package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.dataone.client.RetryHandler; import org.dataone.client.exception.ClientSideException; import org.dataone.client.v1.types.D1TypeBuilder; import org.dataone.configuration.Settings; import org.dataone.integration.APITestUtils; import org.dataone.integration.ContextAwareTestCaseDataone; import org.dataone.integration.ExampleUtilities; import org.dataone.integration.adapters.CNCallAdapter; import org.dataone.integration.adapters.CommonCallAdapter; import org.dataone.integration.adapters.MNCallAdapter; import org.dataone.integration.webTest.WebTestDescription; import org.dataone.integration.webTest.WebTestName; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.BaseException; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotFound; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotImplemented; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.ServiceFailure; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessRule; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Node; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeReference; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeType; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Permission; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Replica; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ReplicationPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ReplicationStatus; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Service; import org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata; import org.dataone.service.types.v2.TypeFactory; import org.dataone.service.util.Constants; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * This class should prove whether the following series of events is functioning correctly: * *
  1. An object is created on an MN.
  2. *
  3. The system metadata is changed on the MN. - we call MN.updateSystemMetadata(). This is a synchronous call.
  4. *
  5. Under the hood, the MN will call CN.synchronize() to push the change out. This is a synchronous call but only tells us the request for synchronize was successful
  6. *
  7. Under the hood, the CN REST will call CNStorage.updateSystemMetadata() to update the CN's sysmeta
  8. *
  9. CN REST will also call MN.systemMetadataChanged() on notify them of new metadata.
  10. *
  11. The replica MNs will then call getSystemMetadata() on the authoritative MN to update their copy.
  12. *
* * Assumptions made: *

* * * @author Andrei */ public class SystemMetadataFunctionalTestImplementation extends ContextAwareTestCaseDataone { private static final String cnSubmitter = Settings.getConfiguration().getString("", "cnDevUNM1"); private List mnList; private List cnList; private Node mnV2NoSync; private static final long SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES = 15; private static final long REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES = 45; // on top of the sync wait @Before public void setup() { cnList = new ArrayList(); mnList = new ArrayList(); Iterator cnIter = getCoordinatingNodeIterator(); if(cnIter != null) cnList = IteratorUtils.toList(cnIter); assertTrue("Test requires at least one CN to function!", cnList.size() > 0); CNCallAdapter cn = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cnList.get(0), "v2"); // check node list, add an MN to mnList if: // it supports v2 calls // it supports MNReplication try { for(Node n : cn.listNodes().getNodeList()) { if(n.getType() == NodeType.MN) try { MNCallAdapter mnCallAdapter = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), n, "v2"); Node capabilities = mnCallAdapter.getCapabilities(); // also doubles as a v2 ping List serviceList = capabilities.getServices().getServiceList(); for (Service service : serviceList) if(service.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("MNReplication") && service.getAvailable()) { mnList.add(n); break; } } catch (Exception e1) { log.warn("MN failed V2 getCapabilities(), skipping : " + n.getIdentifier().getValue()); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to fetch node list from CN: " + cn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(), e); }"v2 CNs available: " + cnList.size());"v2 MNs available supporting replication: " + mnList.size()); for (Node n : cnList)"CN: " + n.getBaseURL()); for (Node n : mnList)"v2 MN: " + n.getBaseURL()); assertTrue("This test requires at least two v2 MNs that are tier 4 (support replication) to work.", mnList.size() >= 2); assertTrue("This test requires at least one CN to work.", cnList.size() >= 1); // we need to test against an MN that has synchronize disabled // so we can be sure that the MN->CN synchronize() call is working // instead of the harvesting sync job // do we already have an MN with sync turned off? Node mnNoSync = null; for (Node n : mnList) { MNCallAdapter mnCallAdapter = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), n, "v2"); Node capabilities = null; try { capabilities = mnCallAdapter.getCapabilities(); } catch (NotImplemented | ServiceFailure | ClientSideException e) { log.warn("Unable to get MN capabilities. " + "Error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (capabilities == null) { log.warn("MN returned NULL capabilities from getCapabilities(). MN: " + n.getBaseURL()); continue; } boolean synchronize = capabilities.isSynchronize(); if (!synchronize) { mnNoSync = n; break; } } if (mnNoSync != null) { mnV2NoSync = mnNoSync; return; } // no MN with sync turned off? // disable sync on an MN for (Node n : mnList) { MNCallAdapter mnCallAdapter = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), n, "v2"); Node capabilities = null; try { capabilities = mnCallAdapter.getCapabilities(); capabilities.setSynchronize(false); org.dataone.service.types.v2.Node v2Capabilities = null; if (capabilities instanceof org.dataone.service.types.v2.Node) v2Capabilities = (org.dataone.service.types.v2.Node) capabilities; else v2Capabilities = TypeFactory.convertTypeFromType(capabilities, org.dataone.service.types.v2.Node.class); cn.updateNodeCapabilities(null, v2Capabilities.getIdentifier(), v2Capabilities); mnV2NoSync = capabilities; break; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to disable synchronization on MN! : " + n.getBaseURL() + "\n" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } } assertTrue("Environment for test must have at least one v2 MN with synchronize disabled " + "(so we can test if CN.synchronize() works on its own correctly).", mnV2NoSync != null); } @After public void tearDown() { if(mnV2NoSync == null) { log.error("Cannot reenable sync on MN, no reference to MN with sync disabled is saved! Reenable in LDAP."); return; } Node cNode = cnList.get(0); CNCallAdapter cn = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cNode, "v2"); try { NodeReference nodeRef = mnV2NoSync.getIdentifier(); org.dataone.service.types.v2.Node currentCapabilities = cn.getNodeCapabilities(nodeRef); currentCapabilities.setSynchronize(true); cn.updateNodeCapabilities(null, nodeRef, currentCapabilities); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to update MN capabilities to re-enable synchronization on: " + mnV2NoSync.getIdentifier().getValue() + " Reenable in LDAP."); } } @Override protected String getTestDescription() { return "Tests the MN-triggered system metadata updating."; } @WebTestName("systemMetadataChanged: tests that changes made to system metadata by an MN are propegated") @WebTestDescription("This test needs to be run in an environment with two or more MNs, one of which must " + "have synchronization disabled (so we can test if CN.synchronize() works on its own correctly)." + "The test checks whether the following events on the MN trigger the correct changes: " + "Some metadata is created and changed on an MN, so when the CN sees it, it'll be a new object from its point of view." + "The MN calls CN.synchronize() to notify the CN to update its version of the object. (Asynchronous call.)" + "We then need to wait for the CN to synchronize." + "When that happens, the CN should update its own copy, then propegate the change to " + "the replica MNs. We check that the CN's as well as the other MNs' copies are up to date.") @Test public void testSystemMetadataChanged() { Identifier createdPid = null; MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession("testRightsHolder"), mnV2NoSync, "v2"); try { // create a test object"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "creating test object"); AccessRule accessRule = APITestUtils.buildAccessRule(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC, Permission.READ); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(null); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testSystemMetadataChanged_" + ExampleUtilities.generateIdentifier()); SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; Date originalDateModified = null; try { createdPid = createTestObject(mn, pid, accessRule, replPolicy); Thread.sleep(10000); sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "Unable to create a test object: " + pid.getValue()); throw be; } originalDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified();"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "created test object: " + createdPid.getValue()); // modify the sysmeta"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "fetching sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from auth MN"); sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid);"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "original sysmeta.serialVersion : " + sysmeta.getSerialVersion());"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "original sysmeta.dateSystemMetadataChanged: " + sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified());"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "updating sysmeta on auth MN"); boolean success = false; try { success = mn.updateSystemMetadata(null, createdPid, sysmeta); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "Call to MN updateSystemMetadata failed: " + be.getMessage()); throw be; } assertTrue("MN should have modified its own system metadata successfully.", success);"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "updated sysmeta on auth MN successfully"); // MN.updateSystemMetadata() call should trigger a // CN.synchronize() call under the hood Node cnNode = cnList.get(0); final CNCallAdapter cn = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cnNode, "v2"); // CN needs time to synchronize"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "polling the CN for the systemMetadata every 30 seconds while CN.synchronize() to run. " + "(up to " + SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); final Identifier pollingPid = createdPid; RetryHandler handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pollingPid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; SystemMetadata fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000);"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "done waiting for CN.synchronize(), verifying CN has correct sysmeta"); // verify that sysmeta fetched from CN is updated boolean dateModified = fetchedCNSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified().after(originalDateModified); assertTrue("testSystemMetadataChanged: sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified should have been modified by the time it's synced to CN", dateModified );"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "CN sysmeta matches updates made on MN"); // TODO could also inspect the system metadata on the CN // for a replica in 'requested' status // and wait for it to move to 'completed' or 'failed' // CN needs to run replication in order for sysmeta to contain replica info // we need replica info in the sysmeta // so we can then verify that the sysmeta on the replica-holding MNs is updated"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "waiting for CN to trigger replication. polling the CN for the systemMetadata every 30 seconds until " + "we have replica info in sysmeta. (waiting up to " + REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); // final Identifier pollingPid2 = createdPid; RetryHandler handler2 = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); SystemMetadata sysmeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"attempting to get replicas from CN sysmeta..."); List replicaList = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); if (replicaList.size() == 0) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained an empty replica list! " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } Node replicaNode = null; for (Replica rep : replicaList) { for (Node v2Node : mnList) if (v2Node.getIdentifier().getValue().equals( rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue() )) replicaNode = v2Node; } if (replicaNode == null) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained no replica for a v2 MN! " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } return sysmeta; } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; fetchedCNSysmeta = handler2.execute(30* 1000, REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000);"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "done waiting for replication, fetching sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from CN"); fetchedCNSysmeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid); List replicaList = fetchedCNSysmeta.getReplicaList(); assertTrue("System metadata fetched from CN should now have a non-empty replica list", replicaList.size() > 0);"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "looking at MNs that have a replica"); // notify replica-holding MNs of the sysmeta change int replicasFound = 0; for (Replica replica : replicaList) { NodeReference replicaNodeRef = replica.getReplicaMemberNode(); Node replicaHolderNode = null; for (Node n : mnList) if (n.getIdentifier().getValue().equals(replicaNodeRef.getValue())) { replicaHolderNode = n;"testSystemMetadataChanged: " + "found replica MN: " + replicaNodeRef.getValue()); break; } if (replicaHolderNode == null) continue; // may be a CN NodeRef, skip CommonCallAdapter replicaHolderMN = new CommonCallAdapter(getSession("testRightsHolder"), replicaHolderNode, "v2"); // it's not the MN's responsibility to update replica-holders // (it's the CN's, as part of synchronize() and ensuing replication) // so here we just check if the replicas have the updated version of sysmeta"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "checking if replica MN holds updated sysmeta"); SystemMetadata replicaSysmeta = replicaHolderMN.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid); replicasFound++; } assertTrue("Should have found at least one replica.", replicasFound > 0); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Testing failed with exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // TODO ideally, purge(pid) try { if(createdPid != null) mn.delete(null, createdPid); } catch (Exception e2) { log.warn("Unable to delete test pid after running the test: " + createdPid.getValue(), e2); } } } @WebTestName("systemMetadataChanged: tests that changes made to system metadata by an MN are propegated when the object is not a new one") @WebTestDescription("This test needs to be run in an environment with two or more MNs, one of which must " + "have synchronization disabled (so we can test if CN.synchronize() works on its own correctly)." + "The test checks whether the following events on the MN trigger the correct changes: " + "Some metadata is created on an MN then waits for the CN to sync this data. The data is then modified on the MN." + "The MN calls CN.synchronize() to notify the CN to update its version of the object. (Asynchronous call.)" + "We then need to wait for the CN to synchronize." + "When that happens, the CN should update its own copy, then propegate the change to " + "the replica MNs. We check that the CN's as well as the other MNs' copies are up to date.") @Test public void testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj() { Identifier createdPid = null; MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession("testRightsHolder"), mnV2NoSync, "v2"); Node cnNode = cnList.get(0); final CNCallAdapter cn = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cnNode, "v2"); try { // create a test object"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "creating test object"); AccessRule accessRule = APITestUtils.buildAccessRule(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC, Permission.READ); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(null); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj_" + ExampleUtilities.generateIdentifier()); SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; Date originalDateModified = null; try { createdPid = createTestObject(mn, pid, accessRule, replPolicy); Thread.sleep(10000); sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "Unable to create a test object: " + pid.getValue()); throw be; } originalDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified();"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "created test object: " + createdPid.getValue()); // wait for CN to synchronize // - we're testing the case where the object already exists on the CN // at the time when CN.synchronize() gets called"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "waiting for CN sync (up to " + SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); RetryHandler handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMetadata..."); return cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; SystemMetadata fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000); assertTrue("cn.getSystemMetadata() should successfully fetch the sysmeta for pid " + pid.getValue() + " from " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl(), fetchedCNSysmeta != null);"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "fetched sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from CN successfully"); // modify the sysmeta"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "fetching sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from auth MN"); sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid); accessRule = APITestUtils.buildAccessRule(getSubject("testRightsHolder").getValue(), Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); AccessPolicy accessPolicy = new AccessPolicy(); accessPolicy.addAllow(accessRule); sysmeta.setAccessPolicy(accessPolicy);"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "new sysmeta.serialVersion : " + sysmeta.getSerialVersion());"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "updating sysmeta on auth MN"); boolean success = false; try { success = mn.updateSystemMetadata(null, createdPid, sysmeta); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "Call to MN updateSystemMetadata failed: " + be.getMessage()); throw be; } SystemMetadata mnSysmetaModMaybe = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"after updSysmeta, date is: " + mnSysmetaModMaybe.getDateSysMetadataModified()); assertTrue("MN should have modified its own system metadata successfully.", success);"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "updated sysmeta on auth MN successfully"); // MN.updateSystemMetadata() call should trigger a // CN.synchronize() call under the hood // CN needs time to synchronize"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "waiting for CN.synchronize() to run (up to " + SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000); assertTrue("cn.getSystemMetadata() should successfully fetch the sysmeta for pid " + pid.getValue() + " from " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl(), fetchedCNSysmeta != null); // verify that sysmeta fetched from CN is updated boolean dateModified = fetchedCNSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified().after(originalDateModified); assertTrue("testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified should have been modified by the time it's synced to CN", dateModified ); // CN needs to run replication in order for sysmeta to contain replica info // we need replica info in the sysmeta // so we can then verify that the sysmeta on the replica-holding MNs is updated"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "waiting for CN to trigger replication " + "so we have replica info in sysmeta (up to " + REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); SystemMetadata sysmeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"attempting to get replicas from CN sysmeta..."); List replicaList = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); if (replicaList.size() == 0) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained an empty replica list! " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } Node replicaNode = null; for (Replica rep : replicaList) { for (Node v2Node : mnList) if (v2Node.getIdentifier().getValue().equals( rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue() )) replicaNode = v2Node; } if (replicaNode == null) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained no replica for a v2 MN! " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } return sysmeta; } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000);"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "done waiting for replication, fetched sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from CN"); List replicaList = fetchedCNSysmeta.getReplicaList(); assertTrue("Replica list fetched from CN (after having time to replicate should not be null!", replicaList != null); assertTrue("System metadata fetched from CN should now have a non-empty replica list", replicaList.size() > 0);"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "looking at MNs that have a replica"); // check if replicas have updated sysmeta int replicasFound = 0; for (Replica replica : replicaList) { NodeReference replicaNodeRef = replica.getReplicaMemberNode(); Node replicaHolderNode = null; for (Node n : mnList) if (n.getIdentifier().getValue().equals(replicaNodeRef.getValue())) { replicaHolderNode = n;"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "found replica MN: " + replicaNodeRef.getValue()); break; } if (replicaHolderNode == null) continue; // may be a CN NodeRef, skip CommonCallAdapter replicaHolderMN = new CommonCallAdapter(getSession("testRightsHolder"), replicaHolderNode, "v2"); // it's not the MN's responsibility to update replica-holders // (it's the CN's, as part of synchronize() and ensuing replication) // so here we just check if the replicas have the updated version of sysmeta"testSystemMetadataChanged_ExistingObj: " + "checking if replica MN holds updated sysmeta"); SystemMetadata replicaSysmeta = replicaHolderMN.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid); replicasFound++; } assertTrue("Should have found at least one replica.", replicasFound > 0); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Testing failed with exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // TODO ideally, purge(pid) try { if(createdPid != null) mn.delete(null, createdPid); } catch (Exception e2) { log.warn("Unable to delete test pid after running the test: " + createdPid.getValue(), e2); } } } @WebTestName("setReplicationStatus: calling CN.setReplicationStatus() doesn't succeed regardless of status") @WebTestDescription("Calling setReplicaStatus with an unchanging status should not succeed - the update should " + "only be valid if updating the replica status to a new one.") @Test public void testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange() { // documentation says setReplicationStatus can be called by another CN, // using CN cert since no MN certs available ... hope it works ... Identifier createdPid = null; MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession("testRightsHolder"), mnV2NoSync, "v2"); Node cnNode = cnList.get(0); final CNCallAdapter cn = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cnNode, "v2"); try { // create a test object"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "creating test object"); AccessRule accessRule = APITestUtils.buildAccessRule(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC, Permission.READ); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(null); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange" + ExampleUtilities.generateIdentifier()); SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; Date originalDateModified = null; try { createdPid = createTestObject(mn, pid, accessRule, replPolicy); Thread.sleep(10000); sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid); originalDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); sysmeta.getAccessPolicy().addAllow(APITestUtils.buildAccessRule(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC + "-2", Permission.READ)); mn.updateSystemMetadata(null, createdPid, sysmeta); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "Unable to create a test object: " + pid.getValue()); throw be; }"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "created test object: " + createdPid.getValue()); // wait for CN to synchronize RetryHandler handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMetadata..."); return cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; SystemMetadata fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000); assertTrue("cn.getSystemMetadata() should successfully fetch the sysmeta for pid " + pid.getValue() + " from " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl(), fetchedCNSysmeta != null);"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "fetched sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from CN successfully"); // modify the sysmeta"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "fetching sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from auth MN"); sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid);"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "original sysmeta.dateSystemMetadataChanged: " + sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified());"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "original sysmeta.serialVersion : " + sysmeta.getSerialVersion());"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "updating sysmeta on auth MN"); boolean success = false; try { success = mn.updateSystemMetadata(null, createdPid, sysmeta); } catch (BaseException be) { handleFail(mn.getLatestRequestUrl(), "Call to MN updateSystemMetadata failed: " + be.getMessage()); throw be; } assertTrue("MN should have modified its own system metadata successfully.", success);"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "updated sysmeta on auth MN successfully"); // MN.updateSystemMetadata() call should trigger a // CN.synchronize() call under the hood // CN needs time to synchronize"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "waiting for CN.synchronize() to run (up to " + SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, SYNC_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000); assertTrue("cn.getSystemMetadata() should successfully fetch the sysmeta for pid " + pid.getValue() + " from " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl(), fetchedCNSysmeta != null); // verify that sysmeta fetched from CN is updated boolean dateModified = fetchedCNSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified().after(originalDateModified); assertTrue("testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified should have been modified by the time it's synced to CN", dateModified ); // CN needs to run replication in order for sysmeta to contain replica info // we need replica info in the sysmeta // so we can then verify that the sysmeta on the replica-holding MNs is updated"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "waiting for CN to trigger replication " + "so we have replica info in sysmeta (up to " + REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES + " minutes)"); handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); SystemMetadata sysmeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"attempting to get replicas from CN sysmeta..."); List replicaList = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); if (replicaList.size() == 0) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained an empty replica list! " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } Node replicaNode = null; for (Replica rep : replicaList) { for (Node v2Node : mnList) if (v2Node.getIdentifier().getValue().equals( rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue() )) replicaNode = v2Node; } if (replicaNode == null) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained no replica for a v2 MN! " + cn.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } return sysmeta; } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; fetchedCNSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, REPLICATION_WAIT_MINUTES * 60 * 1000);"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "done waiting for replication, fetched sysmeta for pid " + createdPid.getValue() + " from CN"); List replicaList = fetchedCNSysmeta.getReplicaList(); assertTrue("Test can't continue if replica list fetched from CN (after having time to replicate) is null!", replicaList != null); assertTrue("Test can't continue if system metadata fetched from CN does not have a non-empty replica list", replicaList.size() > 0); // request replication a bunch int statusUpdateFailures = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try {"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "calling setReplicationStatus (iteration " + i + ")"); cn.setReplicationStatus(null, createdPid, mn.getNodeId(), ReplicationStatus.REQUESTED, new ServiceFailure("0101", "Setting replication status to INVALIDATED failed")); } catch (BaseException e) { statusUpdateFailures++;"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "status update failure (iteration " + i + ") " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "status update failures: " + statusUpdateFailures); fetchedCNSysmeta = cn.getSystemMetadata(null, createdPid); BigInteger serialVersion = fetchedCNSysmeta.getSerialVersion(); assertTrue("sysmeta should not have been updated if the ReplicationStatus is unchanged, " + "and serialVersion should not have been incremented for each attempt", serialVersion.intValue() < 10);"testSetReplicationStatus_NoChange: " + "status update failures: " + statusUpdateFailures); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Testing failed with exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // TODO ideally, purge(pid) try { if(createdPid != null) mn.delete(null, createdPid); } catch (Exception e2) { log.warn("Unable to delete test pid after running the test: " + createdPid.getValue(), e2); } } } }