package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.annotation; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.index.resourcemap.ResourceMapSubprocessor; public class MetacatAnnotatorSubprocessor extends AnnotatorSubprocessor { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MetacatAnnotatorSubprocessor.class); @Override public Map processDocument(String annotationId, Map docs, InputStream is) throws Exception { // check for annotations, and add them if found SolrDoc annotations = parseAnnotation(is); if (annotations != null) { String referencedPid = annotations.getIdentifier(); SolrDoc referencedDoc = docs.get(referencedPid); // make sure we have a reference for the document we annotating boolean referenceExists = true; if (referencedDoc == null) { try { referencedDoc = ResourceMapSubprocessor.getSolrDoc(referencedPid); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to retrieve solr document: " + referencedPid + ". Exception attempting to communicate with solr server.", e); } if (referencedDoc == null) { referencedDoc = new SolrDoc(); referenceExists = false; } docs.put(referencedPid, referencedDoc); } // make sure we say we annotate the object SolrDoc annotationDoc = docs.get(annotationId); if (annotationDoc != null) { annotationDoc.addField(new SolrElementField(FIELD_ANNOTATES, referencedPid)); } // add the annotations to the referenced document Iterator annotationIter = annotations.getFieldList().iterator(); while (annotationIter.hasNext()) { SolrElementField annotation =; // only skip merge field if there was an existing record if (referenceExists && !this.getFieldsToMerge().contains(annotation.getName())) { log.debug("SKIPPING field (not in fieldsToMerge): " + annotation.getName()); continue; } referencedDoc.addField(annotation); log.debug("ADDING annotation to " + referencedPid + ": " + annotation.getName() + "=" + annotation.getValue()); } } else { log.warn("Annotations were not found when parsing: " + annotationId); } // return the collection that we have augmented return docs; } /** * Merge updates with existing solr documents * * @param indexDocument * @return * @throws IOException * @throws EncoderException * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public SolrDoc mergeWithIndexedDocument(SolrDoc indexDocument) throws IOException, EncoderException, XPathExpressionException { return mergeWithIndexedDocument(indexDocument, getFieldsToMerge()); } /** * Inspired by SubprocessorUtility method, but works with embedded solr server * @param indexDocument * @param fieldsToMerge * @return * @throws IOException * @throws EncoderException * @throws XPathExpressionException */ private SolrDoc mergeWithIndexedDocument(SolrDoc indexDocument, List fieldsToMerge) throws IOException, EncoderException, XPathExpressionException { log.debug("about to merge indexed document with new doc to insert for pid: " + indexDocument.getIdentifier()); SolrDoc solrDoc = null; try { solrDoc = ResourceMapSubprocessor.getSolrDoc(indexDocument.getIdentifier()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not retrieve existing index document: " + indexDocument.getIdentifier(), e); } if (solrDoc != null) { log.debug("found existing doc to merge for pid: " + indexDocument.getIdentifier()); for (SolrElementField field : solrDoc.getFieldList()) { if (fieldsToMerge.contains(field.getName()) && !indexDocument.hasFieldWithValue(field.getName(), field.getValue())) { indexDocument.addField(field); log.debug("merging field: " + field.getName() + " with value: " + field.getValue()); } } } return indexDocument; } }