DataONE Bookkeeper Service ========================== Bookkeeper is a RESTful service that is part of the DataONE_ Coordinating Node infrastructure. It is used to manage products, customers, orders, and quotas related to the DataONE Plus and Hosted Repositories services. See the ``docs`` for more details. .. _DataONE: Installation ------------ #. Download Bookkeeper and expand the archive .. code:: bash $ curl -LO "" && \ unzip #. Install PostgreSQL 9+. See the homebrew installation instructions. .. code:: bash $ brew install postgresql # Configure PostgreSQL appropriately to connect (pg_hba.conf, etc.) #. Create a database and user .. code:: bash $ sudo su - postgres -c "createdb -O bookkeeper bookkeeper" $ sudo su - postgres -c "createuser bookkeeper -P" #. Install FlywayDB_ .. _FlywayDB: Flyway is used to manage the SQL database schema. **Note**: Adjust the values in ``db/flyway.conf`` to your database and password .. code:: bash $ flyway migrate -configFiles=bookkeeper-master/src/main/resources/db The database schema should be created, and you're ready to start the application. #. Compile and start bookkeeper .. code:: bash $ cd bookkeeper-master && mvn package $ java -jar target/bookkeeper-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server bookkeeper.yml Getting Started --------------- The following example uses ``bash`` and ``curl`` to demonstrate client connections. Interacting with the service requires authentication for most REST method calls using a JSON Web Token. Log in at to get a token (in ``My Profile > Settings > Authentication Token``). All messages are transferred as JSON. #. Set your token .. code:: $ token="<paste-your-token-here>" #. Get a list of ``Products`` that can be ordered. The ``/products`` endpoint is one that doesn't require authentication so pricing pages can be built. .. code:: $ curl -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:8080/bookkeeper/v1/products" This returns a ``ProductList``: .. code-block:: json { "products": [ { "id": 1, "object": "product", "active": true, "amount": 32000, "caption": "Faculty or research lab", "currency": "USD", "created": 1579898043, "description": "Create a customized portal for your work and projects. Help others understand and access your data.", "interval": "year", "name": "Individual", "statementDescriptor": "DataONE Subscription Plan - Individual", "type": "service", "unitLabel": "membership", "url": "", "metadata": { "features": [ { "name": "branded_portal", "label": "Branded Portals", "description": "Showcase your research, data, results, and usage metrics by building a custom web portal.", "quota": { "object": "quota", "name": "portal", "softLimit": "1", "hardLimit": "1", "unit": "portal" } }, { "name": "custom_search_filters", "label": "Custom Search Filters", "description": "Create custom search filters in your portal to allow scientists to search your holdings using filters appropriate to your field of science." }, { "name": "fair_data_assessment", "label": "FAIR Data Assessments", "description": "Access quality metric reports using the FAIR data suite of checks." }, { "name": "custom_quality_service", "label": "Custom Quality Metrics", "description": "Create a suite of custom quality metadata checks specific to your datasets." }, { "name": "aggregated_metrics", "label": "Aggregated Metrics", "description": "Access and share reports on aggregated usage metrics such as dataset views, data downloads, and dataset citations." }, { "name": "dataone_voting_member", "label": "DataONE Voting Member", "description": "Vote on the direction and priorities at DataONE Community meetings." } ] } }, ... ] } #. Create a ``Customer`` with the given name, surname, and ORCID of the logged in user (saved as ``customer.json``): .. code-block:: json { "object": "customer", "givenName": "Christopher", "surName": "Jones", "email": "", "subject": "" } Then ``POST`` it to the ``/customers`` endpoint: .. code-block:: bash curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d "@customer.json" \ "http://localhost:8080/bookkeeper/v1/customers" The customer object is returned with an ``id`` attribute which is used to create an ``Order``. .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "object": "customer", "givenName": "Christopher", "surName": "Jones", "email": "", "subject": "" } #. Create an ``Order`` (``order.json``), and update it as many times as needed. ``POST`` the order to the ``/orders`` endpoint, and ``PUT`` it to ``/orders/:id`` for updates. .. code:: json { "object": "order", "customer": 1, "status": "created", "amount": 32000, "items": [{ "object": "order_item", "type": "sku", "parent": 1, "quantity": 1 }] } Then ``POST`` it to the ``/orders`` endpoint: .. code-block:: bash curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d "@order.json" \ "http://localhost:8080/bookkeeper/v1/orders" This returns: .. code:: json { "id": 1, "object": "order", "amount": 32000, "amountReturned": 0, "charge": {}, "created": 1579986378, "customer": 1, "items": [ { "object": "order_item", "amount": 32000, "currency": "USD", "description": "DataONE Subscription Plan - Individual", "parent": 1, "quantity": 1, "type": "sku" } ], "metadata": {}, "status": "created", "statusTransitions": {}, "updated": 0, "totalAmount": 32000 } #. Confirm the ``Order``. Confirming currently sets a **trial period** rather than paying for the order. Payments will be added into this workflow later. .. code-block:: bash curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost:8080/bookkeeper/v1/orders/1/pay" #. You have confirmed the order, and it is in the ``paid`` state. This returns: .. code:: json { "id": 1, "object": "order", "amount": 32000, "amountReturned": 0, "charge": {}, "created": 1579986378, "customer": 1, "items": [{ "object": "order_item", "amount": 32000, "currency": "USD", "description": "DataONE Subscription Plan - Individual", "parent": 1, "quantity": 1, "type": "sku" }], "metadata": {}, "status": "paid", "statusTransitions": {}, "updated": 1579992719, "totalAmount": 32000 } } #. View your quotas. Once the order is paid, your quotas are set. .. code:: bash curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ "http://localhost:8080/bookkeeper/v1/quotas" This returns a ``QuotaList``: .. code:: json { "quotas": [{ "id": 4, "object": "quota", "name": "portal", "softLimit": 1.0, "hardLimit": 1.0, "usage": 0.0, "unit": "portal", "orderId": 1, "subject": "" }] } Creating an object ------------------ Once quotas are established through an order, the quotas are enforced by participating repositories. The following diagram shows the sequence of calls made when a portal document is uploaded to a repository. .. @startuml ./docs/images/create-portal.png !include ./docs/plantuml-styles.txt autonumber "<font color=999999>" title "Uploading a portal document" actor Researcher participant Client participant Repository <<Service>> participant Bookkeeper <<Service>> participant "CN" <<Service>> Researcher o-> Client: Chooses "Edit" for a listed portal activate Client Client -> Bookkeeper: getUsage(session, sid, quotaName) deactivate Client activate Bookkeeper Bookkeeper --> Client: usage deactivate Bookkeeper note right Checks usages of the given pid or sid for the given quota name "portal" end note activate Client Client --> Researcher: editor view deactivate Client activate Researcher Researcher -> Client : Chooses "Save" after editing a portal deactivate Researcher note right Note that the Client can optionally call Bookkeeper's hasRemaining() to proactively check quotas before allowing a new portal editor session. end note activate Client Client -> Repository : create(session, pid, object, sysmeta) deactivate Client activate Repository note left For all calls, the JWT authentication token in the Authorization HTTP header represents the session end note note right The Client sends the quota subject in the X-DataONE-QuotaSubject HTTP header end note Repository -> Bookkeeper : "hasRemaining(session, quotaSubject, \nrequestorSubject, quotaName, requestedUsage)" deactivate Repository activate Bookkeeper note right Bookkeeper caches subjectInfo about the requestor to minimize calls to the CN. Also, for portal documents, call hasRemaining() twice, once to check portal quotas, once to check storage quotas. end note Bookkeeper -> CN : getSubjectInfo(session, requestorSubject) deactivate Bookkeeper activate CN CN --> Bookkeeper: subjectInfo deactivate CN activate Bookkeeper note left If the insert doesn't exceed the quota limit, the quota is returned, otherwise an exception. end note Bookkeeper --> Repository : quota deactivate Bookkeeper activate Repository Repository -> Repository : create(session, pid, object, sysmeta) Repository --> Client : pid activate Client Client --> Researcher : Indicates portal is saved deactivate Client Repository --> Bookkeeper : updateUsage(session, quotaId, usage) deactivate Repository activate Bookkeeper note right The repository asynchronously updates the usage for the portal count by sending the usage object with the instanceId (portal id) and quotaId. Note the quotaId comes from the quota returned from hasRemaining(). If the portal has both a pid and sid, call updateUsage() twice. The call with the sid usage should have a quantity of zero. end note Bookkeeper --> Repository : quota deactivate Bookkeeper @enduml .. image:: docs/images/create-portal.png