<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- * '$RCSfile$' * Authors: Matthew Brooke * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * For Details: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ * * '$Author: barteau $' * '$Date: 2008-01-15 17:12:44 -0800 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) $' * '$Revision: 3689 $' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************** * * This is an XSLT (http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt) stylesheet that provides a * single, central location for setting all installation-specific paths for * XSLT stylesheets. It is intended to be imported (using the * <xsl:import href="..." /> element) into other XSLT stylesheets used in the * transformation of xml files that are valid with respect to the * applicable dtd of the Ecological Metadata Language (EML). * Some of these paths incorporate values of the form: @token-name@; these are * intended to allow an Ant (http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/index.html) build * script to replace the tokens automatically with the correct values at build/ * install time. If Ant is not used, the tokens may simply be edited by hand * to point to the correct resources. * Note that the values given below may be overridden by passing parameters to * the XSLT processor programatically, although the procedure for doing so is * vendor-specific. Note also that these parameter definitions will be overridden * by any identical parameter names declared within xsl stylesheets that import * this stylesheet. * --> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <!-- /** * The filename of the default css stylesheet to be used * (filename only - not the whole path, and no ".css" extension. The * example below would look for a file named "default.css" in the same * directory as the stylesheets */ --> <xsl:param name="qformat">default</xsl:param> <!-- /** * The module which need to be display in eml2 document. The default * value is dataset */ --> <xsl:param name="displaymodule">dataset</xsl:param> <!-- /** * To show the links for the Entities in the dataset display module. */ --> <xsl:param name="withEntityLinks">1</xsl:param> <!-- /** * To show the link for Additional Metadata in the dataset display module. */ --> <xsl:param name="withAdditionalMetadataLink">1</xsl:param> <!-- /** * To show the link for the Original XML in the dataset display module. */ --> <xsl:param name="withOriginalXMLLink">1</xsl:param> <!-- /** * To show any html links (emails and webpage). */ --> <xsl:param name="withHTMLLinks">1</xsl:param> <!-- /** * To show the Attributes table in the entity display. */ --> <xsl:param name="withAttributes">1</xsl:param> <!-- /** * To insert templates where header and footer are defined. */ --> <xsl:param name="insertTemplate">1</xsl:param> <!--the docid of xml which is processed--> <xsl:param name="docid"/> <!-- type of entity, data table or spacial raster or others--> <xsl:param name="entitytype"></xsl:param> <!-- the index of entity in same entity type --> <xsl:param name="entityindex"/> <!-- the index of attribute in same entity --> <xsl:param name="attributeindex"/> <!-- the index of physical part in entity part--> <xsl:param name="physicalindex"/> <!-- the index of distribution in physical part --> <xsl:param name="distributionindex"/> <!-- the levle of distribution --> <xsl:param name="distributionlevel"/> <!-- the index of additional metadata--> <xsl:param name="additionalmetadataindex">1</xsl:param> <!-- attribute set to get rid of cell spacing--> <xsl:attribute-set name="cellspacing"> <xsl:attribute name="cellpadding">0</xsl:attribute> <xsl:attribute name="cellspacing">0</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set> <!-- determines whether to use metacat or LSID identiers--> <xsl:param name="lsidauthority"></xsl:param> <!-- the url for the data registry of the dataset--> <xsl:param name="registryurl"></xsl:param> <!-- the name of the data registry of the dataset--> <xsl:param name="registryname"></xsl:param> <!-- for getting the server context and cgi locations --> <xsl:param name="contextURL"/> <xsl:param name="cgi-prefix"/> <!-- for access to "protected" documents/files --> <xsl:param name="sessionid"/> <!-- /** * The base URI to be used for the href link to each document in a * "subject-relationaship-object" triple * * EXAMPLE: * <xsl:param name="tripleURI"> * <![CDATA[/brooke/servlet/metacat?action=read&qformat=knb&docid=]]> * </xsl:param> * * (Note in the above case the "qformat=knb" parameter in the url; a system * could pass this parameter to the XSLT engine to override the local * <xsl:param name="qformat"> tags defined earlier in this document.) */ --> <xsl:param name="tripleURI"><xsl:value-of select="$contextURL" /><![CDATA[/metacat?action=read&qformat=]]><xsl:value-of select="$qformat" /><![CDATA[&sessionid=]]><xsl:value-of select="$sessionid" /><![CDATA[&docid=]]></xsl:param> <!-- URL for xmlformat--> <xsl:param name="xmlURI"><xsl:value-of select="$contextURL" /><![CDATA[/metacat?action=read&qformat=xml]]><![CDATA[&sessionid=]]><xsl:value-of select="$sessionid" /><![CDATA[&docid=]]></xsl:param> <!-- /** * Most of the html pages are currently laid out as a 2-column table, with * highlights for more-major rows containing subsection titles etc. * The following parameters are used within the * <td width="whateverWidth" class="whateverClass"> * tags to define the column widths and (css) styles. * * The values of the "xxxColWidth" parameters can be percentages (need to * include % sign) or pixels (number only). Note that if a width is defined * in the CSS stylesheet (see next paragraph), it will override this local * width setting in browsers newer than NN4 * * The values of the "xxxColStyle" parameters refer to style definitions * listed in the *.css stylesheet that is defined in this xsl document, * above (in the <xsl:param name="qformat"> tag). * * (Note that if the "qformat" is changed from the default by passing a * value in the url (see notes for <xsl:param name="qformat"> tag, above), * then the params below must match style names in the "new" CSS stylesheet */ --> <!-- the style for major rows containing subsection titles etc. --> <xsl:param name="subHeaderStyle" select="'tablehead'"/> <!-- the style for major rows containing links, such as additional metadata, original xml file etc. --> <xsl:param name="linkedHeaderStyle" select="'linkedHeaderStyle'"/> <!-- the width for the first column (but see note above) --> <xsl:param name="firstColWidth" select="'15%'"/> <!-- the style for the first column --> <xsl:param name="firstColStyle" select="'rowodd'"/> <!-- the width for the second column (but see note above) --> <xsl:param name="secondColWidth" select="'85%'"/> <!-- the style for the second column --> <xsl:param name="secondColStyle" select="'roweven'"/> <!-- the style for the attribute table --> <xsl:param name="tableattributeStyle" select="'tableattribute'"/> <!-- the style for the border --> <xsl:param name="borderStyle" select="'bordered'"/> <!-- the style for the even col in attributes table --> <xsl:param name="colevenStyle" select="'coleven'"/> <!-- the style for the inner even col in attributes table --> <xsl:param name="innercolevenStyle" select="'innercoleven'"/> <!-- the style for the odd col in attributes table --> <xsl:param name="coloddStyle" select="'colodd'"/> <!-- the style for the inner odd col in attributes table --> <xsl:param name="innercoloddStyle" select="'innercolodd'"/> <!-- the default alignment style for the wrapper around the main tables --> <!-- <xsl:param name="mainTableAligmentStyle" select="'mainTableAligmentStyle'"/> --> <xsl:param name="mainTableAligmentStyle" select="'content'"/> <!-- the default style for the main container table --> <xsl:param name="mainContainerTableStyle" select="'group group_border'"/> <!-- the default style for all other tables --> <xsl:param name="tabledefaultStyle" select="'subGroup subGroup_border onehundred_percent'"/> <!-- the style for table party --> <xsl:param name="tablepartyStyle" select="'tableparty'"/> <!-- Some html pages use a nested table in the second column. Some of these nested tables set their first column to the following width: --> <xsl:param name="secondColIndent" select="'10%'"/> <!-- the first column width of attribute table--> <xsl:param name="attributefirstColWidth" select="'15%'"/> <!-- /** * the path of the directory where the XSL and CSS files reside - starts * with context name, eg: /myContextRoot/styleDirectory. * (As found in "http://hostname:port/myContextRoot/styleDirectory"). * Needs leading slash but not trailing slash * * EXAMPLE: * <xsl:param name="stylePath">/brooke/style</xsl:param> */ --> <xsl:param name="stylePath"><xsl:value-of select="$contextURL" />/style/skins</xsl:param> <!-- /* * the path of the directory where the common javascript and css files * reside - i.e the files that are not skin-specific. Starts * with context name, eg: /myContextRoot/styleCommonDirectory. * (As found in "http://hostname:port/myContextRoot/styleCommonDirectory"). * * EXAMPLE * <xsl:param name="styleCommonPath">/brooke/style/common</xsl:param> */ --> <xsl:param name="styleCommonPath"><xsl:value-of select="$contextURL" />/style/common</xsl:param> </xsl:stylesheet>