package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.dataone.client.RetryHandler; import org.dataone.client.v1.types.D1TypeBuilder; import org.dataone.configuration.Settings; import org.dataone.integration.ContextAwareTestCaseDataone; import org.dataone.integration.ExampleUtilities; import org.dataone.integration.adapters.CNCallAdapter; import org.dataone.integration.adapters.MNCallAdapter; import org.dataone.integration.webTest.WebTestDescription; import org.dataone.integration.webTest.WebTestName; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.NotFound; import org.dataone.service.exceptions.ServiceFailure; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.AccessRule; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Identifier; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Node; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeReference; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.NodeType; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Permission; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Replica; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ReplicationPolicy; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.ReplicationStatus; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Service; import org.dataone.service.types.v1.Subject; import org.dataone.service.types.v2.SystemMetadata; import org.dataone.service.util.Constants; public class MNSystemMetadataMutabilityImplementations extends ContextAwareTestCaseDataone { private static final String cnSubmitter = Settings.getConfiguration().getString("", "cnDevUNM1"); private CNCallAdapter cnV1; private CNCallAdapter cnV2; /** MNs supporting ONLY the V1 API */ private List v1mns; /** MNs supporting the V2 API (might also support V1 API) */ private List v2mns; /** MNs supporting BOTH the V1 & V2 APIs */ private int availableMNs = 0; private static final long SYNC_WAIT = 15 * 60000; private static final long REPLICATION_WAIT = 45 * 60000; @Override protected String getTestDescription() { return "Test Case that runs tests against mutability of fields in sysmeta."; } public void setup(Iterator cnIter) { List cnList = new ArrayList(); List mnList = new ArrayList(); v1mns = new ArrayList(); v2mns = new ArrayList(); availableMNs = 0; cnList = IteratorUtils.toList(cnIter); if(cnList.size() > 0) { cnV1 = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cnList.get(0), "v1"); cnV2 = new CNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), cnList.get(0), "v2"); } if(cnV2 != null) { try { for(Node n : cnV2.listNodes().getNodeList()) if(n.getType() == NodeType.MN) mnList.add(n); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to fetch node list from CN: " + cnV2.getNodeBaseServiceUrl(), e); } } for (Node mNode : mnList) { MNCallAdapter v1mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), mNode, "v1"); MNCallAdapter v2mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), mNode, "v2"); boolean v1support = false; boolean v2support = false; // TODO is there a more reliable way to check this? try {; // ping v1 endpoint List serviceList = v1mn.getCapabilities().getServices().getServiceList(); for (Service service : serviceList) { if ("MNReplication".equals(service.getName()) && "v1".equals(service.getVersion()) && service.getAvailable()) { v1support = true; break; } } } catch (Exception e1) {"Unable to assess v1 capabilities for MN : " + v1mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " : " + e1.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e1.getMessage()); } try {; // ping v2 endpoint Node capabilities = v2mn.getCapabilities(); List serviceList = capabilities.getServices().getServiceList(); for (Service service : serviceList) { if ("MNReplication".equals(service.getName()) && "v2".equals(service.getVersion()) && service.getAvailable()) { v2support = true; break; } } v2support = true; } catch (Exception e1) {"Unable to assess v2 capabilities for MN: " + v2mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " : " + e1.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e1.getMessage()); } if (v1support && !v2support) v1mns.add(mNode); if (v2support) v2mns.add(mNode); if (v1support || v2support) availableMNs++; }"v1-ONLY MNs available: " + v1mns.size());"v2 MNs available: " + v2mns.size());"available MNs: " + availableMNs); for (Node n : v1mns)"v1-ONLY MN: " + n.getBaseURL()); for (Node n : v2mns)"v2 MN : " + n.getBaseURL()); } @WebTestName("create / registerSystemMetadata date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to registerSystemMetadata modifies " + "the dateSysMetadataModified. Since registerSystemMetadata is a call " + "internal to the CN, that happens as part of the create process, this " + "test runs create to test registerSystemMetadata.") public void testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified() { MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), v2mns.get(0), "v2"); AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(v2mns.size() > 1 ? v2mns.size() -1 : 2); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified_" + ExampleUtilities.generateIdentifier()); try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); createTestObject(mn, pid, publicAccessRule, cnSubmitter, replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); try { RetryHandler cnGetSysmetaHandler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; sysmeta = cnGetSysmetaHandler.execute(30*1000, SYNC_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from CN " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on creation. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } @WebTestName("setReplicationStatus date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to setReplicationStatus modifies " + "the sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified field. It shouldn't.") public void testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified() { AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(v2mns.size() > 1 ? v2mns.size() -1 : 2); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified_obj7"); Node mNode = v2mns.get(0); MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), mNode, "v2"); // create object on MN try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); procureTestObject(mn, publicAccessRule, pid, cnSubmitter, "public", replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } // get sysmeta date from MN SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testRegisterSystemMetadata_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // need sysmeta to contain replica info first, so wait for replication final Node authNode = mNode; SystemMetadata cnSysmeta = null; try { RetryHandler handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); SystemMetadata sysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"attempting to get replicas from CN sysmeta..."); List replicaList = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); if (replicaList.size() == 0) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained an empty replica list! " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } Node v2ReplicaNode = null; for (Replica rep : replicaList) { for (Node v2Node : v2mns) if (v2Node.getIdentifier().getValue().equals( rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue()) && !rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue().equals(authNode.getIdentifier().getValue())) v2ReplicaNode = v2Node; } if (v2ReplicaNode == null) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained no replica for a v2 MN! " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } return sysmeta; } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; cnSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, REPLICATION_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta with valid replicas from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // grab replica for another v2 MN Replica nonAuthReplica = null; for (Replica replica : cnSysmeta.getReplicaList()) { if (!replica.getReplicaMemberNode().equals(mNode.getIdentifier())) { nonAuthReplica = replica; break; } } assertTrue("testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified unable to grab replica for another v2 MN", nonAuthReplica != null); NodeReference mnReplicaRef = nonAuthReplica.getReplicaMemberNode(); ReplicationStatus repStatus = ReplicationStatus.INVALIDATED; if (nonAuthReplica.getReplicationStatus() == ReplicationStatus.INVALIDATED) repStatus = ReplicationStatus.FAILED; // setReplicationStatus call try { // expecting lots of state checks... changing to INVALIDATED seems like it should have the least (?) cnV2.setReplicationStatus(null, pid, mnReplicaRef, repStatus , null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified: unable " + "to setReplicationStatus for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // getSystemMetadata and verify date unchanged? try { sysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testSetReplicationStatus_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on setReplicationStatus. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } @WebTestName("updateReplicationMetadata date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to updateReplicationMetadata modifies " + "the sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified field. It shouldn't.") public void testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified() { AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(v2mns.size() > 1 ? v2mns.size() -1 : 2); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified_obj7"); Node mNode = v2mns.get(0); MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), mNode, "v2"); // create object on MN try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); procureTestObject(mn, publicAccessRule, pid, cnSubmitter, "public", replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } // get sysmeta date from MN SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // need sysmeta to contain replica info first, so wait for replication SystemMetadata cnSysmeta = null; try { final Node authNode = mNode; RetryHandler handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); SystemMetadata sysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"attempting to get replicas from CN sysmeta..."); List replicaList = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); if (replicaList.size() == 0) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained an empty replica list! " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } Node v2ReplicaNode = null; for (Replica rep : replicaList) { for (Node v2Node : v2mns) if (v2Node.getIdentifier().getValue().equals( rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue()) && !rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue().equals(authNode.getIdentifier().getValue())) v2ReplicaNode = v2Node; } if (v2ReplicaNode == null) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained no replica for a v2 MN! " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } return sysmeta; } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; cnSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, REPLICATION_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta with valid replicas from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // make sure replication didn't update the sysmeta boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "during replication. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); // get a replica Replica replica = null; outerloop: for (Replica r : cnSysmeta.getReplicaList()) { NodeReference ref = r.getReplicaMemberNode(); String refValue = ref.getValue(); for (Node n : v2mns) { if (refValue.equals(n.getIdentifier().getValue()) && !r.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue().equals(mNode.getIdentifier().getValue())) { replica = r; break outerloop; } } } assertTrue("Should have found a replica for pid " + pid.getValue() + " in the sysmeta fetched from the CN (" + cnV2.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + ") that is on one of the v2 MNs in the environment.", replica != null); // change something on the replica before updateReplicationMetadata if (replica.getReplicationStatus() != ReplicationStatus.INVALIDATED) replica.setReplicationStatus(ReplicationStatus.INVALIDATED); else replica.setReplicationStatus(ReplicationStatus.FAILED); // updateReplicationMetadata call try { cnV2.updateReplicationMetadata(null, pid, replica, cnSysmeta.getSerialVersion().longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to updateReplicationMetadata for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // getSystemMetadata and verify date unchanged? try { cnSysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testUpdateReplicationMetadata_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on setReplicationStatus. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } @WebTestName("deleteReplicationMetadata date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to deleteReplicationMetadata modifies " + "the sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified field. It shouldn't.") public void testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified() { AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(v2mns.size() > 1 ? v2mns.size() -1 : 2); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified_" + ExampleUtilities.generateIdentifier()); Node mNode = v2mns.get(0); MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), mNode, "v2"); // create object on MN try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); procureTestObject(mn, publicAccessRule, pid, cnSubmitter, "public", replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } // get sysmeta date from MN SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // need sysmeta to contain replica info first, so wait for replication SystemMetadata cnSysmeta = null; try { final Node authNode = mNode; RetryHandler handler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); SystemMetadata sysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid);"attempting to get replicas from CN sysmeta..."); List replicaList = sysmeta.getReplicaList(); if (replicaList.size() == 0) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained an empty replica list! " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } Node v2ReplicaNode = null; for (Replica rep : replicaList) { for (Node v2Node : v2mns) if (v2Node.getIdentifier().getValue().equals( rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue()) && !rep.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue().equals(authNode.getIdentifier().getValue()) && rep.getReplicationStatus() == ReplicationStatus.COMPLETED) v2ReplicaNode = v2Node; } if (v2ReplicaNode == null) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(new NotFound("404", "CN sysmeta contained no replica for a v2 MN! " + cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl())); throw f; } return sysmeta; } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; cnSysmeta = handler.execute(30* 1000, REPLICATION_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta with valid replicas from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // get a replica Replica replica = null; try { cnSysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // make sure replication didn't update the sysmeta boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testDeleteReplicationMetacat_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "during replication. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); outerloop: for (Replica r : cnSysmeta.getReplicaList()) { NodeReference ref = r.getReplicaMemberNode(); String refValue = ref.getValue(); for (Node n : v2mns) { // checking MNs that support v2 (may support v1 also, but v2 required for replication from a v2 origin node)"comparing sysmeta replica id (" + refValue + ") with available MN id (" + n.getIdentifier().getValue() + ")"); if (refValue.equals(n.getIdentifier().getValue()) && !r.getReplicaMemberNode().getValue().equals(mNode.getIdentifier().getValue()) && r.getReplicationStatus() == ReplicationStatus.COMPLETED) { replica = r; break outerloop; } } } assertTrue("Should have found a replica for pid " + pid.getValue() + " in the sysmeta fetched from the CN (" + cnV2.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + ") that is on one of the v2 MNs in the environment.", replica != null); // deleteReplicationMetadata call try { cnV2.deleteReplicationMetadata(null, pid, replica.getReplicaMemberNode(), cnSysmeta.getSerialVersion().longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to deleteReplicationMetadata for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // getSystemMetadata and verify date unchanged? try { cnSysmeta = cnV2.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV2.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testDeleteReplicationMetadata_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testDeleteReplicationMetacat_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on deleteReplicationMetadata. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } @WebTestName("setReplicationPolicy date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to setReplicationPolicy modifies " + "the sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified field. It shouldn't.") public void testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified() { assertTrue("Tests require at least 1 MN that supports ONLY the v1 API", v1mns.size() >= 1); AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(availableMNs-1); Node v1MNode = v1mns.get(0); MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), v1MNode, "v1"); // create v1 object on MN final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified_obj7"); try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); procureTestObject(mn, publicAccessRule, pid, cnSubmitter, "public", replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } // get sysmeta date from MN SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); SystemMetadata cnSysmeta = null; try { RetryHandler cnGetSysmetaHandler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cnV1.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; cnSysmeta = cnGetSysmetaHandler.execute(30*1000, SYNC_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from CN " + cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // setReplicationPolicy call try { replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(false); cnV1.setReplicationPolicy(null, pid, replPolicy, cnSysmeta.getSerialVersion().longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified: unable " + "to setReplicationPolicy for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // getSystemMetadata and verify date unchanged try { cnSysmeta = cnV1.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testSetReplicationPolicy_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on setReplicationPolicy. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } @WebTestName("setAccessPolicy date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to setAccessPolicy modifies " + "the sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified field. It shouldn't.") public void testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified() { assertTrue("Tests require at least 1 MN that supports ONLY the v1 API", v1mns.size() >= 1); getSession("testRightsHolder"); AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(availableMNs-1); Node v1MNode = v1mns.get(0); MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), v1MNode, "v1"); // create v1 object on MN final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified_obj7"); try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); procureTestObject(mn, publicAccessRule, pid, cnSubmitter, "public", replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } // get sysmeta date from MN SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); SystemMetadata cnSysmeta = null; try { RetryHandler cnGetSysmetaHandler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cnV1.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; cnSysmeta = cnGetSysmetaHandler.execute(30*1000, SYNC_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from CN " + cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on sync. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); // setAccessPolicy call // we'll switch back and forth between public / testRightsHolder boolean rightsHolderAccess = false; AccessPolicy cnAccessPolicy = cnSysmeta.getAccessPolicy(); for(AccessRule rule : cnAccessPolicy.getAllowList()) { if (rule.getSubject(0).equals(getSubject("testRightsHolder"))) rightsHolderAccess = true; } AccessPolicy newAccessPolicy = new AccessPolicy(); if (rightsHolderAccess) newAccessPolicy.addAllow(D1TypeBuilder.buildAccessRule(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC, Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION)); else newAccessPolicy.addAllow(D1TypeBuilder.buildAccessRule(getSubject("testRightsHolder").getValue(), Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION)); try { cnV1.setAccessPolicy(null, pid, newAccessPolicy, cnSysmeta.getSerialVersion().longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: unable " + "to setAccessPolicy for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // getSystemMetadata and verify date unchanged try { cnSysmeta = cnV1.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testSetAccessPolicy_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on setAccessPolicy. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } @WebTestName("setRightsHolder date modified") @WebTestDescription("Tests whether the call to setRightsHolder modifies " + "the sysmeta.dateSysMetadataModified field. It shouldn't.") public void testSetRightsHolder_dateModified() { assertTrue("Tests require at least 1 MN that supports ONLY the v1 API", v1mns.size() >= 1); getSession("testPerson"); getSession("testRightsHolder"); AccessRule publicAccessRule = new AccessRule(); publicAccessRule.addSubject(D1TypeBuilder.buildSubject(Constants.SUBJECT_PUBLIC)); publicAccessRule.addPermission(Permission.CHANGE_PERMISSION); ReplicationPolicy replPolicy = new ReplicationPolicy(); replPolicy.setReplicationAllowed(true); replPolicy.setNumberReplicas(availableMNs-1); Node v1MNode = v1mns.get(0); MNCallAdapter mn = new MNCallAdapter(getSession(cnSubmitter), v1MNode, "v1"); final Identifier pid = D1TypeBuilder.buildIdentifier("testSetRightsHolder_dateModified_obj7"); // create v1 object on MN try { getSession(cnSubmitter);"attempting to create test object on " + mn.getNodeBaseServiceUrl() + " with pid " + pid.getValue()); procureTestObject(mn, publicAccessRule, pid, cnSubmitter, "public", replPolicy); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetRightsHolder_dateModified: Unable to get or create a " + "test object with pid: " + pid.getValue(), e); } try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("wait for metacat indexing was interrupted"); } // get sysmeta date from MN SystemMetadata sysmeta = null; try { sysmeta = mn.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetRightsHolder_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from MN " + mn.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date mnSysmetaDateModified = sysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); SystemMetadata cnSysmeta = null; try { RetryHandler cnGetSysmetaHandler = new RetryHandler() { @Override protected SystemMetadata attempt() throws TryAgainException, Exception { try {"attempting CN getSystemMEtadata..."); return cnV1.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (NotFound | ServiceFailure e) { TryAgainException f = new TryAgainException(); f.initCause(e); throw f; } } }; cnSysmeta = cnGetSysmetaHandler.execute(30*1000, SYNC_WAIT); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("testSetRightsHolder_dateModified: Unable to fetch sysmeta from CN " + cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " for pid " + pid.getValue(), e); } Date cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); // setRightsHolder call // we'll switch back and forth between testPerson / testRightsHolder as rightsHolder boolean testPersonRH = false; if (cnSysmeta.getRightsHolder().equals(getSubject("testPerson"))) testPersonRH = true; Subject newRightsHolder = null; if (testPersonRH) newRightsHolder = getSubject("testRightsHolder"); else newRightsHolder = getSubject("testPerson"); try { cnV1.setRightsHolder(null, pid, newRightsHolder, cnSysmeta.getSerialVersion().longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetRightsHolder_dateModified: unable " + "to setRightsHolder for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // getSystemMetadata and verify date unchanged try { cnSysmeta = cnV1.getSystemMetadata(null, pid); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError(cnV1.getLatestRequestUrl() + " testSetRightsHolder_dateModified: unable " + "to fetch sysmeta from CN for pid " + pid.getValue() + " Got exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } cnSysmetaDateModified = cnSysmeta.getDateSysMetadataModified(); boolean dateUnchanged = DateUtils.isSameInstant(mnSysmetaDateModified, cnSysmetaDateModified);"cnSysmetaDateModified=" + cnSysmetaDateModified.getTime() + "mnSysmetaDateModified=" + mnSysmetaDateModified.getTime()); assertTrue("testSetRightsHolder_dateModified: The CN should not be changing the dateSysMetadataModified " + "on setRightsHolder. pid=" + pid.getValue(), dateUnchanged); } }