
This design specification for the DataONE infrastructure has been developed
through support of the National Science Foundation through the projects:

- NSF DBI `0753138`_, "INTEROP: Creation of an International Virtual Data
  Center for the Biodiversity, Ecological and Environmental Sciences"

- NSF OCI `0830944`_, "DataNet Full Proposal: DataNetONE (Observation Network
  For Earth)"

Many individuals have contributed to the development of these documents over a
number of years. Hence specific authorship information for particular
documents is difficult to determine. History for any portion of these
documents can be obtained by following the *Revision History* link in the
footer of each page or examining the subversion metadata using the *log*
command for general and the *blame* command for more specific change details.
If a copy of the document source has been checked out locally::

  svn log <<file name>>
  svn blame <<file name>>

or remotely::

  svn log<<file name>>
  svn blame<<file name>>

History for this file for example can be obtained by::

  svn blame source/about.txt

or remotely::

  svn blame  

.. _0753138:

.. _0830944: