To install mercury under Ubuntu , XXX-------- BELOW is not needed anymore since build now includes working version --------XXX checkout or copy the dataone-cn-mercury to a local dir edit the control file for your local configuration ( machine type and pre-requisites) - or wait for error and then edit them. Change back to where the dataone-cn-mercury directory was copied to and sudo dpkg-deb -b dataone-cn-mercury sudo dpkg -i dataone-cn-mercury.deb After apache / tomcat / mysql / dataone-cn-mercury are installed with no errors, verify tomcat & apache are accessible, then XXX----- AND MAY NOT NEED ANY OF THE REST OF THIS EITHER ---XXX login as root user to mysql. // change root pw below to suit environment mysql -u root -ppassword pw=dataone create database mercury3_harvests_datanet; use mercury3_harvests_datanet; create user mercuryuser identified by 'mercury3user'; grant all privileges on *.* to mercuryuser@localhost identified by 'mercury3user' ; To harvest and Index metadata files, change to the local mercury dev directory cd /var/mercury/mercury_dev/datanet XXX----- YOU DO NOT NEED TO RUN UPDATE.SH, BUT CURRENTLY IT HAS SOME COMMENTED OUT CODE THAT WILL NEED TO BE RUN SEPARATELY FROM THE COMMAND LINE FOR MERCURY POPULATION ---XXX run With some more luck, http://localhost/mercury3 should now give us usable data. for the Harvest_dataone.jar executable the parameters are : instance, source, debug, htmlurl. instance name of the directory for locating the data files source specifies data source directory for walking. Can be used to automatically walk multiple directories if the application is configured entirely from a properties file. Otherwise, defaults to a single value specified on the command line. debug flag when set to "debug", writes debugging information. else, not. htmlurl used as switch for selecting XPATH for file location saved in the harvestInfo and transformedFiles tables