<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<egq:query queryId="test.1.1" system="http://knb.ecoinformatics.org" 
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://ecoinformatics.org/query-1.0.1 ../../src/xsd/query.xsd">
    <namespace prefix="eml">eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.0.0</namespace>

    <!-- request the return fields -->
    <title>metadata query for Eco Models</title>

    <!-- This example queries all files under a given collection. -->

       <!-- The 'mdasCollectionName' is a reserved SRB env atttribute to tell SRB the 
            collection to start search. For recursive search (i.e. for all sub-collections, 
            apeend a '%' after the collection name.  
            If 'mdasCollectionHome' is not specified, the search will start from root 
            collection, which is '/home'. 

       <condition operator="LIKE" concept="mdasCollectionName">/home/hlcurator.lter/MODIS/Andrews</condition> 
       <condition operator="LIKE" concept="file name">%</condition>
