[% IF recipient_status == 'moderator' %]
Ecological Society of America moderator notice:

[% IF stage == 'mod_accept' %]

You have accepted the metadata entry for: 
Title: [% dpTitle %]
Document ID: [% docid %]
Creator: [% contactName %]  
This part of the article's submission process is now complete.  
To view this document, login at [% contextUrl %] and click the View Submissions link.

[% ELSIF stage == 'mod_decline' %]		

You have rejected the metadata entry for: 
Title: [% dpTitle %]
Document ID: [% docid %]
Creator: [% contactName %]
This entry is no longer being considered for publication. Your comments 
(if any) on the reason for the rejection are listed below. 
Your Comments:
[% comment %]

[% ELSIF stage == 'mod_revise' %]

You have sent back for review the metadata entry for: 
Title: [% dpTitle %]
Document ID: [% docid %]
Creator: [% contactName %]
Your comments on the areas that could be improved are noted below. 
To view this document, login at [% contextUrl %] and click the View Submissions link.
Your Comments:
[% comment %]

[% ELSIF stage == 'confirmed' %]
[% IF function == 'modified' %]
The following document has been modified and is awaiting review:
[% ELSE %]
The following document has been submitted and is awaiting review:
[% END %]
Title: [% dpTitle %]
[% IF function == 'modified' %]
Document ID: [% fullDocid %]
[% ELSE %]
Document ID: [% docid %]
[% END %]
Creator: [% contactName %]
To review this document, login at [% contextUrl %] and click the View Submissions link.

[% END %]
[% ELSIF recipient_status == 'user' %]
[% IF stage == 'mod_accept' %]

Dear [% contactName %],
We are happy to inform you that the metadata entry for your article submission,
[% dpTitle %], has been accepted.  This part of the submission process is now
Your metadata entry can be cited in the future as a LSID (Life Science ID), and will be
viewable online at [% metacatUrl %]?action=read&qformat=esa&docid=[% docid %] after publication.  
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Ecological Society of America
[% ELSIF stage == 'mod_decline' %]

Dear [% contactName %],
We are sorry to inform you that the metadata entry for your article submission,
[% dpTitle %], has been rejected.  The comments of your reviewer (if any) may be
seen at the bottom of this message.  We hope that you will submit more research for
review in the future.
The Ecological Society of America
If this metadata entry was not made as part of an article submission to ESA:
This metadata registry is only for entries associated with articles for ESA
publications.  For those wishing to make public metadata entries not associated with
ESA, there is a metadata registry available to the greater scientific community at
Reviewer's Comments:
[% comment %]

[% ELSIF stage == 'mod_revise' %]

Dear [% contactName %],
Upon review, we feel that the metadata entry for your article submission,
[% dpTitle %], is still missing some relevant information.  Please read the
reviewer's comments below for any suggested additions and changes.  You are strongly
encouraged to go back and address these issues with your entry.  
To view this document, login at [% contextUrl %] and click the My Submissions link.
The Ecological Society of America
Reviewer's Notes:
[% comment %]
[% ELSIF stage == 'confirmed' %]
Dear [% contactName %],

The following document has been submitted and is awaiting review:
Title: [% dpTitle %]
Document ID: [% docid %]
Creator: [% contactName %]
To view and/or edit this document, login at [% contextUrl %] and click the My Submissions link.
You will be notified by email once this document has been reviewed.
The Ecological Society of America
[% END %]
[% END %]