Node Registration / Update Script ================================= :Document Status: ========= ================================================================== Status Comment ========= ================================================================== DRAFT (CSJ) Initial draft REVIEWED (RN) clarified the dependency on xmlstarlet ========= ================================================================== Node Registration Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Member Node operators will often use the CN API calls within languages such as Java and Python to register a node and update it's capabilities. However, this can also be done using a simple bash script that depends on curl_ and optionally xmlstarlet_ (for friendlier display of responses) being installed on your workstation. DataONE maintains a number of bash scripts in the d1_client_bash_ project, and the d1noderegister_ script is one of those scripts. .. _curl: .. _xmlstarlet: .. _d1_client_bash: .. _d1noderegister: To use this script to register a Member Node in a DataONE environment, copy the script into a file called `d1noderegister`, and ensure that the file is executable. On Mac and Linux (Windows via Cygwin), this can be done with the following commands: :: $ curl -k -o d1noderegister \ "" $ chmod +x ./d1noderegister To see the options for the command, use the `-h flag`: :: $ ./d1noderegister -h An example of simple usage would be: :: $ ./d1noderegister -f node.xml -b -E client.pem The above command would register the MN described by the node.xml document with the DataONE development environment, using the concatenated client SSL certificate and key issued to the MN by DataONE. See the `example node document`_ that shows some typical Tier 1 Member Node values, using the USGSCSAS node values. .. _`example node document`: Update Node Capabilities Script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once a node has been registered in an environment, there are times during ongoing operations that the Node information needs to be updated. For instance, for scheduled system maintenance, a Member Node may be unavailable for a short time, and the Node.state should be set to `down` to reflect the temporary outage. To update a node using bash simple script, use the d1nodeupdate_ utility. Copy the script into a file called `d1nodeupdate`, and ensure that the file is executable. On Mac and Linux (Windows via Cygwin), this can be done with the following commands: :: $ curl -k -o d1nodeupdate \ "" $ chmod +x ./d1nodeupdate To see the options for the command, use the `-h flag`: :: $ ./d1nodeupdate -h An example of simple usage would be: :: $ ./d1nodeupdate -f node.xml -b -E client.pem The above command would update the MN described by the node.xml document with the DataONE development environment, using the concatenated client SSL certificate and key issued to the MN by DataONE. .. _d1nodeupdate: