geometryBasic2d.xsd GML is an OGC Standard. Copyright (c) 2001,2005,2010 Open Geospatial Consortium. To obtain additional rights of use, visit . The "_Surface" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all (continuous) surface elements. An abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity. A surface is always a continuous region of a plane. This property element either references a surface via the XLink-attributes or contains the surface element. surfaceProperty is the predefined property which can be used by GML Application Schemas whenever a GML Feature has a property with a value that is substitutable for _Surface. A property that has a surface as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element must be given, but neither both nor none. This attribute group includes the XLink attributes (see xlinks.xsd). XLink is used in GML to reference remote resources (including those elsewhere in the same document). A simple link element can be constructed by including a specific set of XLink attributes. The XML Linking Language (XLink) is currently a Proposed Recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium. XLink allows elements to be inserted into XML documents so as to create sophisticated links between resources; such links can be used to reference remote properties. A simple link element can be used to implement pointer functionality, and this functionality has been built into various GML 3 elements by including the gml:AssociationAttributeGroup. A container for an array of surfaces. The elements are always contained in the array property, referencing geometry elements or arrays of geometry elements is not supported. A Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch. The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior. It is backwards compatible with the Polygon of GML 2, GM_Polygon of ISO 19107 is implemented by PolygonPatch. The "_Ring" element is the abstract head of the substituition group for all closed boundaries of a surface patch. An abstraction of a ring to support surface boundaries of different complexity. A boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. In the normal 2D case, one of these rings is distinguished as being the exterior boundary. In a general manifold this is not always possible, in which case all boundaries shall be listed as interior boundaries, and the exterior will be empty. A boundary of a surface consists of a number of rings. The "interior" rings seperate the surface / surface patch from the area enclosed by the rings. Deprecated with GML 3.0, included only for backwards compatibility with GML 2. Use "exterior" instead. Deprecated with GML 3.0, included only for backwards compatibility with GML 2. Use "interior" instead. Encapsulates a ring to represent the surface boundary property of a surface. A LinearRing is defined by four or more coordinate tuples, with linear interpolation between them; the first and last coordinates must be coincident. GML supports two different ways to specify the control points of a linear ring. 1. A sequence of "pos" (DirectPositionType) or "pointProperty" (PointPropertyType) elements. "pos" elements are control points that are only part of this ring, "pointProperty" elements contain a point that may be referenced from other geometry elements or reference another point defined outside of this ring (reuse of existing points). 2. The "posList" element allows for a compact way to specifiy the coordinates of the control points, if all control points are in the same coordinate reference systems and belong to this ring only. The number of direct positions in the list must be at least four. Deprecated with GML version 3.1.0. Use "pointProperty" instead. Included for backwards compatibility with GML 3.0.0. Deprecated with GML version 3.1.0. Use "posList" instead. Deprecated with GML version 3.0 and included for backwards compatibility with GML 2. Use "pos" elements instead. Encapsulates a ring to represent properties in features or geometry collections. Deprecated with GML 3.0 and included only for backwards compatibility with GML 2.0. Use "surfaceProperty" instead. This property element either references a polygon via the XLink-attributes or contains the polygon element. This type is deprecated with GML 3 and shall not be used. It is included for backwards compatibility with GML 2. Use SurfacePropertyType instead. A property that has a polygon as its value domain can either be an appropriate geometry element encapsulated in an element of this type or an XLink reference to a remote geometry element (where remote includes geometry elements located elsewhere in the same document). Either the reference or the contained element must be given, but neither both nor none. This attribute group includes the XLink attributes (see xlinks.xsd). XLink is used in GML to reference remote resources (including those elsewhere in the same document). A simple link element can be constructed by including a specific set of XLink attributes. The XML Linking Language (XLink) is currently a Proposed Recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium. XLink allows elements to be inserted into XML documents so as to create sophisticated links between resources; such links can be used to reference remote properties. A simple link element can be used to implement pointer functionality, and this functionality has been built into various GML 3 elements by including the gml:AssociationAttributeGroup.