This file was generated from ISO TC/211 UML class diagrams == 07-30-2010 11:34:36 ======
2012-12-08: Documentation of MI_Objective_Type. Typo reported by XMG: "temportal" replaced by "temporal".
Description: requirement to be satisfied by the planned data acquisition - shortName: Requirement
Description: Describes the characteristics, spatial and temporal extent of the intended object to be observed - shortName: TargetId
Description: Designations for the measuring instruments and their bands, the platform carrying them, and the mission to which the data contributes - FGDC: Platform_and_Instrument_Identification, Mission_Information - shortName: PltfrmInstId
Description: Designations for the planning information related to meeting requirements - shortName: PlanId
Description: Designations for the operation used to acquire the dataset - shortName: MssnId
Description: Designations for the measuring instruments - FGDC: Platform_and_Instrument_Identification - shortName: PltfrmInstId
Description: Designations for the platform used to acquire the dataset - shortName: PltfrmId
Description: identification of a significant collection point within an operation - shortName: Event
Description: range of date validity - shortName: ReqstDate
Description: identification of collection coverage - shortName: PlatformPass