d1_libclient_java design notes

The d1_libclient_java library contains classes pertaining to two 
main areas: 
A) Messaging - providing implementations of DataONEs RESTful Service APIs
B) Client-Side Tools - providing routines to simplify client-side 

The main responsibility of classes and abstractions involved in messaging
is to provide the implementation classes for the java interfaces that mirror
the RESTful DataONE API.

D1 APIs specify RESTful 
The classes and abstractions involved in messaging follow Messaging functionality is modeled after the service implementation, in 
that Nodes implement the set of methods for a service API, such as v1.MN_Read,
and the class instance that implement the v1/MN_Read api is specific to the 
1) Nodes, which offer services
2) REST + MIME-multipart-mixed messaging for the service methods
3) schema-defined datatypes for information transfer
4) An authentication and authorization layer for controlling access
   to different objects and services
5) retrieval by 

4) Authentication and Authorization - the facilities used to determine who 
   can successfully use a given service.  The conceptual objects include:
 -a) Subjects, symbolic representations of different actors upon the DataONE environment
 -b) Persons - a DataONE identity representing a human being, containing email
     address(es), first and last name(s), a primary Subject, and equivalent Subjects.
 -c) Groups - a named collection of Subjects representing a group of individuals. 
 -d) Sessions - a collection of Persons & Groups, as well as state information that
     is used for Authentication and Authorization.  A Session is the connected 
     graph of equivalent Subjects that collectively represent an individual and 
     all of their Persons and the Groups they are a member of.

5) FormatTypes / ObjectFormats - FormatTypes are categories that determine how a 
     retrieved object is meant to work within DataONE, including its synchronization, 
     replication, and indexing behavior.  An ObjectFormat has 1 and only 1 FormatType
     associated with it.

Of these central concepts, d1_libclient_java concerns itself primarily with:
1) Nodes - providing classes that represent a Node's services
2) Methods - providing HTTP/S implementations matching the java service API to the REST API

3) Authentication and Authorization -   managing the client's session as  as Sessions, in the form of X509Certificates

4) Environments - not modeled  by DataONE, but a de-facto concept 
   resulting from the existence of the different independent test environments 

as well as client-side tools and features such as:
5) caching - an optional facility to spare redundant requests to nodes on
   immutable content
6) formats - a local cache of object formats known by DataONE at the
   time of its release, along with associated mime-type mappings. 
7) tools for creation and parsing, especially ResourceMaps.

Messaging Design:
d1_libclient_java implements the service interfaces defined in d1_common_java.  
Where appropriate, these interfaces provide for authentication and authorization
by including the Session as a method parameter. the methods with the Session Sessions in the method calls,
but do not parameterize the Node, since services are implemented by Nodes,
and so the Node becomes a property of the implementation classes.

In v1 d1_libclient_java,  A Method call to a Node using a particular Session

While the dataone architecture is defined as a REST API, it is protocol
neutral, so HTTP/S become implementation details of the REST API.

Similarly, while X509 certificates is currently the designated authentication
implementation, others are being considered, so TLS/SSL and certificates
are also implementations.

It would be advantageous to work with core concepts when using libclient_java
to interact with DataONE Nodes.  

node + method + session = unique response

CILogon sessions can connect to any server that trusts the certificate, so are
not specific to DataONE, nor to a DataONE environment.

for example:

Session session = SessionFactory.createCILogonSession();
CNode cn = NodeList

V1 impl:
- sessions not managed, but used
- D1Nodes are the organizing dimension, but not tied to an actual D1Node's
  service implementation.  
- Service APIs are ignored.
- api version was ignored.

V2 implementation deficiencies:
1. version handling