ndocutils.nodesdocument)}( rawsourcechildren]hsection)}(hhh](htitle)}(h"Downloading and Installing Metacath]hText"Downloading and Installing Metacat}(hhparenthhhsourceNlineNuba attributes}(ids]classes]names]dupnames]backrefs]refidid6utagnamehhh hhh[/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Metacat_stable/workspace/metacat/docs/user/metacat/source/install.rsthKubh paragraph)}(h>Instructions for the Linux system is included in this section.h]h>Instructions for the Linux system is included in this section.}(hh1hh/hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhh hhubhtopic)}(hhh](h)}(hContentsh]hContents}(hhhhBubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hhh?ubh bullet_list)}(hhh]h list_item)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]h reference)}(hhh]h"Downloading and Installing Metacat}(hhhh_ubah}(h]h*ah!]h#]h%]h']refid"downloading-and-installing-metacatuh+h]hhZubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hhWubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hSystem Requirements}(hSystem Requirementshh}ubah}(h]id7ah!]h#]h%]h']refidsystem-requirementsuh+h]hhzubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hhwubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhtubhV)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hInstalling on Linux}(hInstalling on Linuxhhubah}(h]id8ah!]h#]h%]h']refidinstalling-on-linuxuh+h]hhubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hQuick Start Overview}(hQuick Start Overviewhhubah}(h]id9ah!]h#]h%]h']refidquick-start-overviewuh+h]hhubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hhubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hDownloading Metacat}(hDownloading Metacathhubah}(h]id10ah!]h#]h%]h']refiddownloading-metacatuh+h]hhubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h3Download the Metacat Installer (Highly Recommended)}(h3Download the Metacat Installer (Highly Recommended)hjubah}(h]id11ah!]h#]h%]h']refid1download-the-metacat-installer-highly-recommendeduh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hhubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hDownload Metacat Source Code}(hDownload Metacat Source Codehj&ubah}(h]id12ah!]h#]h%]h']refiddownload-metacat-source-codeuh+h]hj#ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h:Check Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers)}(h:Check Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers)hjIubah}(h]id13ah!]h#]h%]h']refid8check-out-metacat-source-code-from-github-for-developersuh+h]hjFubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjCubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhhubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h,Installing and Configuring Required Software}(h,Installing and Configuring Required Softwarehjxubah}(h]id14ah!]h#]h%]h']refid,installing-and-configuring-required-softwareuh+h]hjuubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjrubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hJava 8}(hJava 8hjubah}(h]id15ah!]h#]h%]h']refidid1uh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h Apache Tomcat}(h Apache Tomcathjubah}(h]id16ah!]h#]h%]h']refidid2uh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h(Apache HTTPD Server (Highly Recommended)}(h(Apache HTTPD Server (Highly Recommended)hjubah}(h]id17ah!]h#]h%]h']refid&apache-httpd-server-highly-recommendeduh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hPostgreSQL Database}(hPostgreSQL Databasehjubah}(h]id18ah!]h#]h%]h']refidpostgresql-databaseuh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h Solr Server}(h Solr Serverhj$ubah}(h]id19ah!]h#]h%]h']refid solr-serveruh+h]hj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h$Apache Ant (if building from Source)}(h$Apache Ant (if building from Source)hjGubah}(h]id20ah!]h#]h%]h']refid"apache-ant-if-building-from-sourceuh+h]hjDubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjAubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhjrubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hInstalling Metacat}(hInstalling Metacathjvubah}(h]id21ah!]h#]h%]h']refidinstalling-metacatuh+h]hjsubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjpubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h New Install}(h New Installhjubah}(h]id22ah!]h#]h%]h']refid new-installuh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hUpgrade Metacat}(hUpgrade Metacathjubah}(h]id23ah!]h#]h%]h']refidupgrade-metacatuh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hSource Install and Upgrade}(hSource Install and Upgradehjubah}(h]id24ah!]h#]h%]h']refidsource-install-and-upgradeuh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhjpubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h+Optional Installation Options (LSID Server)}(h+Optional Installation Options (LSID Server)hj ubah}(h]id25ah!]h#]h%]h']refid)optional-installation-options-lsid-serveruh+h]hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h:Install and configure the LSID Server shipped with Metacat}(h:Install and configure the LSID Server shipped with Metacathj+ubah}(h]id26ah!]h#]h%]h']refid:install-and-configure-the-lsid-server-shipped-with-metacatuh+h]hj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj"ubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]h(To install the LSID server from a source}(h(To install the LSID server from a sourcehjNubah}(h]id27ah!]h#]h%]h']refid(to-install-the-lsid-server-from-a-sourceuh+h]hjKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjHubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj"ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubhV)}(hhh]h.)}(hhh]h^)}(hhh]hTroubleshooting}(hTroubleshootinghj}ubah}(h]id28ah!]h#]h%]h']refidtroubleshootinguh+h]hjzubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjwubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhhubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhtubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhhWubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhhRubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hPhh?hhhNhNubeh}(h]contentsah!]contentsah#]contentsah%]h']uh+h=hh,hKhh hhubh )}(hhh](h)}(hhh]hSystem Requirements}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)huh+hhjhhhh,hK ubh.)}(hIn addition to meeting the recommended system requirements, the server on which you wish to install Metacat must have the following software installed and running correctly:h]hIn addition to meeting the recommended system requirements, the server on which you wish to install Metacat must have the following software installed and running correctly:}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK hjhhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h.)}(hjh]h^)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h PostgreSQL}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name PostgreSQLrefurihttp://www.postgresql.org/uh+h]hjresolvedKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h'`Apache Ant`_ (if building from source)h]h.)}(hj h](h^)}(h `Apache Ant`_h]h Apache Ant}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache Antjhttp://ant.apache.org/uh+h]hj jKubh (if building from source)}(h (if building from source)hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h`Apache Tomcat`_h]h.)}(hj3h]h^)}(hj3h]h Apache Tomcat}(hhhj8ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache Tomcatjhttp://tomcat.apache.org/uh+h]hj5jKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj1ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hX`Apache HTTPD Server`_ (recommended) * In order to use the Metacat Registry (and for a more robust Web-serving environment in general), the Apache Web server should be installed with Tomcat and the two should be integrated. See the installing Apache for more information. h](h.)}(h$`Apache HTTPD Server`_ (recommended)h](h^)}(h`Apache HTTPD Server`_h]hApache HTTPD Server}(hhhj\ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameApache HTTPD Serverjhttp://httpd.apache.org/uh+h]hjXjKubh (recommended)}(h (recommended)hjXubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjTubhQ)}(hhh]hV)}(hIn order to use the Metacat Registry (and for a more robust Web-serving environment in general), the Apache Web server should be installed with Tomcat and the two should be integrated. See the installing Apache for more information. h]h.)}(hIn order to use the Metacat Registry (and for a more robust Web-serving environment in general), the Apache Web server should be installed with Tomcat and the two should be integrated. See the installing Apache for more information.h]hIn order to use the Metacat Registry (and for a more robust Web-serving environment in general), the Apache Web server should be installed with Tomcat and the two should be integrated. See the installing Apache for more information.}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj{ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjxubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']bullet*uh+hPhh,hKhjTubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhNhNubhV)}(h&`Java 8`_ (Note: Java 7 is deprecated)h]h.)}(hjh](h^)}(h `Java 8`_h]hJava 8}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameJava 8jShttp://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.htmluh+h]hjjKubh (Note: Java 7 is deprecated)}(h (Note: Java 7 is deprecated)hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h`Solr 8.8.2`_ h]h.)}(h `Solr 8.8.2`_h]h^)}(hjh]h Solr 8.8.2}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Solr 8.8.2j=https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_8/getting-started.htmluh+h]hjjKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hKhjhhubhtarget)}(h*.. _PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/h]h}(h] postgresqlah!]h#] postgresqlah%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh, referencedKubj)}(h".. _Oracle: http://www.oracle.com/h]h}(h]oracleah!]h#]oracleah%]h']jhttp://www.oracle.com/uh+jhKhjhhhh,jKubj)}(h&.. _Apache Ant: http://ant.apache.org/h]h}(h] apache-antah!]h#] apache antah%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,jKubj)}(h,.. _Apache Tomcat: http://tomcat.apache.org/h]h}(h] apache-tomcatah!]h#] apache tomcatah%]h']jjGuh+jhK hjhhhh,jKubj)}(h1.. _Apache HTTPD Server: http://httpd.apache.org/h]h}(h]apache-httpd-serverah!]h#]apache httpd serverah%]h']jjluh+jhK"hjhhhh,jKubj)}(h_.. _Java 8: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.htmlh]h}(h]java-8ah!]h#]java 8ah%]h']jjuh+jhK$hjhhhh,jKubj)}(hM.. _Solr 8.8.2: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_8/getting-started.htmlh]h}(h] solr-8-8-2ah!]h#] solr 8.8.2ah%]h']jjuh+jhK&hjhhhh,jKubh.)}(h(System requirements for running Metacat:h]h(System requirements for running Metacat:}(hjNhjLhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK)hjhhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(h%a server running PostgreSQL_ databaseh]h.)}(hj_h](ha server running }(ha server running hjaubh^)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h PostgreSQL}(hhhjiubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name PostgreSQLjjuh+h]hjajKubh database}(h databasehjaubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK+hj]ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjZhhhh,hNubhV)}(hat least 512MB RAMh]h.)}(hjh]hat least 512MB RAM}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK,hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjZhhhh,hNubhV)}(h200 MB disk space (Note: The amount of disk space required depends on the size of your RDBMS tablespace and the the size and number of documents stored. Metacat itself requires only about 140 MB of free space after installation). h]h.)}(h200 MB disk space (Note: The amount of disk space required depends on the size of your RDBMS tablespace and the the size and number of documents stored. Metacat itself requires only about 140 MB of free space after installation).h]h200 MB disk space (Note: The amount of disk space required depends on the size of your RDBMS tablespace and the the size and number of documents stored. Metacat itself requires only about 140 MB of free space after installation).}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK-hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjZhhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hK+hjhhubeh}(h]hah!]h#]system requirementsah%]h']uh+h hh hhhh,hK ubh )}(hhh](h)}(hhh]hInstalling on Linux}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)huh+hhjhhhh,hK1ubh.)}(hXOThis section contains instructions for downloading and installing Metacat on Linux systems. As Mac OS X is based on BSD Unix, these Linux instructions can be adapted to also work on Mac OS X (although the exact commands for downloading and installing packages will differ due to the different package management approaches on the Mac).h]hXOThis section contains instructions for downloading and installing Metacat on Linux systems. As Mac OS X is based on BSD Unix, these Linux instructions can be adapted to also work on Mac OS X (although the exact commands for downloading and installing packages will differ due to the different package management approaches on the Mac).}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK2hjhhubh )}(hhh](h)}(hhh]hQuick Start Overview}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)huh+hhjhhhh,hK9ubh.)}(hFor the impatient or those who have already installed Metacat and know what they are doing, here are the steps needed to install Metacat. Detailed instructions for each step are in the next section.h]hFor the impatient or those who have already installed Metacat and know what they are doing, here are the steps needed to install Metacat. Detailed instructions for each step are in the next section.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK:hjhhubhenumerated_list)}(hhh](hV)}(hgDownload and install prerequisites (`Java 8`_, `Apache Tomcat`_ 7, PostgreSQL_, `Apache HTTPD Server`_)h]h.)}(hj h](h$Download and install prerequisites (}(h$Download and install prerequisites (hj ubh^)}(h `Java 8`_h]hJava 8}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameJava 8jjuh+h]hj jKubh, }(h, hj ubh^)}(h`Apache Tomcat`_h]h Apache Tomcat}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache TomcatjjGuh+h]hj jKubh 7, }(h 7, hj ubh^)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h PostgreSQL}(hhhj=ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name PostgreSQLjjuh+h]hj jKubh, }(hj'hj ubh^)}(h`Apache HTTPD Server`_h]hApache HTTPD Server}(hhhjQubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameApache HTTPD Serverjjluh+h]hj jKubh)}(h)hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK>hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(htCreate a database in PostgreSQL named 'metacat' and authorize access to it in ``pb_hba.conf`` for the user 'metacat'h]h.)}(hjth](hRCreate a database in PostgreSQL named ‘metacat’ and authorize access to it in }(hNCreate a database in PostgreSQL named 'metacat' and authorize access to it in hjvubhliteral)}(h``pb_hba.conf``h]h pb_hba.conf}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjvubh for the user ‘metacat’}(h for the user 'metacat'hjvubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK?hjrubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h2Log in to PostgreSQL and create the 'metacat' userh]h.)}(hjh]h6Log in to PostgreSQL and create the ‘metacat’ user}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK@hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hJDownload Metacat from the `Metacat Download Page`_ and extract the archiveh]h.)}(hjh](hDownload Metacat from the }(hDownload Metacat from the hjubh^)}(h`Metacat Download Page`_h]hMetacat Download Page}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameMetacat Download Pagej/http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/metacat/uh+h]hjjKubh and extract the archive}(h and extract the archivehjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKAhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hE``sudo mkdir /var/metacat; sudo chown -R /var/metacat``h]h.)}(hjh]j)}(hjh]hAsudo mkdir /var/metacat; sudo chown -R /var/metacat}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKBhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h>``sudo cp /metacat.war ``h]h.)}(hjh]j)}(hjh]h:sudo cp /metacat.war }(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKChjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hD``sudo cp /metacat-index.war ``h]h.)}(hj&h]j)}(hj&h]h@sudo cp /metacat-index.war }(hhhj+ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKDhj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h@``sudo cp /metacatui.war ``h]h.)}(hjFh]j)}(hjFh]h/metacatui.war }(hhhjKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjHubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKEhjDubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h$``sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart``h]h.)}(hjfh]j)}(hjfh]h sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart}(hhhjkubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjhubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKFhjdubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h,Configure Metacat through the Web interface h]h.)}(h+Configure Metacat through the Web interfaceh]h+Configure Metacat through the Web interface}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKGhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']enumtypearabicprefixhsuffix.uh+jhjhhhh,hK>ubj)}(hJ.. _Metacat Download Page: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/metacat/h]h}(h]metacat-download-pageah!]h#]metacat download pageah%]h']jjuh+jhKIhjhhhh,jKubeh}(h]hah!]h#]quick start overviewah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hK9ubh )}(hhh](h)}(hhh]hDownloading Metacat}(hhhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)huh+hhjhhhh,hKLubh.)}(hBefore installing Metacat, please ensure that all required software is installed and running correctly. To obtain a Metacat WAR file, which is needed for installation, download one of the following:h]hBefore installing Metacat, please ensure that all required software is installed and running correctly. To obtain a Metacat WAR file, which is needed for installation, download one of the following:}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKMhjhhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(h6the Metacat installer, which has a pre-built WAR file,h]h.)}(hjh]h6the Metacat installer, which has a pre-built WAR file,}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKQhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hSthe Metacat source distribution, which must be built in order to create a WAR file,h]h.)}(hjh]hSthe Metacat source distribution, which must be built in order to create a WAR file,}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKRhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(h`the Metacat source code from SVN. You must build the source code in order to create a WAR file. h]h.)}(h_the Metacat source code from SVN. You must build the source code in order to create a WAR file.h]h_the Metacat source code from SVN. You must build the source code in order to create a WAR file.}(hjhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKShj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hKQhjhhubh.)}(hInstructions for all three options are discussed below. Note that downloading the installer (described in the next section) is the simplest way to get started.h]hInstructions for all three options are discussed below. Note that downloading the installer (described in the next section) is the simplest way to get started.}(hj)hj'hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKUhjhhubh )}(hhh](h)}(hj h]h3Download the Metacat Installer (Highly Recommended)}(hj hj8hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)j uh+hhj5hhhh,hKZubh.)}(huDownloading the Metacat Installer is the simplest way to get started with the application. To download the installer:h]huDownloading the Metacat Installer is the simplest way to get started with the application. To download the installer:}(hjGhjEhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK[hj5hhubj)}(hhh](hV)}(hBrowse to the `Metacat Download Page`_. In the Metacat section, select the link to the "GZIP file" (the link should look like: metacat-bin-X.X.X.tar.gz, where X.X.X is the latest version of Metacat e.g., |release|)h]h.)}(hjXh](hBrowse to the }(hBrowse to the hjZubh^)}(h`Metacat Download Page`_h]hMetacat Download Page}(hhhjbubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameMetacat Download Pagejjuh+h]hjZjKubh. In the Metacat section, select the link to the “GZIP file” (the link should look like: metacat-bin-X.X.X.tar.gz, where X.X.X is the latest version of Metacat e.g., }(h. In the Metacat section, select the link to the "GZIP file" (the link should look like: metacat-bin-X.X.X.tar.gz, where X.X.X is the latest version of Metacat e.g., hjZubh2.19.0}(h2.19.0hjZubh)}(hjehjZubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK^hjVubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjShhhh,hNubhV)}(hSave the file locally.h]h.)}(hjh]hSave the file locally.}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK_hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjShhhh,hNubhV)}(h-Extract the Metacat package files by typing: h]h.)}(h,Extract the Metacat package files by typing:h]h,Extract the Metacat package files by typing:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK`hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjShhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhj5hhhh,hK^ubh literal_block)}(h"tar -xvzf metacat-bin-X.X.X.tar.gzh]h"tar -xvzf metacat-bin-X.X.X.tar.gz}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h'] xml:spacepreserveuh+jhKdhj5hhhh,ubh.)}(hYou should see a WAR file and several sample supporting files (Table 2.1). The extraction location will be referred to as the ```` for the remainder of this documentation.h](h~You should see a WAR file and several sample supporting files (Table 2.1). The extraction location will be referred to as the }(h~You should see a WAR file and several sample supporting files (Table 2.1). The extraction location will be referred to as the hjhhhNhNubj)}(h````h]h}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh) for the remainder of this documentation.}(h) for the remainder of this documentation.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKfhj5hhubhtable)}(hhh]htgroup)}(hhh](hcolspec)}(hhh]h}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']colwidthKuh+jhjubj )}(hhh]h}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']colwidthKuh+jhjubhthead)}(hhh]hrow)}(hhh](hentry)}(hhh]h.)}(hFileh]hFile}(hj& hj$ ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKkhj! ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(h Descriptionh]h Description}(hj= hj; ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKkhj8 ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hjubhtbody)}(hhh](j )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(h metacat.warh]h metacat.war}(hjh hjf ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKmhjc ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj` ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(h"The Metacat Web archive file (WAR)h]h"The Metacat Web archive file (WAR)}(hj hj} ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKmhjz ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj` ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(hmetacat-site.confh]hmetacat-site.conf}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKnhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(hISample Web definition file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.h]hISample Web definition file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKnhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(hmetacat-site-ssl.confh]hmetacat-site-ssl.conf}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKohj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(hISample SSL definition file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.h]hISample SSL definition file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKohj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(hjk.confh]hjk.conf}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKphj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(hPSample JkMount configuration file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.h]hPSample JkMount configuration file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.}(hj$ hj" ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKphj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(hworkers.propertiesh]hworkers.properties}(hjD hjB ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKqhj? ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj< ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(hMSample workers definition file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.h]hMSample workers definition file used by Apache on Ubuntu/Debian Linux systems.}(hj[ hjY ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKqhjV ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj< ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(hmetacat-index.warh]hmetacat-index.war}(hj{ hjy ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKrhjv ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hjs ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(hbThe Metacat Index WAR for supporting SOLR query features Optional unless Metacat UI is being used.h]hbThe Metacat Index WAR for supporting SOLR query features Optional unless Metacat UI is being used.}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKrhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hjs ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(h metacatui.warh]h metacatui.war}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKshj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(hThe Metacat UI - can be deployed as a webapp or directly in webserverMetacat UI requires metacat-index be deployed and configured.h]hThe Metacat UI - can be deployed as a webapp or directly in webserverMetacat UI requires metacat-index be deployed and configured.}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKshj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubj )}(hhh](j )}(hhh]h.)}(h authority.warh]h authority.war}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKthj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubj )}(hhh]h.)}(h(The optional LSID Server application WARh]h(The optional LSID Server application WAR}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKthj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj] ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j[ hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']colsKuh+jhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+jhj5hhhh,hNubeh}(h]jah!]h#]3download the metacat installer (highly recommended)ah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hKZubh )}(hhh](h)}(hj-h]hDownload Metacat Source Code}(hj-hj5 hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)j0uh+hhj2 hhhh,hKyubh.)}(h'To get the Metacat source distribution:h]h'To get the Metacat source distribution:}(hjD hjB hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKzhj2 hhubj)}(hhh](hV)}(hBrowse to the `Metacat Download Page`_. In the Metacat section, select the link to the Metacat Source code (it will look something like this: metacat-src-X.X.X.tar.gz, where X.X.X is the latest version of Metacat, e.g., |release|).h]h.)}(hjU h](hBrowse to the }(hBrowse to the hjW ubh^)}(h`Metacat Download Page`_h]hMetacat Download Page}(hhhj_ ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameMetacat Download Pagejjuh+h]hjW jKubh. In the Metacat section, select the link to the Metacat Source code (it will look something like this: metacat-src-X.X.X.tar.gz, where X.X.X is the latest version of Metacat, e.g., }(h. In the Metacat section, select the link to the Metacat Source code (it will look something like this: metacat-src-X.X.X.tar.gz, where X.X.X is the latest version of Metacat, e.g., hjW ubh2.19.0}(hj{hjW ubh).}(h).hjW ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK|hjS ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjP hhhh,hNubhV)}(hSave the file locally.h]h.)}(hj h]hSave the file locally.}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK}hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjP hhhh,hNubhV)}(h]Extract the Metacat package files by typing (replace X.X.X with the current version number): h]h.)}(h\Extract the Metacat package files by typing (replace X.X.X with the current version number):h]h\Extract the Metacat package files by typing (replace X.X.X with the current version number):}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hK~hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjP hhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhj2 hhhh,hK|ubj)}(h"tar -xvzf metacat-src-X.X.X.tar.gzh]h"tar -xvzf metacat-src-X.X.X.tar.gz}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhj2 hhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h/Rename the metacat-X.X.X directory to metacat. h]h.)}(h.Rename the metacat-X.X.X directory to metacat.h]h.Rename the metacat-X.X.X directory to metacat.}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjstartKuh+jhj2 hhhh,hKubh.)}(hNote that you do not need to create the WAR file directly because the Ant build-file has an "install" target that will build and deploy the WAR for you.h]hNote that you do not need to create the WAR file directly because the Ant build-file has an “install” target that will build and deploy the WAR for you.}(hj hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj2 hhubeh}(h]j6ah!]h#]download metacat source codeah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hKyubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjPh]h:Check Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers)}(hjPhj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)jSuh+hhj hhhh,hKubhsidebar)}(hIf you have not already installed Git and you are running Ubuntu/Debian, you can get the Git client by typing: :: sudo apt-get install gith](h)}(hInstalling an Git Client:h]hInstalling an Git Client:}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hhj ubh.)}(hnIf you have not already installed Git and you are running Ubuntu/Debian, you can get the Git client by typing:h]hnIf you have not already installed Git and you are running Ubuntu/Debian, you can get the Git client by typing:}(hj) hj' ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj ubj)}(hsudo apt-get install gith]hsudo apt-get install git}(hhhj5 ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hj hhhh,hNubh.)}(hiTo clone the repository from GitHub, go to the directory where you would like the code to live and type::h]hhTo clone the repository from GitHub, go to the directory where you would like the code to live and type:}(hhTo clone the repository from GitHub, go to the directory where you would like the code to live and type:hjI hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubj)}(h2git clone https://github.com/nceas/metacat metacath]h2git clone https://github.com/nceas/metacat metacat}(hhhjX ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhj hhhh,ubh.)}(hThe entire Metacat repository will be cloned to your local machine and the current branch is the `main` branch which is constantly maintained in a state ready for release. Detailed information about the code contribution please see:h](haThe entire Metacat repository will be cloned to your local machine and the current branch is the }(haThe entire Metacat repository will be cloned to your local machine and the current branch is the hjf hhhNhNubhtitle_reference)}(h`main`h]hmain}(hhhjq ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+jo hjf ubh branch which is constantly maintained in a state ready for release. Detailed information about the code contribution please see:}(h branch which is constantly maintained in a state ready for release. Detailed information about the code contribution please see:hjf hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubh.)}(h:https://github.com/NCEAS/metacat/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.mdh]h^)}(hj h]h:https://github.com/NCEAS/metacat/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurij uh+h]hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubh.)}(hNote that you do not need to create the WAR file directly because the Ant build-file has an "install" target that will build and deploy the WAR for you.h]hNote that you do not need to create the WAR file directly because the Ant build-file has an “install” target that will build and deploy the WAR for you.}(hj hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubeh}(h]jYah!]h#]:check out metacat source code from github (for developers)ah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hKubeh}(h]hah!]h#]downloading metacatah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hKLubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]h,Installing and Configuring Required Software}(hjhj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhj hhhh,hKubh.)}(hXMBefore you can install and run Metacat, you must ensure that a recent Java SDK, PostgreSQL, Ant (if installing from source), and Tomcat are installed and running correctly. We also highly recommend that you install Apache Web server, as it provides a more robust Web-serving environment and is required by some Metacat functionality.h]hXMBefore you can install and run Metacat, you must ensure that a recent Java SDK, PostgreSQL, Ant (if installing from source), and Tomcat are installed and running correctly. We also highly recommend that you install Apache Web server, as it provides a more robust Web-serving environment and is required by some Metacat functionality.}(hj hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(h `Java 8`_h]h.)}(hj h]h^)}(hj h]hJava 8}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameJava 8jjuh+h]hj jKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(h`Apache Tomcat`_h]h.)}(hj h]h^)}(hj h]h Apache Tomcat}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache TomcatjjGuh+h]hj jKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(h+`Apache HTTPD Server`_ (Highly Recommended)h]h.)}(hj% h](h^)}(h`Apache HTTPD Server`_h]hApache HTTPD Server}(hhhj* ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameApache HTTPD Serverjjluh+h]hj' jKubh (Highly Recommended)}(h (Highly Recommended)hj' ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj# ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(hPostgreSQL_ Databaseh]h.)}(hjM h](h^)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h PostgreSQL}(hhhjR ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name PostgreSQLjjuh+h]hjO jKubh Database}(h DatabasehjO ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjK ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(h'`Apache Ant`_ (if building from Source)h]h.)}(hju h](h^)}(h `Apache Ant`_h]h Apache Ant}(hhhjz ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache Antjjuh+h]hjw jKubh (if building from Source)}(h (if building from Source)hjw ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjs ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(h`Solr Server`_ h]h.)}(h`Solr Server`_h]h^)}(hj h]h Solr Server}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Solr Serverh)j4uh+h]hj jKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hKhj hhubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]hJava 8}(hjhj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhj hhhh,hKubh.)}(hTo run Metacat, you should use Java 8. Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set and that both ``java`` and ``javac`` are on your PATH.h](hwTo run Metacat, you should use Java 8. Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set and that both }(hwTo run Metacat, you should use Java 8. Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly set and that both hj hhhNhNubj)}(h``java``h]hjava}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj ubh and }(h and hj hhhNhNubj)}(h ``javac``h]hjavac}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj ubh are on your PATH.}(h are on your PATH.hj hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubh.)}(hRTo install Java if you are running Ubuntu_/Debian, you can install using apt-get::h](h#To install Java if you are running }(h#To install Java if you are running hj hhhNhNubh^)}(hUbuntu_h]hUbuntu}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameUbuntujhttp://www.ubuntu.com/uh+h]hj jKubh'/Debian, you can install using apt-get:}(h'/Debian, you can install using apt-get:hj hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubj)}(h"sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdkh]h"sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk}(hhhj.ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhj hhhh,ubh.)}(hsIf you are not using Ubuntu_/Debian, you can get Java from the Oracle_ website and install using the RPM installer.h](hIf you are not using }(hIf you are not using hj<hhhNhNubh^)}(hUbuntu_h]hUbuntu}(hhhjEubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameUbuntujj"uh+h]hj<jKubh#/Debian, you can get Java from the }(h#/Debian, you can get Java from the hj<hhhNhNubh^)}(hOracle_h]hOracle}(hhhjZubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameOraclejjuh+h]hj<jKubh- website and install using the RPM installer.}(h- website and install using the RPM installer.hj<hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhj hhubj)}(h".. _Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/h]h}(h]ubuntuah!]h#]ubuntuah%]h']jj"uh+jhKhj hhhh,jKubeh}(h]jah!]h#]h%]java 8ah']uh+h hj hhhh,hKjKubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]h Apache Tomcat}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjhhhh,hKubh.)}(hWe recommend that you install Tomcat 6 or 7 or 8 into the directory of your choice. The newer versions are preferred. Included with the Metacat download is a Tomcat-friendly start-up script that should be installed as well.h]hWe recommend that you install Tomcat 6 or 7 or 8 into the directory of your choice. The newer versions are preferred. Included with the Metacat download is a Tomcat-friendly start-up script that should be installed as well.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubh.)}(huNote: we will refer to the Tomcat installation directory as ```` for the remainder of the documentation.h](h``h]h }(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh( for the remainder of the documentation.}(h( for the remainder of the documentation.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubh.)}(h9If you are running Ubuntu_/Debian, get Tomcat by typing::h](hIf you are running }(hIf you are running hjhhhNhNubh^)}(hUbuntu_h]hUbuntu}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameUbuntujj"uh+h]hjjKubh/Debian, get Tomcat by typing:}(h/Debian, get Tomcat by typing:hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj)}(hsudo apt-get install tomcat7h]hsudo apt-get install tomcat7}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,ubh.)}(h5Otherwise, get Tomcat from the `Apache Tomcat`_ page.h](hOtherwise, get Tomcat from the }(hOtherwise, get Tomcat from the hjhhhNhNubh^)}(h`Apache Tomcat`_h]h Apache Tomcat}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache TomcatjjGuh+h]hjjKubh page.}(h page.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubh.)}(hGAfter installing Tomcat, you can switch back to the Sun JDK by typing::h]hFAfter installing Tomcat, you can switch back to the Sun JDK by typing:}(hFAfter installing Tomcat, you can switch back to the Sun JDK by typing:hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj)}(h&sudo update-alternatives --config javah]h&sudo update-alternatives --config java}(hhhj-ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,ubh.)}(h,and selecting the correct Java installation.h]h,and selecting the correct Java installation.}(hj=hj;hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubh.)}(hkIf using Tomcat with Apache/mod_jk, enable the AJP connector on port 8009 by uncommenting that section in::h]hjIf using Tomcat with Apache/mod_jk, enable the AJP connector on port 8009 by uncommenting that section in:}(hjIf using Tomcat with Apache/mod_jk, enable the AJP connector on port 8009 by uncommenting that section in:hjIhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj)}(h/conf/server.xmlh]h/conf/server.xml}(hhhjXubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,ubh.)}(hFor DataONE deployments edit::h]hFor DataONE deployments edit:}(hFor DataONE deployments edit:hjfhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj)}(h /etc/tomcat7/catalina.propertiesh]h /etc/tomcat7/catalina.properties}(hhhjuubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,ubh.)}(h to include::h]h to include:}(h to include:hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj)}(h}org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=trueh]h}org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.ALLOW_BACKSLASH=true}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,ubh.)}(hXNote: If you're running Tomcat using systemd, systemd sandboxes Tomcat limiting the directories it can write to and prevents Metacat from operating correctly. Ensure the following lines exist in the service file for Tomcat (paths may vary depending on your configuration):h]hXNote: If you’re running Tomcat using systemd, systemd sandboxes Tomcat limiting the directories it can write to and prevents Metacat from operating correctly. Ensure the following lines exist in the service file for Tomcat (paths may vary depending on your configuration):}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj)}(hBReadWritePaths=/var/metacat ReadWritePaths=/etc/default/solr.in.shh]hBReadWritePaths=/var/metacat ReadWritePaths=/etc/default/solr.in.sh}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjhhhh,ubeh}(h]jah!]h#]h%] apache tomcatah']uh+h hj hhhh,hKjKubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]h(Apache HTTPD Server (Highly Recommended)}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjhhhh,hKubh.)}(hXyAlthough you have the option of running Metacat with only the Tomcat server, we highly recommend that you run it behind the Apache Web server for several reasons; running Tomcat with the Apache server provides a more robust Web serving environment. The Apache Web server is required if you wish to install and run the Metacat Registry or to use the Metacat Replication feature.h]hXyAlthough you have the option of running Metacat with only the Tomcat server, we highly recommend that you run it behind the Apache Web server for several reasons; running Tomcat with the Apache server provides a more robust Web serving environment. The Apache Web server is required if you wish to install and run the Metacat Registry or to use the Metacat Replication feature.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjhhubj )}(hX^ If you are running on an O/S other than Ubuntu/Debian (e.g., Fedora Core or RedHat Linux) or if you installed the Apache source or binary, you must manually edit the Apache configuration file, where is the directory in which Apache is installed: :: /conf/httpd.conf 1. Configure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you'd like: :: JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/mod_jk.log" JkLogLevel info 2. Configure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation: :: DocumentRoot /var/www ServerName dev.nceas.ucsb.edu ## Allow CORS requests from all origins to use cookies SetEnvIf Origin "^(.*)$" ORIGIN_DOMAIN=$1 Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{ORIGIN_DOMAIN}e" env=ORIGIN_DOMAIN Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type, Origin, Cache-Control" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true" ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Require all granted ScriptAlias /metacat/cgi-bin/ "/var/www/webapps/metacat/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Require all granted AllowOverride All FallbackResource /metacatui/index.html Require all granted JkMount /metacat ajp13 JkMount /metacat/* ajp13 JkMount /metacat/metacat ajp13 JkUnMount /metacat/cgi-bin/* ajp13 JkMount /metacatui ajp13 JkMount /metacatui/* ajp13 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 3. Copy the "workers.properties" file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the workers.properties file will be in one of two locations: * the directory in which you extracted the Metacat distribution (for binary distribution) * /src/scripts/workers.properties (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN) 4. Edit the workers.properties file and make sure the following properties are set correctly: :: workers.tomcat_home - set to the Tomcat install directory. workers.java_home - set to the Java install directory. 5. Enable the Apache Mod HEADERS: :: sudo a2enmod headers 6. Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing: :: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restarth](h)}(h4Configuring Apache on an OS other than Ubuntu/Debianh]h4Configuring Apache on an OS other than Ubuntu/Debian}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hhjubh.)}(hX If you are running on an O/S other than Ubuntu/Debian (e.g., Fedora Core or RedHat Linux) or if you installed the Apache source or binary, you must manually edit the Apache configuration file, where is the directory in which Apache is installed:h]hX If you are running on an O/S other than Ubuntu/Debian (e.g., Fedora Core or RedHat Linux) or if you installed the Apache source or binary, you must manually edit the Apache configuration file, where is the directory in which Apache is installed:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjubj)}(h$/conf/httpd.confh]h$/conf/httpd.conf}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhKhjubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hConfigure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you'd like: h]h.)}(hConfigure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you'd like:h]hConfigure the log location and level for Mod JK. If your configuration file does not already have the following section, add it and set the log location to any place you’d like:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hKhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhjubh block_quote)}(hhh]j)}(hZ JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/mod_jk.log" JkLogLevel info h]hZ JkLogFile "/var/log/tomcat/mod_jk.log" JkLogLevel info }(hhhj5ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhj2ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hConfigure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation: h]h.)}(hConfigure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation:h]hConfigure apache to route traffic to the Metacat application. ServerName should be set to the DNS name of the Metacat server. ScriptAlias and the following Directory section should both point to the cgi-bin directory inside your Metacat installation:}(hjRhjPubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjLubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjIubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hX DocumentRoot /var/www ServerName dev.nceas.ucsb.edu ## Allow CORS requests from all origins to use cookies SetEnvIf Origin "^(.*)$" ORIGIN_DOMAIN=$1 Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{ORIGIN_DOMAIN}e" env=ORIGIN_DOMAIN Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type, Origin, Cache-Control" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true" ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Require all granted ScriptAlias /metacat/cgi-bin/ "/var/www/webapps/metacat/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Require all granted AllowOverride All FallbackResource /metacatui/index.html Require all granted JkMount /metacat ajp13 JkMount /metacat/* ajp13 JkMount /metacat/metacat ajp13 JkUnMount /metacat/cgi-bin/* ajp13 JkMount /metacatui ajp13 JkMount /metacatui/* ajp13 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 h]hX DocumentRoot /var/www ServerName dev.nceas.ucsb.edu ## Allow CORS requests from all origins to use cookies SetEnvIf Origin "^(.*)$" ORIGIN_DOMAIN=$1 Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{ORIGIN_DOMAIN}e" env=ORIGIN_DOMAIN Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "Authorization, Content-Type, Origin, Cache-Control" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS" Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true" ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log common ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Require all granted ScriptAlias /metacat/cgi-bin/ "/var/www/webapps/metacat/cgi-bin/" AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI Require all granted AllowOverride All FallbackResource /metacatui/index.html Require all granted JkMount /metacat ajp13 JkMount /metacat/* ajp13 JkMount /metacat/metacat ajp13 JkUnMount /metacat/cgi-bin/* ajp13 JkMount /metacatui ajp13 JkMount /metacatui/* ajp13 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 }(hhhjmubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM hjjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hXCopy the "workers.properties" file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the workers.properties file will be in one of two locations: h]h.)}(hXCopy the "workers.properties" file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the workers.properties file will be in one of two locations:h]hX Copy the “workers.properties” file provided by Metacat into your Apache configuration directory (/conf/). Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, the workers.properties file will be in one of two locations:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM1hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjubj1)}(hhh]hQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hWthe directory in which you extracted the Metacat distribution (for binary distribution)h]h.)}(hjh]hWthe directory in which you extracted the Metacat distribution (for binary distribution)}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM3hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hz/src/scripts/workers.properties (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN) h]h.)}(hy/src/scripts/workers.properties (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN)h]hy/src/scripts/workers.properties (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN)}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM4hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hM3hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h[Edit the workers.properties file and make sure the following properties are set correctly: h]h.)}(hZEdit the workers.properties file and make sure the following properties are set correctly:h]hZEdit the workers.properties file and make sure the following properties are set correctly:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM6hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hrworkers.tomcat_home - set to the Tomcat install directory. workers.java_home - set to the Java install directory.h]hrworkers.tomcat_home - set to the Tomcat install directory. workers.java_home - set to the Java install directory.}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM:hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hEnable the Apache Mod HEADERS: h]h.)}(hEnable the Apache Mod HEADERS:h]hEnable the Apache Mod HEADERS:}(hj$hj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM=hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hsudo a2enmod headersh]hsudo a2enmod headers}(hhhj?ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMAhj<ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h.Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing: h]h.)}(h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:h]h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:}(hj\hjZubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMChjVubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjSubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restarth]h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart}(hhhjwubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMGhjtubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j hjhhhh,hNubh.)}(hThis section contains instructions for installing and configuring the Apache Web server for Metacat on an Ubuntu_/Debian system. Instructions for configuring Apache running on other Linux systems are included in the sidebar.h](hjThis section contains instructions for installing and configuring the Apache Web server for Metacat on an }(hjThis section contains instructions for installing and configuring the Apache Web server for Metacat on an hjhhhNhNubh^)}(hUbuntu_h]hUbuntu}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameUbuntujj"uh+h]hjjKubho/Debian system. Instructions for configuring Apache running on other Linux systems are included in the sidebar.}(ho/Debian system. Instructions for configuring Apache running on other Linux systems are included in the sidebar.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMIhjhhubj)}(hhh]hV)}(htInstall the Apache and Mod JK packages (Mod JK is the module Apache uses to talk to Tomcat applications) by typing: h]h.)}(hsInstall the Apache and Mod JK packages (Mod JK is the module Apache uses to talk to Tomcat applications) by typing:h]hsInstall the Apache and Mod JK packages (Mod JK is the module Apache uses to talk to Tomcat applications) by typing:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhjhhhh,hMMubj)}(h.sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-jkh]h.sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-jk}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMQhjhhhh,ubh.)}(hX`If you are installing the Apache server on an Ubuntu/Debian system, and you installed Apache using apt-get as described above, the Metacat code will have helper files that can be dropped into directories to configure Apache. Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, these helper files will be in one of two locations:h]hX`If you are installing the Apache server on an Ubuntu/Debian system, and you installed Apache using apt-get as described above, the Metacat code will have helper files that can be dropped into directories to configure Apache. Depending on whether you are installing from binary distribution or source, these helper files will be in one of two locations:}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMShjhhubhQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hOthe directory in which you extracted the distribution (for binary distribution)h]h.)}(hjh]hOthe directory in which you extracted the distribution (for binary distribution)}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMYhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hX#``/src/scripts`` (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as ```` and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., ``/etc/apache2/``) as ````. h]h.)}(hX"``/src/scripts`` (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as ```` and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., ``/etc/apache2/``) as ````.h](j)}(h"``/src/scripts``h]h/src/scripts}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as }(h (for both the source distribution and source code checked out from SVN). We will refer to the directory with the helper scripts as hjubj)}(h````h]h}(hhhj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh4 and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., }(h4 and the directory where Apache is installed (e.g., hjubj)}(h``/etc/apache2/``h]h /etc/apache2/}(hhhj:ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh) as }(h) as hjubj)}(h````h]h}(hhhjMubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh.}(hjhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMZhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hMYhjhhubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h.Set up Mod JK apache configuration by typing: h]h.)}(h-Set up Mod JK apache configuration by typing:h]h-Set up Mod JK apache configuration by typing:}(hjzhjxubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM\hjtubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjqhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hM\ubj)}(hsudo cp /debian/jk.conf /mods-available sudo cp /debian/workers.properties h]hsudo cp /debian/jk.conf /mods-available sudo cp /debian/workers.properties }(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM`hjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hKDisable and re-enable the Apache Mod JK module to pick up the new changes: h]h.)}(hJDisable and re-enable the Apache Mod JK module to pick up the new changes:h]hJDisable and re-enable the Apache Mod JK module to pick up the new changes:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMchjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMcubj)}(h sudo a2dismod jk sudo a2enmod jkh]h sudo a2dismod jk sudo a2enmod jk}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMghjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hXApache needs to know about the Metacat site. The helper file named "metacat-site.conf" has rules that tell Apache which traffic to route to Metacat. Set up Metacat site by dropping the metacat-site file into the sites-available directory and running a2ensite to enable the site: h]h.)}(hXApache needs to know about the Metacat site. The helper file named "metacat-site.conf" has rules that tell Apache which traffic to route to Metacat. Set up Metacat site by dropping the metacat-site file into the sites-available directory and running a2ensite to enable the site:h]hXApache needs to know about the Metacat site. The helper file named “metacat-site.conf” has rules that tell Apache which traffic to route to Metacat. Set up Metacat site by dropping the metacat-site file into the sites-available directory and running a2ensite to enable the site:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMjubj)}(hssudo cp /metacat-site.conf /sites-available sudo a2ensite metacat-site.confh]hssudo cp /metacat-site.conf /sites-available sudo a2ensite metacat-site.conf}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMnhjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h/Disable the default Apache site configuration: h]h.)}(h.Disable the default Apache site configuration:h]h.Disable the default Apache site configuration:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMqhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMqubj)}(hsudo a2dissite 000-defaulth]hsudo a2dissite 000-default}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMuhjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h.Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing: h]h.)}(h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:h]h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:}(hj6hj4ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMwhj0ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj-hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMwubj)}(h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restarth]h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart}(hhhjNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM{hjhhhh,ubeh}(h]jah!]h#](apache httpd server (highly recommended)ah%]h']uh+h hj hhhh,hKubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]hPostgreSQL Database}(hjhjfhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)j uh+hhjchhhh,hMubh.)}(hCurrently Metacat only supports PostgreSQL_. You can choose the release versions of PostgreSQL 8, 9, 10 or 11. The newer versions are preferred. To install and configure PostgreSQL_:h](h Currently Metacat only supports }(h Currently Metacat only supports hjshhhNhNubh^)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h PostgreSQL}(hhhj|ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name PostgreSQLjjuh+h]hjsjKubh. You can choose the release versions of PostgreSQL 8, 9, 10 or 11. The newer versions are preferred. To install and configure }(h. You can choose the release versions of PostgreSQL 8, 9, 10 or 11. The newer versions are preferred. To install and configure hjshhhNhNubh^)}(h PostgreSQL_h]h PostgreSQL}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name PostgreSQLjjuh+h]hjsjKubh:}(h:hjshhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjchhubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h=If you are running Ubuntu_/Debian, get PostgreSQL by typing: h]h.)}(hhhhNhNubj)}(h ``SOLR_OPTS``h]h SOLR_OPTS}(hhhjGubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj>ubh9 variable in the environment specific include file (e.g. }(h9 variable in the environment specific include file (e.g. hj>hhhNhNubj)}(h``/etc/default/solr.in.sh``h]h/etc/default/solr.in.sh}(hhhjZubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj>ubh ) such as:}(h ) such as:hj>hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubj)}(h*SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.allowPaths=*"h]h*SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.allowPaths=*"}(hhhjsubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hIncrease Memory h]h.)}(hIncrease Memoryh]hIncrease Memory}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMubh.)}(hNote: If you are upgrading the Solr server and you might already run this command during the previous installation, you may skip this step.h]hNote: If you are upgrading the Solr server and you might already run this command during the previous installation, you may skip this step.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubh.)}(hXJBy default, Solr sets the maximum Java heap size to 512M (-Xmx512m). Values between 10 and 20 gigabytes are not uncommon for production servers. When you need to change the memory settings for your Solr server, use the ``SOLR_JAVA_MEM`` variable in the environment specific include file (e.g. ``/etc/default/solr.in.sh``) such as:h](hBy default, Solr sets the maximum Java heap size to 512M (-Xmx512m). Values between 10 and 20 gigabytes are not uncommon for production servers. When you need to change the memory settings for your Solr server, use the }(hBy default, Solr sets the maximum Java heap size to 512M (-Xmx512m). Values between 10 and 20 gigabytes are not uncommon for production servers. When you need to change the memory settings for your Solr server, use the hjhhhNhNubj)}(h``SOLR_JAVA_MEM``h]h SOLR_JAVA_MEM}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh9 variable in the environment specific include file (e.g. }(h9 variable in the environment specific include file (e.g. hjhhhNhNubj)}(h``/etc/default/solr.in.sh``h]h/etc/default/solr.in.sh}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh ) such as:}(h ) such as:hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubj)}(hSOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms2g -Xmx2g"h]hSOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms2g -Xmx2g"}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h Tomcat and Solr User Management h]h.)}(hTomcat and Solr User Managementh]hTomcat and Solr User Management}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hM ubh.)}(hNote: If you are upgrading the Solr server and you have already run this command during the previous installation, you may skip this step.h]hNote: If you are upgrading the Solr server and you have already run this command during the previous installation, you may skip this step.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM"hjhhubh.)}(hThe interaction of the Tomcat and Solr services can cause the file permission issues. Add the ``tomcat8`` user to the ``solr`` group and the ``solr`` user to ``tomcat8`` group to fix the problem:h](h^The interaction of the Tomcat and Solr services can cause the file permission issues. Add the }(h^The interaction of the Tomcat and Solr services can cause the file permission issues. Add the hj"hhhNhNubj)}(h ``tomcat8``h]htomcat8}(hhhj+ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj"ubh user to the }(h user to the hj"hhhNhNubj)}(h``solr``h]hsolr}(hhhj>ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj"ubh group and the }(h group and the hj"hhhNhNubj)}(h``solr``h]hsolr}(hhhjQubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj"ubh user to }(h user to hj"hhhNhNubj)}(h ``tomcat8``h]htomcat8}(hhhjdubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj"ubh group to fix the problem:}(h group to fix the problem:hj"hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM$hjhhubj)}(h?sudo usermod -a -G solr tomcat8 sudo usermod -a -G tomcat8 solrh]h?sudo usermod -a -G solr tomcat8 sudo usermod -a -G tomcat8 solr}(hhhj}ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM)hjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hURestart the Solr server to make the new group setting effective (:note2:`Important`) h]h.)}(hTRestart the Solr server to make the new group setting effective (:note2:`Important`)h](hARestart the Solr server to make the new group setting effective (}(hARestart the Solr server to make the new group setting effective (hjubhinline)}(h:note2:`Important`h]h Important}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]note2ah#]h%]h']uh+jhjubh)}(hjehjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM,hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj K uh+jhjhhhh,hM,ubj)}(h.sudo service solr stop sudo service solr starth]h.sudo service solr stop sudo service solr start}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM0hjhhhh,ubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h^Check that the ``tomcat8`` user and ``solr`` user are members of the appropriate groups with: h]h.)}(h]Check that the ``tomcat8`` user and ``solr`` user are members of the appropriate groups with:h](hCheck that the }(hCheck that the hjubj)}(h ``tomcat8``h]htomcat8}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh user and }(h user and hjubj)}(h``solr``h]hsolr}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh1 user are members of the appropriate groups with:}(h1 user are members of the appropriate groups with:hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM3hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj K uh+jhjhhhh,hM3ubj)}(h$sudo groups tomcat8 sudo groups solrh]h$sudo groups tomcat8 sudo groups solr}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM7hjhhhh,ubh.)}(hXNote: If you're running Tomcat using systemd, systemd sandboxes Tomcat limiting the directories it can write to and prevents Metacat from operating correctly. Ensure the following lines exist in the service file for Tomcat (paths may vary depending on your configuration):h]hXNote: If you’re running Tomcat using systemd, systemd sandboxes Tomcat limiting the directories it can write to and prevents Metacat from operating correctly. Ensure the following lines exist in the service file for Tomcat (paths may vary depending on your configuration):}(hj(hj&hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM:hjhhubj)}(hBReadWritePaths=/var/metacat ReadWritePaths=/etc/default/solr.in.shh]hBReadWritePaths=/var/metacat ReadWritePaths=/etc/default/solr.in.sh}(hhhj4ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM@hjhhhh,ubeh}(h]j4ah!]h#] solr serverah%]h']uh+h hj hhhh,hMjKubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjNh]h$Apache Ant (if building from Source)}(hjNhjLhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)jQuh+hhjIhhhh,hMDubh.)}(hXIf you are building Metacat from a source distribution or from source code checked out from SVN, Ant is required. (Users installing Metacat from the binary distribution do not require it.) Ant is a Java-based build application similar to Make on UNIX systems. It takes build instructions from a file named "build.xml", which is found in the root installation directory. Metacat source code comes with a default "build.xml" file that may require some modification upon installation.h]hXIf you are building Metacat from a source distribution or from source code checked out from SVN, Ant is required. (Users installing Metacat from the binary distribution do not require it.) Ant is a Java-based build application similar to Make on UNIX systems. It takes build instructions from a file named “build.xml”, which is found in the root installation directory. Metacat source code comes with a default “build.xml” file that may require some modification upon installation.}(hj[hjYhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMEhjIhhubh.)}(h5If you are running Ubuntu/Debian, get Ant by typing::h]h4If you are running Ubuntu/Debian, get Ant by typing:}(h4If you are running Ubuntu/Debian, get Ant by typing:hjghhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMMhjIhhubj)}(hsudo apt-get install anth]hsudo apt-get install ant}(hhhjvubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMOhjIhhhh,ubh.)}(h3Otherwise, get Ant from the `Apache Ant`_ homepage.h](hOtherwise, get Ant from the }(hOtherwise, get Ant from the hjhhhNhNubh^)}(h `Apache Ant`_h]h Apache Ant}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']name Apache Antjjuh+h]hjjKubh homepage.}(h homepage.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMQhjIhhubh.)}(hAnt should be installed on your system and the "ant" executable shell script should be available in the user's path. The latest Metacat release was tested with Ant 1.8.2.h]hAnt should be installed on your system and the “ant” executable shell script should be available in the user’s path. The latest Metacat release was tested with Ant 1.8.2.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMShjIhhubeh}(h]jWah!]h#]$apache ant (if building from source)ah%]h']uh+h hj hhhh,hMDubeh}(h]jah!]h#],installing and configuring required softwareah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hKubh )}(hhh](h)}(hj}h]hInstalling Metacat}(hj}hjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjhhhh,hMXubh.)}(hTInstructions for a new install, an upgrade, and a source install are included below.h]hTInstructions for a new install, an upgrade, and a source install are included below.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMYhjhhubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]h New Install}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjhhhh,hM]ubh.)}(hX)Before installing Metacat, please ensure that all required applications are installed, configured to run with Metacat, and running correctly. If you are upgrading an existing Metacat servlet, please skip to Upgrade. For information about installing from source, skip to Source Install and Upgrade.h]hX)Before installing Metacat, please ensure that all required applications are installed, configured to run with Metacat, and running correctly. If you are upgrading an existing Metacat servlet, please skip to Upgrade. For information about installing from source, skip to Source Install and Upgrade.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM^hjhhubh.)}(h!To install a new Metacat servlet:h]h!To install a new Metacat servlet:}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMchjhhubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hXCreate the Metacat directory. Metacat uses a base directory to store data, metadata, temporary files, and configuration backups. This directory should be outside of the Tomcat application directory so that it will not get wiped out during an upgrade. Typically, the directory is '/var/metacat', as shown in the instructions. If you choose a different location, remember it. You will be asked to configure Metacat to point to the base directory at startup. Create the Metacat directory by typing: h]h.)}(hXCreate the Metacat directory. Metacat uses a base directory to store data, metadata, temporary files, and configuration backups. This directory should be outside of the Tomcat application directory so that it will not get wiped out during an upgrade. Typically, the directory is '/var/metacat', as shown in the instructions. If you choose a different location, remember it. You will be asked to configure Metacat to point to the base directory at startup. Create the Metacat directory by typing:h]hXCreate the Metacat directory. Metacat uses a base directory to store data, metadata, temporary files, and configuration backups. This directory should be outside of the Tomcat application directory so that it will not get wiped out during an upgrade. Typically, the directory is ‘/var/metacat’, as shown in the instructions. If you choose a different location, remember it. You will be asked to configure Metacat to point to the base directory at startup. Create the Metacat directory by typing:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMehjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhjhhhh,hMeubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hsudo mkdir /var/metacath]hsudo mkdir /var/metacat}(hhhj2ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMihj/ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjhhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hChange the ownership of the directory to the user that will start Tomcat by typing (note: If you are starting Tomcat as the root user, you do not need to run the chown command): h]h.)}(hChange the ownership of the directory to the user that will start Tomcat by typing (note: If you are starting Tomcat as the root user, you do not need to run the chown command):h]hChange the ownership of the directory to the user that will start Tomcat by typing (note: If you are starting Tomcat as the root user, you do not need to run the chown command):}(hjOhjMubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMkhjIubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjFhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMkubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h(sudo chown -R /var/metacath]h(sudo chown -R /var/metacat}(hhhjjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMohjgubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjhhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hXInstall the Metacat, Metacat-index and MetacatUI WAR in the Tomcat web-application directory. For instructions on downloading the Metacat WAR, please see Downloading Metacat. Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the /webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., http://yourserver.com/metacat/). To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR: h]h.)}(hXInstall the Metacat, Metacat-index and MetacatUI WAR in the Tomcat web-application directory. For instructions on downloading the Metacat WAR, please see Downloading Metacat. Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the /webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., http://yourserver.com/metacat/). To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR:h](hXUInstall the Metacat, Metacat-index and MetacatUI WAR in the Tomcat web-application directory. For instructions on downloading the Metacat WAR, please see Downloading Metacat. Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the /webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., }(hXUInstall the Metacat, Metacat-index and MetacatUI WAR in the Tomcat web-application directory. For instructions on downloading the Metacat WAR, please see Downloading Metacat. Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the /webapps directory (e.g., /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps). Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory. We will refer to the Tomcat application directory as . NOTE: The name of the WAR file (e.g., metacat.war) provides the application context, which appears in the URL of the Metacat (e.g., hjubh^)}(hhttp://yourserver.com/metacat/h]hhttp://yourserver.com/metacat/}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurijuh+h]hjubh). To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR:}(h). To change the context, simply change the name of the WAR file to the desired name before copying it. To install the Metacat WAR:hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMrhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj~hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hMrubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hsudo cp /metacat.war sudo cp /metacat-index.war sudo cp /metacatui.war h]hsudo cp /metacat.war sudo cp /metacat-index.war sudo cp /metacatui.war }(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMvhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjhhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h[Restart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type: h]h.)}(hZRestart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type:h]h^Restart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often “tomcat”) and type:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM{hjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjhhhh,hM{ubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restarth]h sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjhhhh,hNubh.)}(hX[Congratulations! You have now installed Metacat. If everything is installed correctly, you should see the Authentication Configuration screen (Figure 2.1) when you type http://yourserver.com/yourcontext/ (e.g., http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb) into a browser. For more information about configuring Metacat, please see the Configuration Section.h](hCongratulations! You have now installed Metacat. If everything is installed correctly, you should see the Authentication Configuration screen (Figure 2.1) when you type }(hCongratulations! You have now installed Metacat. If everything is installed correctly, you should see the Authentication Configuration screen (Figure 2.1) when you type hjhhhNhNubh^)}(h"http://yourserver.com/yourcontext/h]h"http://yourserver.com/yourcontext/}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurijuh+h]hjubh (e.g., }(h (e.g., hjhhhNhNubh^)}(h!http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knbh]h!http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurij"uh+h]hjubhg) into a browser. For more information about configuring Metacat, please see the Configuration Section.}(hg) into a browser. For more information about configuring Metacat, please see the Configuration Section.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubhfigure)}(hhh](himage)}(h.. figure:: images/screenshots/image009.png :align: center The Authentication Configuration screen appears the first time you open a new installation of Metacat. h]h}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uriimages/screenshots/image009.png candidates}jjLsuh+j?hj<hh,hMubhcaption)}(hfThe Authentication Configuration screen appears the first time you open a new installation of Metacat.h]hfThe Authentication Configuration screen appears the first time you open a new installation of Metacat.}(hjShjQubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+jOhh,hMhj<ubeh}(h]id5ah!]h#]h%]h']aligncenteruh+j:hMhjhhhh,ubeh}(h]jah!]h#] new installah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hM]ubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]hUpgrade Metacat}(hjhjrhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjohhhh,hMubh.)}(hTo upgrade an existing binary Metacat installation follow the steps in this section. The steps for upgrading Metacat from source are the same as the instructions for installing from source:h]hTo upgrade an existing binary Metacat installation follow the steps in this section. The steps for upgrading Metacat from source are the same as the instructions for installing from source:}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjohhubj)}(hhh](hV)}(hDownload and extract the new version of Metacat. For more information about downloading and extracting Metacat, please see Downloading Metacat. h]h.)}(hDownload and extract the new version of Metacat. For more information about downloading and extracting Metacat, please see Downloading Metacat.h]hDownload and extract the new version of Metacat. For more information about downloading and extracting Metacat, please see Downloading Metacat.}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubhV)}(hrStop running Metacat. To stop Metacat, log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type: h]h.)}(hqStop running Metacat. To stop Metacat, log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type:h]huStop running Metacat. To stop Metacat, log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often “tomcat”) and type:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhjohhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h/etc/init.d/tomcat7 stoph]h/etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjohhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hBack up the existing Metacat installation. Although not required, we highly recommend that you back up your existing Metacat to a backup directory () before installing a new one. You can do so by typing: h]h.)}(hBack up the existing Metacat installation. Although not required, we highly recommend that you back up your existing Metacat to a backup directory () before installing a new one. You can do so by typing:h]hBack up the existing Metacat installation. Although not required, we highly recommend that you back up your existing Metacat to a backup directory () before installing a new one. You can do so by typing:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjohhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh](j)}(hycp /metacat /metacat. cp /metacat.war /metacat.war.h]hycp /metacat /metacat. cp /metacat.war /metacat.war.}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjubh.)}(hzWarning: Do not backup the files to the ```` directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.h](h(Warning: Do not backup the files to the }(h(Warning: Do not backup the files to the hjubj)}(h````h]h }(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubhA directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.}(hA directory. Tomcat will try to run the backup copy as a service.hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjohhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hGCopy the new Metacat WAR file in to the Tomcat applications directory: h]h.)}(hFCopy the new Metacat WAR file in to the Tomcat applications directory:h]hFCopy the new Metacat WAR file in to the Tomcat applications directory:}(hj@hj>ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj:ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj7hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjohhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh](j)}(h:sudo cp /metacat.war h]h:sudo cp /metacat.war }(hhhj[ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjXubh.)}(hNote: Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the ``/webapps`` directory. Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.h](hONote: Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the }(hONote: Typically, Tomcat will look for its application files (WAR files) in the hjiubj)}(h``/webapps``h]h/webapps}(hhhjrubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjiubhW directory. Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.}(hW directory. Your instance of Tomcat may be configured to look in a different directory.hjiubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjXubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjohhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hIf you have been (or would like to start) running an LSID server, copy the new authority.war file to the Tomcat applications directory. For more information about the LSID server, please see Optional Installation Options. h]h.)}(hIf you have been (or would like to start) running an LSID server, copy the new authority.war file to the Tomcat applications directory. For more information about the LSID server, please see Optional Installation Options.h]hIf you have been (or would like to start) running an LSID server, copy the new authority.war file to the Tomcat applications directory. For more information about the LSID server, please see Optional Installation Options.}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjohhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h/authority.war h]h/authority.war }(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjohhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hRestart Tomcat (and Apache if you have Tomcat integrated with it). Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat"), and type: h]h.)}(hRestart Tomcat (and Apache if you have Tomcat integrated with it). Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat"), and type:h]hRestart Tomcat (and Apache if you have Tomcat integrated with it). Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often “tomcat”), and type:}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjohhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h/etc/init.d/tomcat7 restarth]h/etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjohhhh,hNubh.)}(h{7. Run your new Metacat servlet. Go to a Web browser and visit your installed Metacat application, using a URL of the form:h]h{7. Run your new Metacat servlet. Go to a Web browser and visit your installed Metacat application, using a URL of the form:}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjohhubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h-http://yourserver.yourdomain.com/yourcontext/h]h-http://yourserver.yourdomain.com/yourcontext/}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjohhhh,hNubh.)}(hXYou should substitute your context name for "yourcontext" in the URL above (your context will be "metacat" unless you change the name of the metacat.war file to something else). If everything is working correctly, you should be presented with Metacat's Authorization Configuration screen. Note that if you do not have Tomcat integrated with Apache you will probably have to type http://yourserver.yourdomain.com:8080/yourcontext/h](hXYou should substitute your context name for “yourcontext” in the URL above (your context will be “metacat” unless you change the name of the metacat.war file to something else). If everything is working correctly, you should be presented with Metacat’s Authorization Configuration screen. Note that if you do not have Tomcat integrated with Apache you will probably have to type }(hX{You should substitute your context name for "yourcontext" in the URL above (your context will be "metacat" unless you change the name of the metacat.war file to something else). If everything is working correctly, you should be presented with Metacat's Authorization Configuration screen. Note that if you do not have Tomcat integrated with Apache you will probably have to type hj&hhhNhNubh^)}(h2http://yourserver.yourdomain.com:8080/yourcontext/h]h2http://yourserver.yourdomain.com:8080/yourcontext/}(hhhj/ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurij1uh+h]hj&ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjohhubeh}(h]jah!]h#]upgrade metacatah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hMubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]hSource Install and Upgrade}(hjhjNhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjKhhhh,hMubh.)}(hWhether you are building Metacat from the source distribution or source code checked out from SVN, you will need Apache Ant to do the build (see Installing and Configuring Required Software for more information about Ant).h]hWhether you are building Metacat from the source distribution or source code checked out from SVN, you will need Apache Ant to do the build (see Installing and Configuring Required Software for more information about Ant).}(hj]hj[hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjKhhubh.)}(hTo install Metacat from source:h]hTo install Metacat from source:}(hjkhjihhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjKhhubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hEdit the build.properties file found in the directory in which you downloaded Metacat. Note: Throughout the instructions, we will refer to this directory as ````. h]h.)}(hEdit the build.properties file found in the directory in which you downloaded Metacat. Note: Throughout the instructions, we will refer to this directory as ````.h](hEdit the build.properties file found in the directory in which you downloaded Metacat. Note: Throughout the instructions, we will refer to this directory as }(hEdit the build.properties file found in the directory in which you downloaded Metacat. Note: Throughout the instructions, we will refer to this directory as hj~ubj)}(h````h]h}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hj~ubh.}(hjhj~ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjzubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjwhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhjKhhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh]hQ)}(hhh](hV)}(hSet the build.tomcat.dir property to your Tomcat installation directory. Metacat will use some of the native Tomcat libraries during the build. For instance: build.tomcat.dir=/usr/local/tomcath]h.)}(hSet the build.tomcat.dir property to your Tomcat installation directory. Metacat will use some of the native Tomcat libraries during the build. For instance: build.tomcat.dir=/usr/local/tomcath]hSet the build.tomcat.dir property to your Tomcat installation directory. Metacat will use some of the native Tomcat libraries during the build. For instance: build.tomcat.dir=/usr/local/tomcat}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubhV)}(hSet the app.deploy.dir property to your application deployment directory. For instance: app.deploy.dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps h]h.)}(hSet the app.deploy.dir property to your application deployment directory. For instance: app.deploy.dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webappsh]hSet the app.deploy.dir property to your application deployment directory. For instance: app.deploy.dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps}(hjhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+hPhh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjKhhhNhNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h#In the ````, run: h]h.)}(h"In the ````, run:h](hIn the }(hIn the hjubj)}(h````h]h}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j~hjubh, run:}(h, run:hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjhhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjKhhhh,hMubj1)}(hhh](j)}(hsudo ant clean installh]hsudo ant clean install}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhj"ubh.)}(hfYou will see the individual modules get built. You should see a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message at the end.h]hjYou will see the individual modules get built. You should see a “BUILD SUCCESSFUL” message at the end.}(hj5hj3ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj"ubh.)}(hUYou should see a new file named metacat.war in your application deployment directory.h]hUYou should see a new file named metacat.war in your application deployment directory.}(hjChjAubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj"ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjKhhhh,hNubh.)}(h>To run your new Metacat servlet, open a Web browser and type::h]h=To run your new Metacat servlet, open a Web browser and type:}(h=To run your new Metacat servlet, open a Web browser and type:hjUhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjKhhubj)}(h\http://yourserver.yourdomain.com/yourcontext/ (e.g. http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/metacat/)h]h\http://yourserver.yourdomain.com/yourcontext/ (e.g. http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/metacat/)}(hhhjdubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjKhhhh,ubh.)}(hYour context will be "metacat" unless you changed the name of the metacat.war file to something else. The servlet may require a few seconds to start up, but once it is running, you will be presented with the Authorization Configuration screen.h]hYour context will be “metacat” unless you changed the name of the metacat.war file to something else. The servlet may require a few seconds to start up, but once it is running, you will be presented with the Authorization Configuration screen.}(hjthjrhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjKhhubeh}(h]jah!]h#]source install and upgradeah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hMubeh}(h]jah!]h#]installing metacatah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hMXubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]h+Optional Installation Options (LSID Server)}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhjhhhh,hMubhnote)}(hThe support for LSID identifiers is deprecated, and is being replaced with support for DOI_ identifiers in a future release. We are maintaining support for LSIDs on one particular site, but this support will be removed in a future version of Metacat.h]h.)}(hThe support for LSID identifiers is deprecated, and is being replaced with support for DOI_ identifiers in a future release. We are maintaining support for LSIDs on one particular site, but this support will be removed in a future version of Metacat.h](hWThe support for LSID identifiers is deprecated, and is being replaced with support for }(hWThe support for LSID identifiers is deprecated, and is being replaced with support for hjubh^)}(hDOI_h]hDOI}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameDOIjhttp://www.doi.org/uh+h]hjjKubh identifiers in a future release. We are maintaining support for LSIDs on one particular site, but this support will be removed in a future version of Metacat.}(h identifiers in a future release. We are maintaining support for LSIDs on one particular site, but this support will be removed in a future version of Metacat.hjubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+jhjhhhh,hNubj)}(h.. _DOI: http://www.doi.org/h]h}(h]doiah!]h#]doiah%]h']jjuh+jhMhjhhhh,jKubh.)}(hXMetacat's optional LSID server allows Metacat to use a standardized syntax for identifying data sets, in addition to Metacat's internal, custom scheme for identifiers. LSID's were designed to identify complex biological entities with short identifiers (much like DOIs in publishing) that are both computer and human readable. LSID identifiers are URIs and are therefore usable in many Internet applications, but they also cleanly separate the identity of a data set (i.e., its permenant identifier) from its current location (e.g., the list of URLs from which it might be retrieved). LSIDs accomplish this by using a level of indirection; the identifier represents simply a name without location, but an associated resolver service can be used to locate the current location of the data and medata for the data set. This is accomplished by establishing a well-known location for the resolution service for each authority using an infrequently used feature of the domain name system called SRV records. At its most basic, resolution of an identifier is performed when a client looks up the SRV record for an LSID by querying DNS, which returns the current host and port of the authority web service, which is in turn used to locate the data and metadata.-h]hXMetacat’s optional LSID server allows Metacat to use a standardized syntax for identifying data sets, in addition to Metacat’s internal, custom scheme for identifiers. LSID’s were designed to identify complex biological entities with short identifiers (much like DOIs in publishing) that are both computer and human readable. LSID identifiers are URIs and are therefore usable in many Internet applications, but they also cleanly separate the identity of a data set (i.e., its permenant identifier) from its current location (e.g., the list of URLs from which it might be retrieved). LSIDs accomplish this by using a level of indirection; the identifier represents simply a name without location, but an associated resolver service can be used to locate the current location of the data and medata for the data set. This is accomplished by establishing a well-known location for the resolution service for each authority using an infrequently used feature of the domain name system called SRV records. At its most basic, resolution of an identifier is performed when a client looks up the SRV record for an LSID by querying DNS, which returns the current host and port of the authority web service, which is in turn used to locate the data and metadata.}(hjhjhhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubh.)}(hXUsing LSIDs to identify data records is being debated among members of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG). There are several alternate technologies that are under consideration (e.g., DOI_, plain http URIs), and so at this time the support for LSIDs in Metacat has been created on an experimental basis only. If the LSID approach is ratified by the broader community, we will expand support for LSIDs in Metacat, but until then it is an optional and experimental feature.h](hUsing LSIDs to identify data records is being debated among members of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG). There are several alternate technologies that are under consideration (e.g., }(hUsing LSIDs to identify data records is being debated among members of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG). There are several alternate technologies that are under consideration (e.g., hjhhhNhNubh^)}(hDOI_h]hDOI}(hhhjubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']nameDOIjjuh+h]hjjKubhX, plain http URIs), and so at this time the support for LSIDs in Metacat has been created on an experimental basis only. If the LSID approach is ratified by the broader community, we will expand support for LSIDs in Metacat, but until then it is an optional and experimental feature.}(hX, plain http URIs), and so at this time the support for LSIDs in Metacat has been created on an experimental basis only. If the LSID approach is ratified by the broader community, we will expand support for LSIDs in Metacat, but until then it is an optional and experimental feature.hjhhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubh.)}(hThe format of an LSID is::h]hThe format of an LSID is:}(hThe format of an LSID is:hj hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubj)}(heurn:lsid:::[:] e.g., urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1h]heurn:lsid:::[:] e.g., urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhjhhhh,ubh.)}(hXWhen you enable the Metacat LSID support, you can use LSID clients (such as LSID Launchpad) and LSID notation to query Metacat for data and metadata. LSID notation can be used directly in Metacat HTTP queries as well. For example, a data package with an ID tao.12039.1 that is stored in a Metacat available at: http://example.com:9999 can be accessed by the following HTTP Metacat queries::h](hX7When you enable the Metacat LSID support, you can use LSID clients (such as LSID Launchpad) and LSID notation to query Metacat for data and metadata. LSID notation can be used directly in Metacat HTTP queries as well. For example, a data package with an ID tao.12039.1 that is stored in a Metacat available at: }(hX7When you enable the Metacat LSID support, you can use LSID clients (such as LSID Launchpad) and LSID notation to query Metacat for data and metadata. LSID notation can be used directly in Metacat HTTP queries as well. For example, a data package with an ID tao.12039.1 that is stored in a Metacat available at: hj* hhhNhNubh^)}(hhttp://example.com:9999h]hhttp://example.com:9999}(hhhj3 ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurij5 uh+h]hj* ubh7 can be accessed by the following HTTP Metacat queries:}(h7 can be accessed by the following HTTP Metacat queries:hj* hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhjhhubj)}(hhttp://example.com:9999/authority/data?lsid=urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1 (To return the data) http://example.com:9999/authority/metadata?lsid=urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1 (To return the metadata)h]hhttp://example.com:9999/authority/data?lsid=urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1 (To return the data) http://example.com:9999/authority/metadata?lsid=urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1 (To return the metadata)}(hhhjM ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM"hjhhhh,ubh.)}(hXYNotice that in the HTTP query strings, the periods in the data package ID have been replaced with colons. The authority (ecoinformatics.org) must be properly configured by the Metacat administrator. Note: In order to configure the authority, you must have access to the DNS server for the Metacat domain. Further instructions are provided below.h]hXYNotice that in the HTTP query strings, the periods in the data package ID have been replaced with colons. The authority (ecoinformatics.org) must be properly configured by the Metacat administrator. Note: In order to configure the authority, you must have access to the DNS server for the Metacat domain. Further instructions are provided below.}(hj] hj[ hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM(hjhhubh )}(hhh](h)}(hj2h]h:Install and configure the LSID Server shipped with Metacat}(hj2hjl hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)j5uh+hhji hhhh,hM/ubh.)}(h9To install the LSID server using the binary installation:h]h9To install the LSID server using the binary installation:}(hj{ hjy hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM1hji hhubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h'Copy the authority.war file to Tomcat: h]h.)}(h&Copy the authority.war file to Tomcat:h]h&Copy the authority.war file to Tomcat:}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM3hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhji hhhh,hM3ubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hLsudo cp /authority.war /usr/share/tomcat7/webappsh]hLsudo cp /authority.war /usr/share/tomcat7/webapps}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM7hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hji hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh](hV)}(hSet up the LSID server by dropping the authority file into Apache's sites-available directory and running a2ensite to enable the site: :: sudo cp /authority /etc/apache2/sites-available sudo a2ensite authority h](h.)}(hSet up the LSID server by dropping the authority file into Apache's sites-available directory and running a2ensite to enable the site:h]hSet up the LSID server by dropping the authority file into Apache’s sites-available directory and running a2ensite to enable the site:}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM9hj ubj)}(h[sudo cp /authority /etc/apache2/sites-available sudo a2ensite authorityh]h[sudo cp /authority /etc/apache2/sites-available sudo a2ensite authority}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhM>hj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(hRestart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type: :: /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart h](h.)}(hZRestart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type:h]h^Restart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often “tomcat”) and type:}(hj hj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMAhj ubj)}(h/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restarth]h/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart}(hhhj ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMFhj ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubhV)}(h.Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing: h]h.)}(h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:h]h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:}(hj!hj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMHhj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj hhhh,hNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhji hhhh,hM9ubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restarth]h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart}(hhhj/!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMLhj,!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hji hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hcSee notes beneath LSID server source installation for instructions for modifying the SRV record(s) h]h.)}(hbSee notes beneath LSID server source installation for instructions for modifying the SRV record(s)h]hbSee notes beneath LSID server source installation for instructions for modifying the SRV record(s)}(hjL!hjJ!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMNhjF!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhjC!hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhji hhhh,hMNubeh}(h]j;ah!]h#]:install and configure the lsid server shipped with metacatah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hM/ubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjUh]h(To install the LSID server from a source}(hjUhjn!hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)jXuh+hhjk!hhhh,hMRubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hIn the build.properties file found in the directory into which you extracted the Metacat source code, set the authority and config.lsidauthority properties. For example: h]h.)}(hIn the build.properties file found in the directory into which you extracted the Metacat source code, set the authority and config.lsidauthority properties. For example:h]hIn the build.properties file found in the directory into which you extracted the Metacat source code, set the authority and config.lsidauthority properties. For example:}(hj!hj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMThj~!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj{!hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjuh+jhjk!hhhh,hMTubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hCauthority.context=authority config.lsidauthority=ecoinformatics.orgh]hCauthority.context=authority config.lsidauthority=ecoinformatics.org}(hhhj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMZhj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjk!hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hCIn the create the authority.war by running: h]h.)}(hBIn the create the authority.war by running:h]hBIn the create the authority.war by running:}(hj!hj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM]hj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj!hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjk!hhhh,hM]ubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hsudo ant war-lsidh]hsudo ant war-lsid}(hhhj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMahj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjk!hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h>Copy the LSID WAR file into the Tomcat application directory. h]h.)}(h=Copy the LSID WAR file into the Tomcat application directory.h]h=Copy the LSID WAR file into the Tomcat application directory.}(hj!hj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMchj!ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj!hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjk!hhhh,hMcubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hAsudo cp /dist/authority.war h]hAsudo cp /dist/authority.war }(hhhj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMghj "ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjk!hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h[Restart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type: h]h.)}(hZRestart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often "tomcat") and type:h]h^Restart Tomcat. Log in as the user that runs your Tomcat server (often “tomcat”) and type:}(hj,"hj*"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMihj&"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj#"hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjk!hhhh,hMiubj1)}(hhh]j)}(h/etc/init.d/tomcat7 restarth]h/etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart}(hhhjG"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMnhjD"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjk!hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(hIf you are running Tomcat behind the Apache server (the recommended configuration), set up and enable the authority service site configurations by typing: h]h.)}(hIf you are running Tomcat behind the Apache server (the recommended configuration), set up and enable the authority service site configurations by typing:h]hIf you are running Tomcat behind the Apache server (the recommended configuration), set up and enable the authority service site configurations by typing:}(hjd"hjb"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMphj^"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj["hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjk!hhhh,hMpubj1)}(hhh](j)}(hcsudo cp /authority /sites-available sudo a2ensite authorityh]hcsudo cp /authority /sites-available sudo a2ensite authority}(hhhj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMvhj|"ubh.)}(hIWhere can be found in /src/scriptsh]hIWhere can be found in /src/scripts}(hj"hj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMyhj|"ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjk!hhhh,hNubj)}(hhh]hV)}(h.Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing: h]h.)}(h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:h]h-Restart Apache to bring in changes by typing:}(hj"hj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hM{hj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+hUhj"hhhh,hNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjjhjjj Kuh+jhjk!hhhh,hM{ubj1)}(hhh](j)}(h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restarth]h sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart}(hhhj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhj"ubh.)}(hOnce the authority.war is installed, you must also modify the SRV record(s) on the DNS server for the domain hosting the Metacat. The record should be added to the master zone file for the metacat's DNS server:h]hOnce the authority.war is installed, you must also modify the SRV record(s) on the DNS server for the domain hosting the Metacat. The record should be added to the master zone file for the metacat’s DNS server:}(hj"hj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj"ubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hF_lsid._tcp IN SRV 1 0 8080 .h]hF_lsid._tcp IN SRV 1 0 8080 .}(hhhj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hj"ubh.)}(hpWhere is the name of the machine that will serve as the physical location of the AuthorityService.h]hpWhere is the name of the machine that will serve as the physical location of the AuthorityService.}(hj"hj"ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj"ubh.)}(hWFor example, the value of for the below example URL would be example.com:h]hWFor example, the value of for the below example URL would be example.com:}(hj#hj#ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj"ubj1)}(hhh]j)}(hShttp://example.com:9999/authority/data?lsid=urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1h]hShttp://example.com:9999/authority/data?lsid=urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:tao:12039:1}(hhhj#ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhMhj#ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hj"ubh.)}(h^For more information, please see http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-lsid/h](h!For more information, please see }(h!For more information, please see hj+#ubh^)}(h=http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-lsid/h]h=http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-lsid/}(hhhj4#ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurij6#uh+h]hj+#ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj"ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+j0hjk!hhhh,hNubeh}(h]j^ah!]h#](to install the lsid server from a sourceah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hMRubeh}(h]jah!]h#]+optional installation options (lsid server)ah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hMubh )}(hhh](h)}(hjh]hTroubleshooting}(hjhj`#hhhNhNubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']h)juh+hhj]#hhhh,hMubh.)}(hWe keep and update a list of common problems and their solutions on the KNB website. See http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/metacat/troubleshooting.html for more information.h](hYWe keep and update a list of common problems and their solutions on the KNB website. See }(hYWe keep and update a list of common problems and their solutions on the KNB website. See hjm#hhhNhNubh^)}(hChttp://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/metacat/troubleshooting.htmlh]hChttp://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/metacat/troubleshooting.html}(hhhjv#ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']refurijx#uh+h]hjm#ubh for more information.}(h for more information.hjm#hhhNhNubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hh,hMhj]#hhubeh}(h]jah!]h#]troubleshootingah%]h']uh+h hjhhhh,hMubeh}(h]hah!]h#]installing on linuxah%]h']uh+h hh hhhh,hK1ubeh}(h]hmah!]h#]"downloading and installing metacatah%]h']uh+h hhhhhh,hKubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']sourceh,uh+hcurrent_sourceN current_lineNsettingsdocutils.frontendValues)}(hN generatorN datestampN source_linkN source_urlN toc_backlinksj footnote_backlinksK sectnum_xformKstrip_commentsNstrip_elements_with_classesN strip_classesN report_levelK halt_levelKexit_status_levelKdebugNwarning_streamN tracebackinput_encoding utf-8-siginput_encoding_error_handlerstrictoutput_encodingutf-8output_encoding_error_handlerj#error_encodingUTF-8error_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplace language_codeenrecord_dependenciesNconfigN id_prefixhauto_id_prefixid dump_settingsNdump_internalsNdump_transformsNdump_pseudo_xmlNexpose_internalsNstrict_visitorN_disable_configN_sourceh, _destinationN _config_files]pep_referencesN pep_base_url https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep_file_url_templatepep-%04drfc_referencesN rfc_base_urlhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/ tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spacefile_insertion_enabled raw_enabledKsyntax_highlightlong smart_quotessmartquotes_localesNcharacter_level_inline_markupdoctitle_xform docinfo_xformKsectsubtitle_xformembed_stylesheetcloak_email_addressesenvNgettext_compactubreporterNindirect_targets]substitution_defs}substitution_names}refnames}( postgresql](jjij=jR j|je apache ant](jjz je apache tomcat](j8j(j jeapache httpd server](j\jQj* ejava 8](jjj e solr 8.8.2]jametacat download page](jjbj_ e solr server]j aubuntu](jjEjjjeoracle]jZadoi](jjeurefids}nameids}(j#hmjjjhjjj j jjj%j"j1j.j=j:jIjFj#hjhjjj hj/ jj j6j jYjjj~j{j`jjjjFj4jjWjjjljjHjjjjZ#jjjjh!j;jS#j^j#ju nametypes}(j#NjNjNjj jj%j1j=jIj#NjNjj Nj/ Nj Nj NjNj~j`NjNjFNjNjNjlNjHNjNjZ#Njjh!NjS#Nj#Nuh}(hmh jh?hjjjj jjjj"jj.j(j:j4jFj@hjhjjjhjjj5j6j2 jYj jj jj j{jujjjjjjcj4jjhsystem_message)}(hhh]h.)}(h0Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.h]h0Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.}(hhhj$$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj!$ubah}(h]jah!]h#]h%]h']jalevelKtypeWARNINGlineMsourceh,uh+j$hjhhhh,hMubjjjWjIjjjjjjojjKjjjjj;ji j^jk!jj]#jaj<h*h_hh}hhhhhhj jj0j&jSjIjjxjjjjjjj jj.j$jQjGjjvjjjjjjjj j5j+jXjNjj}u footnote_refs} citation_refs} autofootnotes]autofootnote_refs]symbol_footnotes]symbol_footnote_refs] footnotes] citations]autofootnote_startKsymbol_footnote_startKid_startKparse_messages](j $)}(hhh](h.)}(hTitle underline too short.h]hTitle underline too short.}(hhhjU$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjR$ubj)}(hRDownload the Metacat Installer (Highly Recommended) ..............................h]hRDownload the Metacat Installer (Highly Recommended) ..............................}(hhhjc$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhjR$ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej:$lineKZsourceh,uh+j$hj5hhhh,hKZubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhj~$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj{$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypeINFOsourceh,lineKuh+j$hj2 hhhh,hKubj $)}(hhh](h.)}(hhh]hTitle underline too short.}(hhhj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj$ubj)}(hrCheck Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers) .......................................................h]hrCheck Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers) .......................................................}(hhhj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhj$ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej:$lineKsourceh,uh+j$ubj $)}(hhh](h.)}(hTitle underline too short.h]hTitle underline too short.}(hhhj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj$ubj)}(hrCheck Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers) .......................................................h]hrCheck Out Metacat Source Code from GitHub (for Developers) .......................................................}(hhhj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jjuh+jhj$ubeh}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej:$lineKsourceh,uh+j$hj hhhh,hKubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h)Duplicate implicit target name: "java 8".h]h-Duplicate implicit target name: “java 8”.}(hhhj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj$ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jalevelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hj hhhh,hKubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h0Duplicate implicit target name: "apache tomcat".h]h4Duplicate implicit target name: “apache tomcat”.}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']jalevelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hKubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj!%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhj<%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj9%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhjW%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjT%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhjr%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjo%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “6” (ordinal 6)}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hM\ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMcubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMjubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj%ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMqubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “6” (ordinal 6)}(hhhj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMwubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj/&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj,&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhjJ&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjG&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhje&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjb&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj}&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “6” (ordinal 6)}(hhhj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "7" (ordinal 7)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “7” (ordinal 7)}(hhhj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "8" (ordinal 8)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “8” (ordinal 8)}(hhhj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "9" (ordinal 9)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “9” (ordinal 9)}(hhhj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj&ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjchhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(hEnumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj='ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj:'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhjX'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjU'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhjs'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjp'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “6” (ordinal 6)}(hhhj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hM ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "7" (ordinal 7)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “7” (ordinal 7)}(hhhj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "8" (ordinal 8)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “8” (ordinal 8)}(hhhj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hM ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "9" (ordinal 9)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “9” (ordinal 9)}(hhhj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj'ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hM,ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(hEnumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj0(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj-(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMkubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhjK(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjH(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hMrubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhjf(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjc(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjhhhh,hM{ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj~(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjohhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjohhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjohhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “6” (ordinal 6)}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjohhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj(ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjKhhhh,hMubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hji hhhh,hM9ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhj#)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj )ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hji hhhh,hMNubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhhj>)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj;)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjk!hhhh,hM]ubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhhjY)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjV)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjk!hhhh,hMcubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "4" (ordinal 4)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)}(hhhjt)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hjq)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjk!hhhh,hMiubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "5" (ordinal 5)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “5” (ordinal 5)}(hhhj)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjk!hhhh,hMpubj $)}(hhh]h.)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "6" (ordinal 6)h]h>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “6” (ordinal 6)}(hhhj)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']uh+h-hj)ubah}(h]h!]h#]h%]h']levelKtypej$sourceh,lineKuh+j$hjk!hhhh,hM{ubetransform_messages] transformerN decorationNhhub.