.  Unlike the MNRead service, which returns the exact bytes of content, the MNView service provides a rendered view of the content which can transform the content into different formats.  The most common use of the view service will likely be to provide a rendered HTML landing page at a well-known URL that can be used to provide a human-readable view of metadata and data.  Other potential uses include providing alternative formats for metadata and data.  Each Member Node that implements the MNView service must implement at least one theme named 'default' which provides the default view of all content.  Other themes can be provided for use by various clients.

.. include:: generated/generated_MNView.txt

Package API

.. module:: MNPackage
   :synopsis: An optional tier 1 API for Member Node support of downloads of whole packages. 

The *MNPackage* API is an optional API that may be implemented by Member Nodes
that intend to support downloading all of the contents of a data package in a single API call. Without this service, a client application must individually retrieve each of the metadata and data components of a package as they are listed in the ORE document that describes the package.  Using the MNPackage service, a caller can instead request a serialized form of all of the data in a package, which is returned in the format requested.  All implementations must support the BagIt format specification, but may also support additional well-defined packaging standards and specifications.

.. include:: generated/generated_MNPackage.txt

Authorization API

.. module:: MNAuthorization
   :synopsis: Authorization and access control operations for Member Nodes

Provides mechanisms Member Nodes to verify access to resources for users
(:term:`subject`). See the document :doc:`/design/Authentication` for more
details on some authentication options.

.. include:: generated/generated_MNAuthorization.txt

Storage API

.. module:: MNStorage
   :synopsis: Methods for manipulating (changing) content on a Member Node

.. include:: generated/generated_MNStorage.txt

Replication API

The Replication API provides methods to support CN-directed replication of
content between MNs.

.. module:: MNReplication
   :synopsis: Handles CN directed replication of content between Member Nodes.

.. include:: generated/generated_MNReplication.txt