Changes since version 1.49 (2002-02-20) Changes to xsl/* | 2002-03-21 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Allow next version to be specified on call to make | | * RELEASE-NOTES.xml: Tweaked intro; changed date | | * RELEASE-NOTES.xml: Added note about three-part versions | | * VERSION: Version 1.50.0 released. | | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore, Makefile: Added RELEASE-NOTES.html | | * RELEASE-NOTES.xml: New file. | | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * VERSION: Keep CVS versions distinct from real releases | | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: First portion of new profiling code. New | stylesheet parameters will come later. | | 2002-02-21 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Make sure xhtml directory gets built properly | Changes to xsl/common/* | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * common.xsl: Replace generate.*.toc and generate.*.lot with | single generate.toc parameter. | | 2002-03-18 Robert Stayton | | * gentext.xsl: Replaced the substitute-markup template with | one using simpler logic. Added params for the content to be | substituted so it can be used with olinks where the content | is supplied from a data file. | | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * common.xsl: Handle revisionflag a little better on | copyrights | | * common.xsl, gentext.xsl, l10n.xsl, labels.xsl, | subtitles.xsl, table.xsl, titles.xsl: Whitespace only: | change CR/LF back to LF. Norm was a total moron. | | * common.xsl, gentext.xsl, l10n.xsl, labels.xsl, | subtitles.xsl, table.xsl, titles.xsl: Whitespace changes | only: use PC-style CR/LF because Unix clients choke on this | far less often than PC clients choke on the reverse. Grrr. | | 2002-03-07 Robert Stayton | | * titles.xsl: refentry title in title.markup mode now follows | $allow-anchors setting to prevent index entries from | appearing in the TOC. | Changes to xsl/docsrc/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * warranty.xml: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor | as it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/fo/* | 2002-03-20 Norman Walsh | | * xep.xsl: Don't output a link to the book title if the book | has no title | | 2002-03-19 Norman Walsh | | * autotoc.xsl: Make sure ToC elements have IDs for links from | the PDF ToC | | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile, component.xsl, division.xsl, fop.xsl, param.ent, | param.xweb, xep.xsl: Replace generate.*.toc and | generate.*.lot with single generate.toc parameter. | | * block.xsl: Support RevHistory in content; support AckNo in | article | | * fop.xsl, xep.xsl: Don't generate ToC links if there's | nothing to go in the ToC | | 2002-03-15 Norman Walsh | | * synop.xsl, verbatim.xsl: Support classsynopsis and friends | | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore: Ignore profiling stylesheets | | * admon.xsl, autoidx.xsl, autotoc.xsl, biblio.xsl, block.xsl, | callout.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, docbook.xsl, | ebnf.xsl, fo-patch-for-fop.xsl, fo-rtf.xsl, fo.xsl, | footnote.xsl, fop.xsl, formal.xsl, glossary.xsl, | graphics.xsl, index.xsl, info.xsl, inline.xsl, keywords.xsl, | lists.xsl, math.xsl, pagesetup.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb, | passivetex.xsl, pi.xsl, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, | sections.xsl, synop.xsl, table.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, | titlepage.xsl, toc.xsl, verbatim.xsl, xep.xsl, xref.xsl: | Whitespace only: change CR/LF back to LF. Norm was a total | moron. | | * admon.xsl, autoidx.xsl, autotoc.xsl, biblio.xsl, block.xsl, | callout.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, docbook.xsl, | ebnf.xsl, fo-patch-for-fop.xsl, fo-rtf.xsl, fo.xsl, | footnote.xsl, fop.xsl, formal.xsl, glossary.xsl, | graphics.xsl, index.xsl, info.xsl, inline.xsl, keywords.xsl, | lists.xsl, math.xsl, pagesetup.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb, | passivetex.xsl, pi.xsl, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, | sections.xsl, synop.xsl, table.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, | titlepage.xsl, toc.xsl, verbatim.xsl, xep.xsl, xref.xsl: | Whitespace changes only: use PC-style CR/LF because Unix | clients choke on this far less often than PC clients choke | on the reverse. Grrr. | | * docbook.xsl, fo-rtf.xsl, footnote.xsl, formal.xsl: Improve | formatting of table footnotes and fix numeration of | table/non-table footnotes | | * formal.xsl, lists.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Support | formal.title.placement | | 2002-03-13 Norman Walsh | | * formal.xsl: Fix FO markup for rotated tables | | * inline.xsl: Support other roles on emphasis; support nested | emphasis | | * sections.xsl: Give wrapped section titles a hanging indent | | * titlepage.templates.xml: Don't shift the margin on article | titles; they're supposed to be centered | | * verbatim.xsl: Don't force verbatim environments to be start | aligned; they should inherit the current text alignment | | 2002-03-11 Jirka Kosek | | * inline.xsl: Fixed bug #522900. Content of is not | outputted twice. | | 2002-03-03 Jirka Kosek | | * param.ent, param.xweb: Added new stylesheet parameters for | profiling. | | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: First portion of new profiling code. New | stylesheet parameters will come later. | | 2002-03-01 Norman Walsh | | * autotoc.xsl: Use alternate TOC format for FOP | | * docbook.xsl: Move stylesheet.result.type out of param and | put it explicitly in each stylesheet because it has to be | different | | * footnote.xsl: Make footnote numbers smaller and | superscripted | | * formal.xsl, table.xsl: Improve table border handling | | * graphics.xsl: Handle the case where graphics in | inlineequations are inline | | * graphics.xsl: Support TIFF images | | * pagesetup.xsl: Don't put watermarks on FOP; FOP doesn't | understand them | | * param.ent, param.xweb: Renamed table.border.padding and | removed stylesheet.result.type | | 2002-02-21 Jirka Kosek | | * math.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Better control over | delimiters for TeX equations. Added parameter | tex.math.delims, when is set to 0, no delimiters (like $ and | $$) are output. Same can be done for single equation by | . | Changes to xsl/html/* | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile, autotoc.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, | param.ent, param.xweb, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, | sections.xsl: Replace generate.*.toc and generate.*.lot with | single generate.toc parameter. | | * autotoc.xsl: Fix ToC section depth calculation | | 2002-03-15 Norman Walsh | | * synop.xsl: Improve appearance of classsynopsis elements | | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore: Ignore profiling stylesheets | | * Makefile: Make profiling onechunk | | * admon.xsl, autoidx.xsl, autotoc.xsl, biblio.xsl, block.xsl, | callout.xsl, changebars.xsl, chunk-common.xsl, chunk.xsl, | chunker.xsl, chunktoc.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, | docbook.xsl, ebnf.xsl, footnote.xsl, formal.xsl, | glossary.xsl, graphics.xsl, html-rtf.xsl, html.xsl, | index.xsl, info.xsl, inline.xsl, keywords.xsl, lists.xsl, | maketoc.xsl, math.xsl, oldchunker.xsl, onechunk.xsl, | param.ent, param.xweb, pi.xsl, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, | sections.xsl, synop.xsl, table.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, | titlepage.xsl, toc.xsl, verbatim.xsl, xref.xsl: Whitespace | only: change CR/LF back to LF. Norm was a total moron. | | * admon.xsl, autoidx.xsl, autotoc.xsl, biblio.xsl, block.xsl, | callout.xsl, changebars.xsl, chunk-common.xsl, chunk.xsl, | chunker.xsl, chunktoc.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, | docbook.xsl, ebnf.xsl, footnote.xsl, formal.xsl, | glossary.xsl, graphics.xsl, html-rtf.xsl, html.xsl, | index.xsl, info.xsl, inline.xsl, keywords.xsl, lists.xsl, | maketoc.xsl, math.xsl, oldchunker.xsl, onechunk.xsl, | param.ent, param.xweb, pi.xsl, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, | sections.xsl, synop.xsl, table.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, | titlepage.xsl, toc.xsl, verbatim.xsl, xref.xsl: Whitespace | changes only: use PC-style CR/LF because Unix clients choke | on this far less often than PC clients choke on the reverse. | Grrr. | | * block.xsl: Generate anchors before the | formal.object.heading, not within it; support | formal.title.placement | | * formal.xsl, lists.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Support | formal.title.placement | | * lists.xsl, titlepage.xsl: Handle revisionflag a little | better on copyrights | | * titlepage.xsl: Generate anchors before the | formal.object.heading, not within it | | 2002-03-13 Norman Walsh | | * footnote.xsl: Fix debugging error | | * footnote.xsl: Numerate footnotes and table footnotes | correctly | | * lists.xsl: Bug #516227: segmentedlist/titles | | * refentry.xsl: Process refsynopsisdiv titles in their own | template so they don't get default title processing | | * table.xsl: Make tfoot come out before tbody; even in HTML | it's supposed to be that way | | * verbatim.xsl: Improve efficiency of make-verbatim; thanks to | Paul Grosso, John Dreystadt, et. al. | | 2002-03-12 Robert Stayton | | * callout.xsl: Modified match="co" template to use its | linkends attribute to form a hotlink to the callout element, | forming the two-ways links as described in The Definitive | Guide. At this time, only a single linkend value is | supported, since HTML doesn't handle multiply-targeted | links. | | 2002-03-11 Jirka Kosek | | * footnote.xsl: Fixed bug #520995. Removed duplicated footnote | numbers. | | 2002-03-10 Norman Walsh | | * biblio.xsl: Support the new parameter | to prevent generating both div ID and a NAME attributes; | also suppress revhistory in bibliographies | | * component.xsl, division.xsl, glossary.xsl, index.xsl, | param.ent, param.xweb: Support the new | parameter to prevent generating both | div ID and a NAME attributes | | * inline.xsl: Use em instead of i for emphasis | | * onechunk.xsl: Update onechunk to the new chunking scheme | | 2002-03-07 Robert Stayton | | * autotoc.xsl: Modified refentry to use mode=title.markup | rather than mode=title so indexterms are not included in the | TOC entries for refentry. | | 2002-03-03 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile.param, param.ent, param.xweb: Added new stylesheet | parameters for profiling. | | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile, Makefile.param: First portion of new profiling | code. New stylesheet parameters will come later. | | 2002-03-01 Norman Walsh | | * docbook.xsl: Move stylesheet.result.type out of param and | put it explicitly in each stylesheet because it has to be | different | | * graphics.xsl: Handle the case where graphics in | inlineequations are inline | | * param.ent: Removed stylesheet.result.type reference | | * param.xweb: Added fragref for chunk.quietly | | * titlepage.xsl: Added DIV wrappers to author and authorgroup | for CSS styling | | 2002-02-25 Robert Stayton | | * chunker.xsl, chunktoc.xsl, graphics.xsl, param.ent, | param.xweb, titlepage.xsl: Added chunk.quietly parameter and | altered the calls to write.chunk to set the 'quiet' param to | that value. | | 2002-02-21 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile.param, math.xsl, param.ent, param.xweb: Better | control over delimiters for TeX equations. Added parameter | tex.math.delims, when is set to 0, no delimiters (like $ and | $$) are output. Same can be done for single equation by | . | Changes to xsl/lib/* | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * lib.xsl: Replace generate.*.toc and generate.*.lot with | single generate.toc parameter. | | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * lib.xsl: Whitespace only: change CR/LF back to LF. Norm was | a total moron. | | * lib.xsl: Whitespace changes only: use PC-style CR/LF because | Unix clients choke on this far less often than PC clients | choke on the reverse. Grrr. | Changes to xsl/xhtml/* | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: First portion of new profiling code. New | stylesheet parameters will come later. | | 2002-03-01 Norman Walsh | | * html2xhtml.xsl: Move stylesheet.result.type out of param and | put it explicitly in each stylesheet because it has to be | different | | 2002-02-21 Norman Walsh | | * Makefile: Make sure xhtml directory gets built properly | Changes to xsl/params/* | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * Whitespace | | * generate.appendix.toc.xml, generate.article.toc.xml, |, |,, |,, | generate.chapter.toc.xml, generate.component.toc.xml, | generate.division.equation.lot.xml, | generate.division.example.lot.xml, | generate.division.figure.lot.xml, | generate.division.table.lot.xml, generate.division.toc.xml, | generate.part.toc.xml, generate.preface.toc.xml, | generate.qandadiv.toc.xml, generate.qandaset.toc.xml, | generate.reference.toc.xml, generate.section.toc.xml, | generate.set.toc.xml, generate.toc.xml: Replace | generate.*.toc and generate.*.lot with single generate.toc | parameter. | | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * formal.procedures.xml: Fixed typos | | * formal.title.placement.xml: New file. | | 2002-03-10 Norman Walsh | | * New file. | | 2002-03-03 Jirka Kosek | | * profile.arch.xml, profile.attribute.xml, | profile.condition.xml, profile.conformance.xml, | profile.lang.xml, profile.os.xml, profile.revision.xml, | profile.revisionflag.xml, profile.role.xml, |, profile.separator.xml, | profile.userlevel.xml, profile.value.xml, | profile.vendor.xml: New file. | | 2002-03-01 Norman Walsh | | * Added space-after properties to | blockquotes | | * Added space-after properties | | * stylesheet.result.type.xml: Move stylesheet.result.type out | of param and put it explicitly in each stylesheet because it | has to be different | | * table.cell.padding.xml: New file. | | * ulink.hyphenate.xml: Make ulink hyphenation character the | empty string by default | | 2002-02-25 Robert Stayton | | * chunk.quietly.xml: New file. | | 2002-02-21 Jirka Kosek | | * tex.math.delims.xml, tex.math.file.xml, | Better control over delimiters for TeX equations. Added | parameter tex.math.delims, when is set to 0, no delimiters | (like $ and $$) are output. Same can be done for single | equation by . | Changes to xsl/doc/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/htmlhelp/* | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore: New file. | | * htmlhelp.xsl: Whitespace changes only: use PC-style CR/LF | because Unix clients choke on this far less often than PC | clients choke on the reverse. Grrr. | | * htmlhelp.xsl, langcodes.xml: Whitespace only: change CR/LF | back to LF. Norm was a total moron. | | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: New file. | Changes to xsl/javahelp/* | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * .cvsignore: New file. | | * javahelp.xsl: Whitespace only: change CR/LF back to LF. Norm | was a total moron. | | * javahelp.xsl: Whitespace changes only: use PC-style CR/LF | because Unix clients choke on this far less often than PC | clients choke on the reverse. Grrr. | | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: New file. | Changes to xsl/profiling/* | 2002-03-18 Norman Walsh | | * strip-attributes.xsl: New file. | | 2002-03-03 Jirka Kosek | | * profile-mode.xsl: Added new stylesheet parameters for | profiling. | | * profile.xsl: New file. | | 2002-03-01 Jirka Kosek | | * profile-mode.xsl, xsl2profile.xsl: New file. | Changes to xsl/docsrc/tools/* | 2002-03-14 Norman Walsh | | * profiling.xml: Fix linkend typo | | 2002-03-03 Jirka Kosek | | * profiling.xml: Put documentation in sync with new profiling | stylesheets. | Changes to xsl/doc/lib/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/doc/common/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/doc/html/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/doc/fo/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/doc/tools/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/doc/template/* | 2002-03-09 Jirka Kosek | | * Makefile: Removed hardcoded reference for XSLT processor as | it is already set in Makefile.incl. Fixed typo in DocBook | DTD URI. | Changes to xsl/tools/profile/* | 2002-03-03 Jirka Kosek | | * profile.xsl: Old profiling stylesheet moved to new location. | Old stylesheet issues warning when invoked. We should remove | it completely after some time. |