//This file contains additional JSDoc comments that should be included in the // MetacatUI JSDoc documentation build. They are included here because they may document // variables defined in HTML files (or other files not supported by jsdoc). Mainly, index.html. /** * The path to your configuration file for MetacatUI. This can be any web-accessible location. * This variable must be defined in index.html. * @type {string} * @name appConfigPath * @since 2.12.0 */ /** * @name MetacatUI.metacatUIVersion * @type {string} * @description The version of this installation of MetacatUI. */ // ----- Deprecated classes ----- /** * @class ExternalView * @deprecated * @classcategory Deprecated * @classdesc This view was deprecated in MetacatUI 2.14.0. It would display an external web page * in the MetacatUI main content area. This was primarily used for displaying the EML schema documentation, * but was deprecated for security reasons and because EML has its own doc website at http://eml.ecoinformatics.org. * If your instance of MetacatUI was using this view, you should instead link directly to external content or display * HTML pages using a MetacatUI template and the {@link TextView}. */