Edocutils.nodesdocument)}( rawsourcechildren](htarget)}(h6.. _Solr installation page: ./install.html#solr-serverh] attributes}(ids]solr-installation-pageaclasses]names]solr installation pageadupnames]backrefs]refuri./install.html#solr-serverutagnameh lineKparenthhhsourcea/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Metacat_stable/workspace/metacat/docs/user/metacat/source/configuration.rst referencedKubhsection)}(hhh](htitle)}(hConfiguring Metacath]hTextConfiguring Metacat}(hh.h!h,hhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]refidid15uhh*h!h'hhh"h#h Kubhtopic)}(hhh](h+)}(hContentsh]h1Contents}(hhh!hCubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh*h!h@ubh bullet_list)}(hhh]h list_item)}(hhh](h paragraph)}(hhh]h reference)}(hhh]h1Configuring Metacat}(hh.h!hbubah}(h]h=ah]h]h]h]refidconfiguring-metacatuhh`h!h]ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!hXubhR)}(hhh](hW)}(hhh](h\)}(hhh]ha)}(hhh]h1Initial Configuration}(hInitial Configurationh!hubah}(h]id16ah]h]h]h]refidinitial-configurationuhh`h!h}ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!hzubhR)}(hhh](hW)}(hhh]h\)}(hhh]ha)}(hhh]h1Back-up Configuration}(hBack-up Configurationh!hubah}(h]id17ah]h]h]h]refidback-up-configurationuhh`h!hubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!hubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!hubhW)}(hhh]h\)}(hhh]ha)}(hhh]h1Authentication Configuration}(hAuthentication Configurationh!hubah}(h]id18ah]h]h]h]refidauthentication-configurationuhh`h!hubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!hubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!hubhW)}(hhh]h\)}(hhh]ha)}(hhh]h1.properties}(h.propertiesh!jubah}(h]id38ah]h]h]h]refidskin-name-propertiesuhh`h!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!jubhW)}(hhh]h\)}(hhh]ha)}(hhh]h1%Additional configuration for Tomcat 7}(h%Additional configuration for Tomcat 7h!jubah}(h]id39ah]h]h]h]refid%additional-configuration-for-tomcat-7uhh`h!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!jubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhQh!jcubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!hwubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhQh!hXubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!hSubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhQh!h@hhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]contentsah]contentsah]contentsah]h]uhh>h"h#h Kh!h'hhubh\)}(hWhen Metacat (Tomcat) is started, the Metacat servlet checks to see if it is configured. If not, Metacat will automatically send you to the configuration pages.h]h1When Metacat (Tomcat) is started, the Metacat servlet checks to see if it is configured. If not, Metacat will automatically send you to the configuration pages.}(hj*h!j(hhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h K h!h'hhubh\)}(hX>If the installation is new, or the previous version is before 1.9.0, pay close attention to the configuration values. If you have upgraded Metacat, and the previous version is 1.9.0 or later, Metacat will pull existing configuration settings from a backup location. You should still verify that the values are correct.h]h1X>If the installation is new, or the previous version is before 1.9.0, pay close attention to the configuration values. If you have upgraded Metacat, and the previous version is 1.9.0 or later, Metacat will pull existing configuration settings from a backup location. You should still verify that the values are correct.}(hj8h!j6hhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h K h!h'hhubh\)}(h5To access your Metacat, open a Web browser and type::h]h14To access your Metacat, open a Web browser and type:}(h4To access your Metacat, open a Web browser and type:h!jDhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Kh!h'hhubh literal_block)}(hhttp://h]h1http://}(hhh!jUubah}(h]h]h]h]h] xml:spacepreserveuhjSh Kh!h'hhh"h#ubh\)}(hWhere is the URL of the server hosting the Metacat followed by the name of the WAR file (i.e., the application context) that you installed. For instance, the context URL for the KNB Metacat is: http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knbh](h1Where is the URL of the server hosting the Metacat followed by the name of the WAR file (i.e., the application context) that you installed. For instance, the context URL for the KNB Metacat is: }(hWhere is the URL of the server hosting the Metacat followed by the name of the WAR file (i.e., the application context) that you installed. For instance, the context URL for the KNB Metacat is: h!jehhh"Nh Nubha)}(h!http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knbh]h1!http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/knb}(hhh!jnubah}(h]h]h]h]h]refurijpuhh`h!jeubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Kh!h'hhubh\)}(hLYou can always open the configuration screen from within Metacat by typing::h]h1KYou can always open the configuration screen from within Metacat by typing:}(hKYou can always open the configuration screen from within Metacat by typing:h!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Kh!h'hhubjT)}(hhttp:///adminh]h1http:///admin}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh Kh!h'hhh"h#ubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hhh]h1Initial Configuration}(hhh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]h/adminh]h1http:///admin}(hhh!jbubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh KDh!jChhh"h#ubh\)}(hXMetacat uses either an internal password file or LDAP as its authentication mechanism. You can choose the authentication mechanism by selecting either AuthFile or AuthLdap class. We will only allow trusted partners to access the NCEAS LDAP server to ensure the security of our user base. If you are not in the trusted partner list, you may choose the internal password file authentication or set up your own LDAP server. You also can define your own authentication mechanism by creating a Java class that implements ``AuthInterface``.h](h1XMetacat uses either an internal password file or LDAP as its authentication mechanism. You can choose the authentication mechanism by selecting either AuthFile or AuthLdap class. We will only allow trusted partners to access the NCEAS LDAP server to ensure the security of our user base. If you are not in the trusted partner list, you may choose the internal password file authentication or set up your own LDAP server. You also can define your own authentication mechanism by creating a Java class that implements }(hXMetacat uses either an internal password file or LDAP as its authentication mechanism. You can choose the authentication mechanism by selecting either AuthFile or AuthLdap class. We will only allow trusted partners to access the NCEAS LDAP server to ensure the security of our user base. If you are not in the trusted partner list, you may choose the internal password file authentication or set up your own LDAP server. You also can define your own authentication mechanism by creating a Java class that implements h!jphhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``AuthInterface``h]h1 AuthInterface}(hhh!jyubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jpubh1.}(h.h!jphhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h KFh!jChhubh\)}(hGRequired configuration values for the password file authentication are:h]h1GRequired configuration values for the password file authentication are:}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h KMh!jChhubh block_quote)}(hhh]jT)}(hTAuthentication Class Metacat Administrators Users Management URL Password File Path.h]h1TAuthentication Class Metacat Administrators Users Management URL Password File Path.}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh KQh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jChhh"h#h Nubh\)}(h:Required configuration values for LDAP authentication are:h]h1:Required configuration values for LDAP authentication are:}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h KVh!jChhubj)}(hhh]jT)}(hnAuthentication Class Metacat Administrators Users Management URL Authentication URL Authentication Secure URL.h]h1nAuthentication Class Metacat Administrators Users Management URL Authentication URL Authentication Secure URL.}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh KZh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jChhh"h#h Nubh\)}(hX%Make sure that your user account information is entered into the Metacat Administrators field (e.g., uid=daigle,o=nceas,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org). You will not be allowed to continue with configuration if this is missing. Multiple accounts can be entered, separated by the colon (:) character.h]h1X%Make sure that your user account information is entered into the Metacat Administrators field (e.g., uid=daigle,o=nceas,dc=ecoinformatics,dc=org). You will not be allowed to continue with configuration if this is missing. Multiple accounts can be entered, separated by the colon (:) character.}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Kah!jChhubj)}(hXTo create an account on the password file, please see the section called :doc:`authinterface`. To create an LDAP account on the KNB LDAP server (specified as the default LDAP server), go to https://identity.nceas.ucsb.edu and select the "create a new user account" link.h]h\)}(hXTo create an account on the password file, please see the section called :doc:`authinterface`. To create an LDAP account on the KNB LDAP server (specified as the default LDAP server), go to https://identity.nceas.ucsb.edu and select the "create a new user account" link.h](h1ITo create an account on the password file, please see the section called }(hITo create an account on the password file, please see the section called h!jubsphinx.addnodes pending_xref)}(h:doc:`authinterface`h]hinline)}(hjh]h1 authinterface}(hhh!jubah}(h]h](xrefstdstd-doceh]h]h]uhjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]reftypedoc refdomainj  refexplicit reftarget authinterfacerefdoc configurationrefwarnuhjh"h#h Khh!jubh1a. To create an LDAP account on the KNB LDAP server (specified as the default LDAP server), go to }(ha. To create an LDAP account on the KNB LDAP server (specified as the default LDAP server), go to h!jubha)}(hhttps://identity.nceas.ucsb.eduh]h1https://identity.nceas.ucsb.edu}(hhh!j&ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]refurij(uhh`h!jubh15 and select the “create a new user account” link.}(h1 and select the "create a new user account" link.h!jubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Khh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jChhh"h#h Nubh\)}(hdIf you make changes to the authentication settings, you must restart Tomcat to put them into effect.h]h1dIf you make changes to the authentication settings, you must restart Tomcat to put them into effect.}(hjHh!jFhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Klh!jChhubj)}(hhh](j)}(hs.. figure:: images/screenshots/image071.png :align: center Configuring Password File Authentication Values. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h]uriimages/screenshots/image071.pngj }j"jbsuhjh!jTh"h#h Krubj$)}(h0Configuring Password File Authentication Values.h]h10Configuring Password File Authentication Values.}(hjfh!jdubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhj#h"h#h Krh!jTubeh}(h]id3ah]h]h]h]j:centeruhj h Krh!jChhh"h#ubj)}(hhh](j)}(hj.. figure:: images/screenshots/image009.png :align: center Configuring LDAP Authentication Values. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h]uriimages/screenshots/image009.pngj }j"jsuhjh!jzh"h#h Kwubj$)}(h'Configuring LDAP Authentication Values.h]h1'Configuring LDAP Authentication Values.}(hjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhj#h"h#h Kwh!jzubeh}(h]id4ah]h]h]h]j:centeruhj h Kwh!jChhh"h#ubeh}(h]hah]h]h]authentication configurationah]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h K?h$Kubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hhh]h1//WEB-INF/metacat.propertiesh]h19//WEB-INF/metacat.properties}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh Kh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jhhh"h#h Nubj)}(hhh]hW)}(h/Change the following properties appropriately: h]h\)}(h.Change the following properties appropriately:h]h1.Change the following properties appropriately:}(hj.h!j,ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Kh!j(ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!j%hhh"h#h Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]j j j hj jstartKuhjh!jhhh"h#h Kubj)}(hhh]jT)}(hauth.administrators - a colon separated list of administrators auth.url - the authentication server URL auth.surl - the authentication secure server URL auth.file.path - the authentication password file pathh]h1auth.administrators - a colon separated list of administrators auth.url - the authentication server URL auth.surl - the authentication secure server URL auth.file.path - the authentication password file path}(hhh!jJubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh Kh!jGubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jhhh"h#h Nubj)}(hhh]hW)}(h8Save the ``metacat.properties`` file and start Tomcat. h]h\)}(h6Save the ``metacat.properties`` file and start Tomcat.h](h1 Save the }(h Save the h!jeubj)}(h``metacat.properties``h]h1metacat.properties}(hhh!jnubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jeubh1 file and start Tomcat.}(h file and start Tomcat.h!jeubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Kh!jaubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!j^hhh"h#h Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]j j j hj jjFKuhjh!jhhh"h#h Kubeh}(h]hah]h] default`` radio button. If you do not have a custom skin, select the ``default`` skin.h](h1If your Metacat has a customized skin, it will appear as a choice in the Skins Configuration settings (see below screenshot). Select the checkbox next to your customized skin or and click the }(hIf your Metacat has a customized skin, it will appear as a choice in the Skins Configuration settings (see below screenshot). Select the checkbox next to your customized skin or and click the h!j] hhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``Make default``h]h1Make default}(hhh!jf ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!j] ubh1< radio button. If you do not have a custom skin, select the }(h< radio button. If you do not have a custom skin, select the h!j] hhh"Nh Nubj)}(h ``default``h]h1default}(hhh!jy ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!j] ubh1 skin.}(h skin.h!j] hhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h M+h!j= hhubh\)}(hOnce you have selected a skin, Metacat will open a list of options that apply to the Registry interface. For more information about creating skins, see the Creating a Custom Skin section in :doc:`themes`.h](h1Once you have selected a skin, Metacat will open a list of options that apply to the Registry interface. For more information about creating skins, see the Creating a Custom Skin section in }(hOnce you have selected a skin, Metacat will open a list of options that apply to the Registry interface. For more information about creating skins, see the Creating a Custom Skin section in h!j hhh"Nh Nubj)}(h :doc:`themes`h]j)}(hj h]h1themes}(hhh!j ubah}(h]h](j stdstd-doceh]h]h]uhjh!j ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]reftypedoc refdomainj refexplicitjthemesjjj uhjh"h#h M0h!j ubh1.}(hjh!j hhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h M0h!j= hhubj)}(hhh](j)}(h].. figure:: images/screenshots/image023.png :align: center Configuring Metacat skins. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h]uriimages/screenshots/image023.pngj }j"j suhjh!j h"h#h M7ubj$)}(hConfiguring Metacat skins.h]h1Configuring Metacat skins.}(hj h!j ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhj#h"h#h M7h!j ubeh}(h]id10ah]h]h]h]j:centeruhj h M7h!j= hhh"h#ubh\)}(hXSelect the checkbox next to your customized skin or and click the ``Make default`` radio button. If you do not have a custom skin, select the ``default`` skin. Once you have selected a skin, Metacat will open a list of options that apply to the Registry interface.h](h1BSelect the checkbox next to your customized skin or and click the }(hBSelect the checkbox next to your customized skin or and click the h!j hhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``Make default``h]h1Make default}(hhh!j ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!j ubh1< radio button. If you do not have a custom skin, select the }(h< radio button. If you do not have a custom skin, select the h!j hhh"Nh Nubj)}(h ``default``h]h1default}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!j ubh1o skin. Once you have selected a skin, Metacat will open a list of options that apply to the Registry interface.}(ho skin. Once you have selected a skin, Metacat will open a list of options that apply to the Registry interface.h!j hhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h M9h!j= hhubh\)}(hSelect the lists and modules that you would like to appear in the Registry form-interface by checking the box beside each. When you save the configuration, the customized interface will appear to site visitors.h]h1Select the lists and modules that you would like to appear in the Registry form-interface by checking the box beside each. When you save the configuration, the customized interface will appear to site visitors.}(hj h!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h M>h!j= hhubeh}(h]jah]h]skinsah]h]uhh%h!ji hhh"h#h M'ubeh}(h]jah]h]skins configurationah]h]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h M ubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hjh]h1Database Configuration}(hjh!j=hhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]h.. figure:: images/screenshots/image073.png :align: center h]h}(h]h]h]h]h]uriimages/screenshots/image073.pngj }j"jsuhjh!jh"h#h Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]j:centeruhj h!jhhh"h#h Nubj)}(h9Solr server should be running when you configure Metacat.h]h\)}(hjh]h19Solr server should be running when you configure Metacat.}(hjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jhhh"h#h Nubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hjh]h1Troubleshooting}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]h/geoserver/ 2. Log in using the default username and password ( admin / geoserver ) 3. Navigate to the Password Change Page. Enter a new user and password and click Submit. 4. Click Apply then Save to save your new password.h](h+)}(hManual Geoserver Updateh]h1Manual Geoserver Update}(hjkh!jiubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh*h!jeubh\)}(hAlternatively, you can change the Geoserver username and password manually by directly logging in to the Geoserver. To configure the credentials manually:h]h1Alternatively, you can change the Geoserver username and password manually by directly logging in to the Geoserver. To configure the credentials manually:}(hjyh!jwubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jeubj)}(hhh](hW)}(hDGo to the Geoserver admin page: http:///geoserver/h]h\)}(hjh](h1 Go to the Geoserver admin page: }(h Go to the Geoserver admin page: h!jubha)}(hhttp:/h]h1http:/}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]refurijuhh`h!jubh1//geoserver/}(h//geoserver/h!jubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!jubhW)}(hDLog in using the default username and password ( admin / geoserver )h]h\)}(hjh]h1DLog in using the default username and password ( admin / geoserver )}(hjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!jubhW)}(hVNavigate to the Password Change Page. Enter a new user and password and click Submit.h]h\)}(hjh]h1VNavigate to the Password Change Page. Enter a new user and password and click Submit.}(hjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!jubhW)}(h0Click Apply then Save to save your new password.h]h\)}(hjh]h10Click Apply then Save to save your new password.}(hjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhhVh!jubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]j j j hj juhjh!jeubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjch!jShhh"Nh Nubh\)}(hXMetacat comes bundled with a Web Mapping Service called Geoserver, which converts spatial data into Web-deliverable map images. Geoserver installs with a default administrative username and password. *We highly recommend that you change the default credentials so that only local administrators can make changes to your Geoserver.* For more information about Geoserver, see :doc:`geoserver`.h](h1Metacat comes bundled with a Web Mapping Service called Geoserver, which converts spatial data into Web-deliverable map images. Geoserver installs with a default administrative username and password. }(hMetacat comes bundled with a Web Mapping Service called Geoserver, which converts spatial data into Web-deliverable map images. Geoserver installs with a default administrative username and password. h!jhhh"Nh Nubhemphasis)}(h*We highly recommend that you change the default credentials so that only local administrators can make changes to your Geoserver.*h]h1We highly recommend that you change the default credentials so that only local administrators can make changes to your Geoserver.}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jubh1+ For more information about Geoserver, see }(h+ For more information about Geoserver, see h!jhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h:doc:`geoserver`h]j)}(hj%h]h1 geoserver}(hhh!j'ubah}(h]h](j stdstd-doceh]h]h]uhjh!j#ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]reftypedoc refdomainj1 refexplicitj geoserverjjj uhjh"h#h Mh!jubh1.}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jShhubh\)}(hXWhen you choose the Geoserver Configuration link from the main configuration screen, Metacat will prompt you for a few important details about your Geoserver installation. The data directory and context settings allow Geoserver and Metacat to share the same spatial data store and render maps within Metacat skins. The security configuration prompts for a new admin password. After you enter the new settings, Metacat writes the information to the Geoserver deployment.h]h1XWhen you choose the Geoserver Configuration link from the main configuration screen, Metacat will prompt you for a few important details about your Geoserver installation. The data directory and context settings allow Geoserver and Metacat to share the same spatial data store and render maps within Metacat skins. The security configuration prompts for a new admin password. After you enter the new settings, Metacat writes the information to the Geoserver deployment.}(hjMh!jKhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jShhubh\)}(hXThe default settings are typically appropriate for most Metacat deployments, but if you wish to skip the Geoserver configuration, click the Bypass button. Geoserver (if deployed) will remain with a default configuration and the main Metacat configuration screen will display the "bypassed" status beside the Geoserver settings. You will be able to run Metacat, but maps will not be rendered.h]h1XThe default settings are typically appropriate for most Metacat deployments, but if you wish to skip the Geoserver configuration, click the Bypass button. Geoserver (if deployed) will remain with a default configuration and the main Metacat configuration screen will display the “bypassed” status beside the Geoserver settings. You will be able to run Metacat, but maps will not be rendered.}(hj[h!jYhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jShhubj)}(hhh](j)}(hY.. figure:: images/screenshots/image031.png :align: center Configuring Geoserver. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h]uriimages/screenshots/image031.pngj }j"jusuhjh!jgh"h#h Mubj$)}(hConfiguring Geoserver.h]h1Configuring Geoserver.}(hjyh!jwubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhj#h"h#h Mh!jgubeh}(h]id13ah]h]h]h]j:centeruhj h Mh!jShhh"h#ubeh}(h]jah]h]geoserver configurationah]h]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h Mubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hjh]h1DataONE Configuration}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]hhhh"h#h Mubh\)}(hXMetacat can be configured to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to metadata/data objects through a EZID service. Click a blue question-mark icon beside any setting for detailed instructions. More information about each property is also included in the :doc:`metacat-properties`.h](h1XMetacat can be configured to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to metadata/data objects through a EZID service. Click a blue question-mark icon beside any setting for detailed instructions. More information about each property is also included in the }(hXMetacat can be configured to assign Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to metadata/data objects through a EZID service. Click a blue question-mark icon beside any setting for detailed instructions. More information about each property is also included in the h!jNhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h:doc:`metacat-properties`h]j)}(hjYh]h1metacat-properties}(hhh!j[ubah}(h]h](j stdstd-doceh]h]h]uhjh!jWubah}(h]h]h]h]h]reftypedoc refdomainje refexplicitjmetacat-propertiesjjj uhjh"h#h Mh!jNubh1.}(hjh!jNhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!j>hhubj)}(hhh](j)}(h\.. figure:: images/screenshots/image072.png :align: center Configuring EZID service. h]h}(h]h]h]h]h]uriimages/screenshots/image072.pngj }j"jsuhjh!jh"h#h Mubj$)}(hConfiguring EZID service.h]h1Configuring EZID service.}(hjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhj#h"h#h Mh!jubeh}(h]id14ah]h]h]h]j:centeruhj h Mh!j>hhh"h#ubeh}(h]jJah]h]ezid configurationah]h]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h Mubeh}(h]jHah]h]required configurationah]h]uhh%h!h'hhh"h#h Kubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hjph]h1Additional Configuration}(hjph!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]h.properties`` (which contains skin-specific properties). Each of these property files is discussed in more depth in this section.h](h1The most dynamic Metacat properties are managed and modified with the form-based Metacat Configuration utility. These configuration properties can also be accessed directly (along with additional static properties) via Metacat’s property files: }(hThe most dynamic Metacat properties are managed and modified with the form-based Metacat Configuration utility. These configuration properties can also be accessed directly (along with additional static properties) via Metacat's property files: h!jhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``metacat.properties``h]h1metacat.properties}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jubh1Q (which contains global properties, e.g., authorization and database values) and }(hQ (which contains global properties, e.g., authorization and database values) and h!jhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``.properties``h]h1.properties}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jubh1t (which contains skin-specific properties). Each of these property files is discussed in more depth in this section.}(ht (which contains skin-specific properties). Each of these property files is discussed in more depth in this section.h!jhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jhhubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hThe ``metacat.properties`` fileh](h1The }(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubj)}(hjh]h1metacat.properties}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jubh1 file}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]h/WEB_INF/metacat.propertiesh]h1(/WEB_INF/metacat.properties}(hhh!jdubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh Mh!jhhh"h#ubh\)}(hXbWhere ```` is the directory in which the Metacat application code lives (e.g., ``/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/metacat``). The path is a combination of the Web application directory (e.g., ``/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/``) and the Metacat context directory (e.g., ``metacat``). Both values depend upon how your system was set up during installation.h](h1Where }(hWhere h!jrhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h````h]h1 }(hhh!j{ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jrubh1E is the directory in which the Metacat application code lives (e.g., }(hE is the directory in which the Metacat application code lives (e.g., h!jrhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h$``/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/metacat``h]h1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/metacat}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jrubh1E). The path is a combination of the Web application directory (e.g., }(hE). The path is a combination of the Web application directory (e.g., h!jrhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/``h]h1/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jrubh1+) and the Metacat context directory (e.g., }(h+) and the Metacat context directory (e.g., h!jrhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h ``metacat``h]h1metacat}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jrubh1J). Both values depend upon how your system was set up during installation.}(hJ). Both values depend upon how your system was set up during installation.h!jrhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jhhubh\)}(hFor information about each property and default or example settings, please see the :doc:`metacat-properties`. Properties that can only be edited manually in the metacat.properties file are highlighted in the appendix.h](h1TFor information about each property and default or example settings, please see the }(hTFor information about each property and default or example settings, please see the h!jhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h:doc:`metacat-properties`h]j)}(hjh]h1metacat-properties}(hhh!jubah}(h]h](j stdstd-doceh]h]h]uhjh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]reftypedoc refdomainj refexplicitjmetacat-propertiesjjj uhjh"h#h Mh!jubh1m. Properties that can only be edited manually in the metacat.properties file are highlighted in the appendix.}(hm. Properties that can only be edited manually in the metacat.properties file are highlighted in the appendix.h!jhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jhhubeh}(h]jah]h]the metacat.properties fileah]h]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h Mubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hjh]h1.properties}(hjh!j hhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]h.properties`` file contains skin-specific properties (e.g., template information). For each skin, the skin-specific properties are found here::h](h1The }(hThe h!jhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h``.properties``h]h1.properties}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jubh1 file contains skin-specific properties (e.g., template information). For each skin, the skin-specific properties are found here:}(h file contains skin-specific properties (e.g., template information). For each skin, the skin-specific properties are found here:h!jhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jhhubjT)}(h</style/skins//.propertiesh]h1</style/skins//.properties}(hhh!j8ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh Mh!jhhh"h#ubh\)}(hWhere ```` is the directory in which the Metacat application code lives (described above) and ```` is the name of the skin (e.g., ``default`` or ``nceas``).h](h1Where }(hWhere h!jFhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h````h]h1 }(hhh!jOubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jFubh1T is the directory in which the Metacat application code lives (described above) and }(hT is the directory in which the Metacat application code lives (described above) and h!jFhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h````h]h1 }(hhh!jbubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jFubh1 is the name of the skin (e.g., }(h is the name of the skin (e.g., h!jFhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h ``default``h]h1default}(hhh!juubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jFubh1 or }(h or h!jFhhh"Nh Nubj)}(h ``nceas``h]h1nceas}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhjh!jFubh1).}(h).h!jFhhh"Nh Nubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jhhubeh}(h]jah]h].propertiesah]h]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h Mubh&)}(hhh](h+)}(hjh]h1%Additional configuration for Tomcat 7}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]h/conf/context.xml (e.g., /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/context.xml) by adding a new attribute - "useHttpOnly" - and set it to false for the "Context" element::h]h1XWhen running Metacat on Tomcat 7, you may get the following error logging in via the Morpho application: “Fatal error sending data to Metacat: Bad Set_Cookie header:JSESSIONID=…”. In order to fix the issue, modify /conf/context.xml (e.g., /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/context.xml) by adding a new attribute - “useHttpOnly” - and set it to false for the “Context” element:}(hX}When running Metacat on Tomcat 7, you may get the following error logging in via the Morpho application: "Fatal error sending data to Metacat: Bad Set_Cookie header:JSESSIONID=...". In order to fix the issue, modify /conf/context.xml (e.g., /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/context.xml) by adding a new attribute - "useHttpOnly" - and set it to false for the "Context" element:h!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h Mh!jhhubjT)}(hh]h1}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jcjduhjSh M h!jhhh"h#ubh\)}(hThen restart Tomcat 7.h]h1Then restart Tomcat 7.}(hjh!jhhh"Nh Nubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h"h#h M h!jhhubeh}(h]jah]h]%additional configuration for tomcat 7ah]h]uhh%h!jhhh"h#h Mubeh}(h]jyah]h]additional configurationah]h]uhh%h!h'hhh"h#h Mubeh}(h]hpah]h]configuring metacatah]h]uhh%h!hhhh"h#h Kubeh}(h]h]h]h]h]sourceh#uhhcurrent_sourceN current_lineNsettingsdocutils.frontendValues)}(h*N generatorN datestampN source_linkN source_urlN toc_backlinksjfootnote_backlinksK sectnum_xformKstrip_commentsNstrip_elements_with_classesN strip_classesN report_levelK halt_levelKexit_status_levelKdebugNwarning_streamN tracebackinput_encoding utf-8-siginput_encoding_error_handlerstrictoutput_encodingutf-8output_encoding_error_handlerjerror_encodingUTF-8error_encoding_error_handlerbackslashreplace language_codeenrecord_dependenciesNconfigN id_prefixhauto_id_prefixid dump_settingsNdump_internalsNdump_transformsNdump_pseudo_xmlNexpose_internalsNstrict_visitorN_disable_configN_sourceh# _destinationN _config_files]pep_referencesN pep_base_url https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep_file_url_templatepep-%04drfc_referencesN rfc_base_urlhttps://tools.ietf.org/html/ tab_widthKtrim_footnote_reference_spacefile_insertion_enabled raw_enabledKsyntax_highlightlong smart_quotessmartquotes_localesNcharacter_level_inline_markupdoctitle_xform docinfo_xformKsectsubtitle_xformembed_stylesheetcloak_email_addressesenvNgettext_compactubreporterNindirect_targets]substitution_defs}substitution_names}refnames}(jyjjjjjjjj5jjtjTjjzjjjLjj j j& j j0 j j j jjjojOjjgjjh=hbhhhhhhhhjjjBj8jbjXjj{jjjjjjjjj:j0j]jSjjjjjjjjj!jjDj:jsjijjjjjju footnote_refs} citation_refs} autofootnotes]autofootnote_refs]symbol_footnotes]symbol_footnote_refs] footnotes] citations]autofootnote_startKsymbol_footnote_startKid_startK(parse_messages](hsystem_message)}(hhh]h\)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "2" (ordinal 2)h]h1>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “2” (ordinal 2)}(hhh!j{ubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!jxubah}(h]h]h]h]h]levelKtypeINFOsourceh#lineKuhjvh!jhhh"h#h Kubjw)}(hhh]h\)}(h:Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: "3" (ordinal 3)h]h1>Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “3” (ordinal 3)}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]levelKtypejsourceh#lineKuhjvh!jhhh"h#h Kubjw)}(hhh]h\)}(h?Duplicate implicit target name: "authentication configuration".h]h1CDuplicate implicit target name: “authentication configuration”.}(hhh!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]uhh[h!jubah}(h]h]h]h]h]jalevelKtypejsourceh#lineMuhjvh!jE hhh"h#h Mubetransform_messages] transformerN decorationNhhub.