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It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the objectLorg/junit/Test;5testIsAuthorized_NullPolicy_testGroup_is_RightsHolderQisAuthorized - test object has a null AccessPolicy and testGroup as rights holderthis test uses an object created with testGroup as the rights holder and a null AccessPolicy. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object0testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_Public_can_ReadcisAuthorized - test object has a public readable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holderthis test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has public readability enabled. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object;testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_AuthenticatedUser_can_ReadpisAuthorized - test object has an authenticated user readable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holderthis test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has readability enabled for an authenticated user. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object6testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_VerifiedUser_can_ReadkisAuthorized - test object has an verified user readable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holderthis test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has readability enabled for a verified user. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object4testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_testPerson_can_ReadeisAuthorized - test object has testPerson-readable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holderthis test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has readability enabled for the testPerson subject. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object5testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_testPerson_can_WritehisAuthorized - test object has an testPerson-writable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holder this test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has write permission enabled for the testPerson subject. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object:testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_testPerson_can_ChangePermjisAuthorized - test object has an testPerson-changeable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holder this test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has change permission enabled for the testPerson subject. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object3testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_testGroup_can_ReadgisAuthorized - test object has an testGroup-readable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holder this test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has read permission enabled for the testGroup subject. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object4testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_testGroup_can_WritegisAuthorized - test object has an testGroup-writable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holder this test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has write permission enabled for the testGroup subject. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object9testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_testGroup_can_ChangePermiisAuthorized - test object has an testGroup-changeable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holder this test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has change permission enabled for the testGroup subject. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object8testIsAuthorized_AccessPolicy_is_legacyAccount_can_WritelisAuthorized - test object has an legacy account writable AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holder this test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy that has write permission enabled for some legacy account. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the object buildTestFQDN&(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;cn(testIsAuthorized_ComplicatedAccessPolicyrrescomplicatedPolicy+Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessPolicy;disAuthorized - test object has a more complicated AccessPolicy and testRightsHolder as rights holderLthis test uses an object created with testRightsHolder as the rights holder and an AccessPolicy with read and write permission for testGroupie, read permission for testPerson, and write permission for testPerson and 'cc'. It runs a series of isAuthorized tests each with a different certificate / subject trying to access the objectprocureSpecialTestObject(Lorg/dataone/integration/adapters/CommonCallAdapter;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessPolicy;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;Z)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;jIkimismatchZsmd-Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/SystemMetadata;)Lorg/dataone/service/exceptions/NotFound; accessPolicy exactPolicy identifier!  Exceptions"#$%&'()*+,(Lorg/dataone/integration/adapters/CommonCallAdapter;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier; accessRulerightsHolderSubjectString SourceFile-AbstractAuthorizationTestImplementations.java - ./java/lang/InterruptedException 0 /assert client subject: %-30s is allowed to %-6sjava/lang/Object 1 2 _permission 34 56 78java/lang/StringBuilder 9: PASSED ('%s')% FAILED!! Expected: '%s' got: '%s'java/lang/StringBufferFailed 1 or more tests:  vs. the test item: ; <  9=> ? @A BCjava/lang/String  RightsHolder_.+_ DE\.[^.]*$. (null AccessPolicy & the RightsHolder = '%s').*\:_ FGM (item has accessRule where subject '%s' is allowed up to and including '%s')$org/dataone/service/types/v1/Subject H;'org/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule IJ KL'org/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier testPerson !org/dataone/service/types/v1/Node M  TierTesting: N OB:RightsHolder_testPerson P CN=testPerson,DC=dataone,DC=org Lijava/util/ArrayList Qtrue RS T UtestPerson_NoSubjectInfo testEQPerson1 testEQPerson3 testGroupie NotAuthorized testSubmitterpublictestPerson_ExpiredInvalidToken OR ServiceFailuretestPerson_SelfSignedFAILED!! V WX,org/dataone/service/exceptions/BaseException YZ[ \: ] ^java/lang/Exception _ `:RightsHolder_testGroupCN=testGroup,DC=dataone,DC=org abc de fStrue OR NotAuthorized testRightsHolder :Public_READ ghauthenticatedUser:Authenticated_READ verifiedUser:Verified_READNotAuthorized OR true:testPerson_READ:testPerson_WRITE:testPerson_CHANGE:testGroup_READ:testGroup_WRITE:testGroup_CHANGE%CN=someLegacyAcct,DC=somewhere,DC=org:legacyAcct_WRITECN=%s,DC=dataone,DC=org)org/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessPolicy AB'org/dataone/service/types/v1/Permissioni jk lmcc:ComplicatedPolicy LMuFAILED!! %s should be allowed %s access to %s. isAuthorized method did not process the 2nd or 3rd AccessRule. Got %s nFAILED!! %s should be allowed %s access to %s. isAuthorized method did not apply WRITE permission to 2nd Subject in the AccessRule. Got %s9FAILED!! %s should NOT be allowed %s access to %s. Got %sFAILED!! %s should be allowed %s access to %s. isAuthorized method did not apply WRITE permission to 2nd Permission in the AccessRule. Got %s op?procureTestObject: checking system metadata of requested objectq rs tu! vw xy4org/dataone/integration/TestIterationEndingException5returned object doesn't have the expected accessRules z{ |y }~ y Wthe AccessPolicy of the returned object doesn't match the one required. Got exception: 9Fthe AccessPolicy of the returned object doesn't match the one requiredfthe AccessPolicy of the returned object does not match requirements. The number of allowRules differs.'org/dataone/service/exceptions/NotFound b e  MNStorage +procureTestObject: calling createTestObject%CN=testRightsHolder,DC=dataone,DC=org  Zthe AccessRule of the returned object has either multiple subjects or multiple permissionsRthe AccessPolicy of the returned object is either null or has multiple AccessRules ( ====>>>>> pid of procured test Object: sWorg/dataone/integration/it/testImplementations/AbstractAuthorizationTestImplementations3org/dataone/integration/ContextAwareTestCaseDataonejava/util/Iterator2org/dataone/integration/adapters/CommonCallAdapter+org/dataone/service/types/v1/SystemMetadata+org/dataone/service/exceptions/InvalidToken-org/dataone/service/exceptions/ServiceFailure,org/dataone/service/exceptions/NotAuthorized2org/dataone/service/exceptions/IdentifierNotUnique.org/dataone/service/exceptions/UnsupportedType4org/dataone/service/exceptions/InsufficientResources4org/dataone/service/exceptions/InvalidSystemMetadata-org/dataone/service/exceptions/NotImplemented-org/dataone/service/exceptions/InvalidRequest$java/io/UnsupportedEncodingException0org/dataone/client/exception/ClientSideExceptionjava/lang/Threadsleep(J)VprintStackTracetoString toLowerCasereplaceD(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/lang/String;format9(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;contains(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Zappend-(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;(Ljava/lang/String;)VgetValue,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;java/util/ListiteratorhasNext()Znext()Ljava/lang/Object; replaceAll8(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;split'(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;setValue addSubject)(Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Subject;)V addPermission,(Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Permission;)V getBaseURLgetNodeBaseServiceUrlcreateNodeAbbreviationgetTestObjectSeriesSuffixCHANGE_PERMISSIONadd(Ljava/lang/Object;)ZWRITEREADgetLatestRequestUrl handleFail'(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)VgetClass()Ljava/lang/Class;java/lang/Class getSimpleNamegetDetail_codegetDescriptiongetName getMessagegetType)()Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/NodeType;%org/dataone/service/types/v1/NodeTypeCN'Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/NodeType;equalsprocureTestObject(Lorg/dataone/integration/adapters/CommonCallAdapter;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;,org/dataone/service/types/v1/util/AccessUtilcreateAccessRuleh([Ljava/lang/String;[Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Permission;)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule;addAllow,(Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule;)VxmlValuelog Lorg/apache/commons/logging/Log;org/apache/commons/logging/Logdebug(Ljava/lang/Object;)VgetSystemMetadata~(Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Session;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v2/SystemMetadata;getAccessPolicy-()Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessPolicy; sizeAllowList()IgetAllow,(I)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule;sizeSubjectList getSubject)(I)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Subject;sizePermissionList getPermission,(I)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Permission;-(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; getNodeTypeMNgetCapabilities%()Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Node;$org/dataone/integration/APITestUtilsisServiceAvailable8(Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Node;Ljava/lang/String;)ZcreateTestObject(Lorg/dataone/client/D1Node;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessPolicy;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier; cnSubmitter(Lorg/dataone/client/D1Node;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/AccessRule;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/dataone/service/types/v1/Identifier;info! /*D g ::* Y-SY   S:*+,:(Y YS:*Y YSYS: 2 sv t uwxy=~GQv\ GVIe&YY*N-Y+*+ W,!:"%#$:- W-% W-&"#Fdipwz>dN,#\ N([+'$+( )* )M+ Y,S+, )* )-.M/ Y,2SY,2S -E*[[E-U0Y1M,+2, "+,3Y4N-*+56-,7-  *"""U8Y9M,+:, Z 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