Ubuntu extra is a debian repository for debian packages not maintained but used by DataONE. These packages cannot be found
in any other ubuntu repo. The repo will be created in /var/www/ubuntu-extra  and is dependent upon apache server.

Example of adding a new package to ubuntu-extra

GET https://launchpad.net/~blubolt/+archive/v6-solr/+files/libnoggit-java_0.5-0blubolt1%7Eprecise1_all.deb > libnoggit-java_0.5-0blubolt1~precise1_all.deb

$ mkdir -p src/libnoggit-java/DEBIAN
$ dpkg-deb -x libnoggit-java_0.5-0blubolt1~precise1_all.deb src/libnoggit-java/
$ dpkg-deb -e libnoggit-java_0.5-0blubolt1~precise1_all.deb src/libnoggit-java/DEBIAN
[...do something, e.g. edit the control file...]

add in to the buildDebianPkg.sh the package name to the packages array:

such that

PACKAGES="check-mk-agent check-mk-agent-logwatch solr-common solr-tomcat";


PACKAGES="check-mk-agent check-mk-agent-logwatch solr-common solr-tomcat libnoggit-java";

run the buildDebianPkg.sh script as root

sudo ./buildDebianPkg.sh