  *   '$RCSfile$'
  *     Purpose: web page describing the installation of Metacat
  *   Copyright: 2008 Regents of the University of California and the
  *               National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
  *     Authors: Chad Berkley
  *    '$Author: daigle $'
  *    '$Date: 2008-11-19 16:48:24 -0800 (Wed, 19 Nov 2008) $'
  *    '$Revision: 4597 $'
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      <td class="tablehead" colspan="2"><p class="label">Troubleshooting Metacat</p></td>
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<div class="header1">Table of Contents</div>
<div class="toc">
  <div class="toc1"><a href="#BuildIssues">Build Issues</a></div>
    <div class="toc2"><a href="#HttpServletExceptions">Ant BUILD FAILED : Multiple HttpServlet Exceptions</a></div> 
  <div class="toc1"><a href="#InstallationIssues">Installation Issues</a></div>
  <div class="toc1"><a href="#StartupIssues">Startup Issues</a></div>
    <div class="toc2"><a href="#Jdk14Logger">Metacat doesn't start and Jdk14Logger exception</a></div> 
  <div class="toc1"><a href="#ConfigurationIssues">Configuration Issues</a></div>
   <div class="toc2"><a href="#DbUpdateIssue">Database Update Fails (not a connectivity issue)</a></div>
  <div class="toc1"><a href="#GeneralApplicationIssues">General Application Issues</a></div>
    <div class="toc2"><a href="#MapDisplayIssue">Maps will not display</a></div>
  <div class="toc1"><a href="#UnitTestingIssues">Unit Testing Issues</a></div>
    <div class="toc2"><a href="#503ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable">Mutliple Tests Fail : 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</a></div>

<a name="BuildIssues"></a><div class="header1">Build Issues</div>
  <a name="HttpServletExceptions"></a><div class="header2">Ant BUILD FAILED : Multiple HttpSevlet Exceptions</div>
    <p>During an Ant build of Metacat, you will see many HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse and
    other errors.  The compiler will complain that it cannot find a symbol, for example:</p>
      <div class="code">
      [javac] /home/daigle/workspace/metacat/build/src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat/MetaCatServlet.java:506: cannot find symbol<br>
      [javac] symbol  : class HttpServletResponse<br>
      [javac] location: class edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.MetaCatServlet<br>
      [javac] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {<br>
      [javac] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^<br>
    <p>This is usually caused by the build not being able to find native Tomcat libraries. edit your
    build.properties file in  
<a name="InstallationIssues"></a><div class="header1">Installation Issues</div>
<a name="StartupIssues"></a><div class="header1">Startup Issues</div> 
	<a name="Jdk14Logger"></a><div class="header2">Metacat doesn't start and Jdk14Logger exception</div>
	<p>The symptoms are that the metacat service will not show up at all, even though Tomcat 
      is serving, and the following error shows up in the tomcat log (catalina.log):</p>
      <div class="code">org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: User-specified log
      class 'org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger' cannot be found or is
      not useable </div>
      <p>This message typically occurs in the tomcat log (catalina.log) 
      when Tomcat has been installed on an Ubuntu/Debian system using apt-get install.  
      And the application is started using:
        <div class="code">/etc/init.d/tomcat6 start</div>  
      <p>The problem is that the standard startup scripts reference the 
      common java service, jsvc.  Metacat will not run under jsvc.  The solutions are:
      <li>Download the <a href="http://knb.ecoinformatics.org/software/download.html">Metacat binary install package</a>
       and replace your /etc/init.d/tomcat6 startup script with the one provided in the
      <li>Run Tomcat from the Tomcat binary directory: <tomcat_home>/bin/startup.sh and 
<a name="ConfigurationIssues"></a><div class="header1">Configuration Issues</div>
  <a name="DbUpdateIssue"></a><div class="header2">Database Update Fails (not a connectivity issue)</div>
    <p>There are a number of reasons why the database update utility might fail during 
    configuration.  You will need to determine if the error returned indicates a connectivity issue
    or some issue with the database schema/data.  If it is the latter, the first step in 
    troubleshooting the issue is to run the db scripts manually and analyze the output.</p> 
    <p>The configuration utility will report which scripts it tried to run.  To 
    run these scripts, refer to 
    <a href="../user/run-db-scripts.html">how to run database scripts</a></p>
    <p>If the answer is not obvious, further troubleshooting may require a database 
<a name="GeneralApplicationIssues"></a><div class="header1">General Application Issues</div> 
  <a name="MapDisplayIssue"></a><div class="header2">Maps will not display</div>
    <p>There are two known reasons why maps might not display in a web browser.</p> 
    <li>Sarfari Browser - the safari browser is not supported by the map libraries.  You will
        need to switch to a different browser.</li>
    <li>Firefox Browser with the Firebug plugin - Firebug is a plugin that allows a developer
        to easily view and troubleshoot web page layouts.  Unfortunately, this plugin can
        keep the maps from displaying.  There is no plan by the third party map display
        developers to address this issue.  You will need to disable Firebug in your 
<a name="UnitTestingIssues"></a><div class="header1">Unit Testing Issues</div>
  <a name="503ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable"></a><div class="header2">Mutliple Tests Fail : 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</div>
    <p>When running "ant test", multiple tests fail.  The output files have the error: </p>
      <div class="code">503 Service Temporarily Unavailable</div>
    <p>This typically means your Metacat server is not running.</p>
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