'$RCSfile: eml-resource.xsd,v $' Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis For Details: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/ '$Author: jones $' '$Date: 2001-09-17 23:18:10 $' '$Revision: 1.24 $' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA eml-resource The eml-resource module contains general information that describes dataset resources, literature resources, collection resources, and software resources. It is intended to provide overview information about the resource, including title, abstract, keywords, contacts, and the links to associated metadata and data for the given resource. Resource Base Generic information about any resource that is being described. The 'ResourceBase' complexType contains information that is inherited by each resource type that is being documented. The subelements with the resource base are common to al resources. Please see the examples within the sub-elements of the 'ResourceBase' complexType. The 'ResourceBase' element was introduced into EML 2.0. Unique identifier The unique identifier of this metadata file or object. The identifier field provides a unique identifier for this metadata documentation. It will most likely be part of a sequence of numbers or letters that are meaningful in a larger context, such as a metadata catalog. That larger system can be identified in the "system" attribute. Multiple identifiers can be listed corresponding to different catalog systems. nceas.3.2]]> The 'identifier' field is derived from the eml-dataset meta_file_id filed in EML 1.4. Catalog system The catalog system in which this identifier is used. This element gives the name of the catalog system in which this identifier is used. It is useful to determine the scope of the identifier, and to determine the semantics of the various subparts of the identifier. Unresolved issue: can or should this be a URI/URL pointing to the catalog system, or just the name? nceas.3.2]]> New to EML 2.0. Short Name A short name that describes the resource, sometimes a filename. The 'shortName' field provides a concise name that describes the resource that is being documented. It is the appropriate place to store a filename associated with other storage systems. vernal-data-1999 This element was derived from elements described in the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft). Title A brief description of the resource, providing enough detail to differentiate it from other similar resources. The 'title' field provides a description of the resource that is being documented that is long enough to differentiate it from other similar resources. Multiple titles may be provided, particularly when trying to express the title in more than one language (use the "xml:lang" attribute to indicate the language if not English/en). Vernal pool amphibian density data, Isla Vista, 1990-1996. This element was derived from elements described in the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft). Originator A person or organization asociated with this resource. The 'originator' element provides the full name of the person, organization, or position associated with the resource. Typically, the originator role is set to "owner" to indicate the list of parties who "own" the resource, but other roles such as "principal investigator", "author", and "editor" are provided. Please see the examples within the sub fields for the responsible party. This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) Publication date The publication date of the resource. The 'pubDate' field represents the date that the resource was published. The format should be represented as: CCYY-MM-DD, which denotes the full year, month, and day. 1999-10-26 This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) The type 'xs:date' folllows the date standard described in ISO 8601. Publication place The location that the resource was published. the 'pubPlace' field is the location where the resource was published, which may be different from where the resource was created. San Francisco, CA, USA This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) Series The series from which the resource came. This field describes the series of resources that include the resource being described. For example, a volume of a journal may be part of a series of the journal for a particular year. Volume 20 This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) and ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft) Abstract A brief overview of the resource. This field provides a container for one or more paragraph fields that give a brief overview of the resource that is being documented. Please see the examples for the subfields contained within this field. This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) Abstract paragraph The paragraph field for the text in an abstract. This field is intended for the text of an abstract that gives a brief overview of the resource. There may be one or more paragraphs within the abstract. The major unanswered question in marine ecology is the degree of connectedness between local populations. Put another way, what proportion of young arriving into a local population are products of local production? What is the source of recruits for any local population, and where do the young produced in a local population go? The answers to these questions are unknown for any widespread species with a pelagic dispersal phase. Proper marine management depends on knowledge in this area: the efficacy of any reserve design, for example, is highly dependent on the degree to which it is dependent on other populations for recruitment, and the degree to which it supplies other areas. This field was introduced into EML 2.0, and was derived from EML 1.3. Keyword information Keyword information that describes the resource. The 'keywordSet' element is a container for the 'keyword' and 'keywordThesaurus' fields. Each keywordSet field can contain one or more keywords and a name of a thesaurus for the set of keywords. Please see the examples for the subfields contained within this field. This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) Keyword A keyword that describes the resource. This field names a keyword or keyphrase that concisely describes the resource or is related to the resource. biodiversity This field was introduced into EML 2.0 beta 1, and was derived from EML 1.3. and the ISO 19115.3 standard (iso-geo-md-2000June-draft). Keyword type The type of each keyword. This field classifies the keyword that has been provided from a list of pre-determined categories. The possible types are listed in the example. "discipline","place","stratum","temporal","thematic", or "taxonomic" This field was introduced into EML 2.0, and was derived from EML 1.3. and the ISO 19115.3 standard(iso-geo-md-2000June-draft). Keyword thesaurus The name of a thesaurus from which the keyword is derived. This field provides the name of the official keyword thesaurus from which keyword was derived. The keyword thesauri are usually discipline specific. IRIS keyword thesaurus This field was introduced into EML 2.0, and was derived from EML 1.3. and the ISO 19115.3 standard(iso-geo-md-2000June-draft). Additional Information Any extra information pertitent to the resource. This field provides any information that is not characterized by the other resource metadata fields. Copyright 2001, Robert Warner This element was derived from elements described in the FGDC-STD-001.1-1999 standard (nbii-fgdc-std-001.1-1999) Paragraph The paragraph field for the additional text. This field is intended for the text that gives additional information about the resource. There may be one or more paragraphs. Copyright 2001, Robert Warner This field was introduced into EML 2.0. Rights Rights regarding usage and licensing of this resource. Typically, a Rights element will contain a rights management statement for the resource, or reference a service providing such information. Rights information often encompasses Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyright, and various Property Rights. In the case of a data set, rights might incude requirements for use, requirements for attribution, or other requirements the owner would like to impose. Copyright 2001 Regents of the University of California Santa Barbara. Free for use by all individulas provided that the owners are acknowledged in any use or publication. Introduced in EML 2.0, derived from Dublin Core Element Set 1.1. Paragraph The paragraph field for the additional text. This field is intended for the text that gives additional information about the resource. There may be one or more paragraphs. Copyright 2001, Robert Warner This field was introduced into EML 2.0. Download site URL A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) from which this resource can be downloaded A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) from which this resource can be downloaded. This includes any information needed to access this site, such as connection information. http://data.org/getdata?id=98332 ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata medium of the resource the medium on which this resource is distributed, either digitally or as hardcopy the medium on which this resource is distributed digitally, such as 3.5" floppy disk, or various tape media types, or 'hardcopy' CD-ROM, 3.5 in. floppy disk, Zip disk ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata Medium name Name of the medium that for this resource distribution Name of the medium on which this resource is distributed. Can be various digital media such as tapes and disks, or printed media which can collectively be termed 'hardcopy'. Tape, 3.5 inch Floppy Disk, hardcopy ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata density of the digital medium the density of the digital medium if this is relevant. the density of the digital medium if this is relevant. Used mainly for floppy disks or tape. High Density (HD), Double Density (DD) ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata units of a numerical density a numerical density's units if a density is given numerically, the units should be given here. B/cm ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata storage volume total volume of the storage medium the total volume of the storage medium on which this resource is shipped. 650 MB ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata medium format format of the medium on which the resource is shipped. the file system format of the medium on which the resource is shipped NTFS, FAT32, EXT2, QIK80 ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata note about the media note about the media any additional pertitant information about the media ISO CD 19115.3, Geographic information - Metadata Component list The definition of a relationship between component objects in a resource package The triple element lists all relationships in the resource, which effectively enumerates the components of the resource. The relationships are in the form of: ]]> A triple allows a user to define a relationship between two objects. This relationship can also be recursive so that an object can point back to the package of which it is a part. Normal (nonrecursive): knb.3.4 isFileMetadataFor knb.5 Recursive: lter.123 isPackageMember lter.18 ]]> where object lter.18 is the identifier of the resource in which this relationship exists. Derived from the eml-dataset.dtd element called "relation" in EML 1.4. Subject element Subject element of the relationship. Subject is the identifier of the metadata object or file that is the actor in the triple. knb.3.4 ]]> Subject element was introduce into EML 2.0 Proposed. Relationship type The type of relationship between the subject and object of the triple Relationship is a descriptive phrase that specifies the how the subject of the triple is related to the object. This is typically meant to label the type of descriptor that a metadata file (the subject) represents for a data file (the object). This allows one to express concepts such as "knb.32.3 lists access control rules for knb.2.2". is metadata describing ]]> The relationship element was introduced in EML 2.0. Object element The object element of the relationship. Object is the identifier of the metadata or data object that is acted upon according to the relationship in the triple. knb.8.4 ]]> The object element was introduced in EML 2.0. Keyword type codes The list of keyword categories This field provides a restricted list of categories that a keyword may fall under. place