package org.dataone.client.auth; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class CertificateManagerObserverTest { @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { } @Test public void test() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final List observations = new LinkedList<>(); Observer obs = new Observer() { int i = 0; @Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { observations.add("observation: " + i++); } }; CertificateManager cm = CertificateManager.getInstance(); cm.setCertificateLocation(null); cm.addObserver(obs); //Certificate Manager is a singleton and the location was already set by a // previous Test cm.setCertificateLocation(null); assertTrue("1. Should not have received a notification when changing from null to null", observations.size()==0); cm.setCertificateLocation("/usr/local/fake"); assertTrue("2. Should have received a notification when changing from null to some fake location", observations.size()==1); cm.setCertificateLocation("/usr/local/fake"); assertTrue("3. Should not have received a notification when changing from some fake location to the same fake location", observations.size()==1); cm.setCertificateLocation("/usr/local/fake2"); assertTrue("4. Should receive a notification when changing from some fake location to a different fake location", observations.size()==2); cm.setCertificateLocation(null); assertTrue("5. Should receive a notification when changing from some fake location to null", observations.size()==3); File outputFile = File.createTempFile("certMan.test.", null); OutputStreamWriter osw = null; FileOutputStream os = null; try { os = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); osw = new OutputStreamWriter(os,"UTF-8"); osw.write("startingValue\n"); } finally { osw.flush(); osw.close(); os.flush(); os.close(); } String testFilePath = outputFile.getCanonicalPath(); cm.setCertificateLocation(testFilePath); assertTrue("6. Should receive a notification when changing from null to a real file", observations.size()==4); cm.setCertificateLocation(testFilePath); assertTrue("7. Should NOT receive a notification when changing a real file to the same real file", observations.size()==4); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos,"UTF-8"); osw.write("updatedContent\n"); } finally { osw.flush(); osw.close(); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } cm.setCertificateLocation(testFilePath); assertTrue("8. Should receive a notification when changing a real file to the same real file with new content", observations.size()==5); File theOutputFile = new File(testFilePath); theOutputFile.delete(); assertFalse("The deleted file should not exist", theOutputFile.exists()); cm.setCertificateLocation(testFilePath); assertTrue("9. Should receive a notification when changing a real file to the same real filename that is now missing", observations.size()==6); } }