Collection A collection of related datasets Label A short name that uniquely identifies this data set collection. NCEAS-datasets Name Full title/label that describes the collection NCEAS datasets Description Brief description of the purpose of the collection All datasets from the KNB repository that were produced by or are related to an NCEAS working group. Definition Defines which datasets are a part of this collection. See the individual sub-elements for specific examples. Definition Defines which datasets are a part of this collection. See the individual sub-elements for specific examples. Filter Defines a basic text search filter to apply to the query used to get the datasets in this collection. Date filter Defines a date range to apply to the query used to get the datasets in this collection. Numeric filter Defines a numeric range to apply to the query used to get the datasets in this collection. Boolean filter A simple boolean filter to apply to the query used to get the datasets in this collection. Filter Defines a search filter to apply to the query used to get the datasets in this collection. Label A short 1-2 word label to display for this filter. Search field The name of the search field/attribute to query. site Operator If more than one value in set on this FilterType, operator specifies if they are AND'ed or OR'ed together AND Exclude If set to true, this filter will be used to exclude (rather than include) datasets from the query results. true Text Filter Defines a basic text filter to apply to the query used to get the datasets in this collection. Match substring If true, this filter's value will be wrapped in wildcard characters so that substrings are matched. true Value Value to query for the corresponding field(s) California Minimum date The minimum date to display in a date picker user interface tool. 1980-03-23T10:20:15 Maximum date The maximum date to display in a date picker user interface tool. 1980-03-23T10:20:15 Exact date If a value is set on a DateFilter, the query will filter by datasets whose given field(s) match this specific date-time. 1980-03-23T10:20:15 Minimum number The minimum number to display in a number input user interface tool. 1.5 Maximum number The maximum number to display in a number input user interface tool. 1.5 Exact date If a value is set on a NumericFilter, the query will filter by datasets whose given field(s) match this specific number. 1980-03-23T10:20:15 Boolean Value The boolean value to include in the search query - can only be either true or false. true Non Empty String Type Non Empty String Type This type specifies a content pattern for all elements that are required by this schema to ensure that there is actual content (i.e., not just whitespace). The pattern described can be interpreted as "at least one non-whitespace character, followed by any number of whitespace plus not-whitespace characters. " Leading and/or trailing whitespace is allowed, and whitespace may include carriage returns and newlines. No Whitespace String Type No Whitespace String Type This type specifies a content pattern for elements whose string value should not contain any whitespace characters. The pattern described can be interpreted as "at least one non-whitespace character, followed by any number of non-whitespace characters." Whitespace may include carriage returns and newlines.