Started by user administrator
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Build_Beta_Level_8/workspace
Updating at revision '2016-11-03T16:22:18.877 +0000'
At revision 18427
no change for since the previous build
Project Build_Beta_Level_8 still waiting for [dataone-cn-os-core-deb-beta, dataone-cn-solr-deb-beta, dataone-cn-index-deb-beta, dataone-cn-metacat-deb-beta, dataone-cn-portal-deb-beta, dataone-cn-processdaemon-deb-beta, dataone-cn-rest-service-deb-beta, dataone-cn-version-tool-deb-beta] builds to complete
Notifying upstream projects of job completion
Warning: you have no plugins providing access control for builds, so falling back to legacy behavior of permitting any downstream builds to be triggered
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-index-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-metacat-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-os-core-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-portal-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-processdaemon-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-rest-service-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-solr-deb-beta
Triggering a new build of dataone-cn-version-tool-deb-beta
dataone-solr-deb-beta is disabled. Triggering skipped
dataone-zookeeper-deb-beta is disabled. Triggering skipped
Finished: SUCCESS