MetacatUI Unit Testing ====================== Overview -------- We currently use the `Mocha`_ framework for running unit tests, along with the `Chai`_ assertion library and the third-party assertion libraries compatible with Chai. We've chosen to use behavior driven development style of unit tests, and so write specs with the `should()` and `expect()` methods rather than `assert()`. .. _`Mocha`: .. _`Chai`: Writing tests ------------- When developing Backbone models, collections, views, and routers, we're using the convention that each object gets its own test spec file. So, for example, the `EMLEntityModel` located in: .. code:: metacatui/src/js/models/metadata/eml211/EMLEntity.js has a corresponding spec file in: .. code:: metacatui/test/js/specs/models/metadata/eml211/EMLEntity.spec.js You can use `EMLEntity.spec.js` as a template for writing other spec files, but in general, use the RequireJS `define()` method to define a module and inject dependencies, such as: .. code:: define(["chai", "chai-jquery", "chai-backbone", "../../../../../../src/js/models/metadata/eml211/EMLEntity"], function(chai, chaiJquery, chaiBackbone, EMLEntity) { // spec code goes here }); If other libraries are needed, add the paths and shims to the `require.config()` call in: .. code:: metacatui/test/js/specs/runner.spec.js We currently have library definitions for JQuery, Underscore, Backbone, Mocha, Chai, Chai-JQuery, and Chai-Backbone. Running tests ------------- The test suite to be run is defined in `runner.spec.js`, so add the path to you spec file into the `tests` array. To run the `runner.spec.js` file, open the `metacatui/test/index.html` file in the browser(s) you want to test in. Each time `index.html` is reloaded, the runner calls ``, which will execute all of the tests in the suite.