/** * '$RCSfile$' * Purpose: A Class that represents an document in remote metacat server * Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the * National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis * Authors: Jing Tao * * '$Author$' * '$Date$' * '$Revision$' * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.client.MetacatClient; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.client.MetacatFactory; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.properties.PropertyService; import edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.util.MetacatUtil; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.*; /** * A class represents a document in remote metacat server. During the * replication between two metacats, metadata (xml documents) might be * replicated from Metacat A to Metacat B. But data file didn't. * Sometime, user in Metacat B might query the data file which doesn't riside in * Metacat B. We need to download it from remote metacat server A and output it * to user. But it still doesn't reside in Metacat B. */ public class RemoteDocument { private MetacatClient metacat = null; private String docIdWithoutRevision = null; //Docid for this document private String revision = null; // Reviseion number for this document private String dataSetId = null; // Data set document Id which contains // this document private String documentHomeServerURL = null; // Home metacat server url // for this document private String docType = null; //String to store docType private String userName = null; // User name to require this document private String passWord = null; // The user's passwd private String zipEntry = null; // For zip entry private String revisionAndDocType; // String to store this info private Logger logMetacat = Logger.getLogger(RemoteDocument.class); /** * Constructor of RemoteDcoument * @param myDocIdWithoutRevision, Docid for this document * @param myRevision, revision number for this document * @param myUserName, the user who require this document * @param myGroup, the gourps the user belong to * @param myPassWord, the password of the user * @param myOutPut, the output stream the document will be put * @param myZipEntryPath, the base line for zip entry */ public RemoteDocument ( String myDocIdWithoutRevision, String myRevision, String myUserName, String myPassWord, String myZipEntryPath) throws Exception { docIdWithoutRevision = myDocIdWithoutRevision; // Get data set id for the given docid dataSetId = DBUtil.findDataSetDocIdForGivenDocument(docIdWithoutRevision); documentHomeServerURL = getMetacatURLForGivenDocId(dataSetId); // make sure we initialize the client for making remote calls this.metacat = (MetacatClient) MetacatFactory.createMetacatConnection(documentHomeServerURL); // Get revisionAndDocType getRevisionAndDocTypeString(); revision = myRevision; // If rev is null or empty (user didn't specify it, // then set it current one in remote metacat if (revision == null ||revision.equals("")) { revision = setRevision(); } docType = setDocType(); userName = myUserName; passWord = myPassWord; zipEntry = myZipEntryPath+ docIdWithoutRevision + PropertyService.getProperty("document.accNumSeparator") + revision; }// Constructor /** * Method to get docidWithout revision */ public String getDocIdWithoutRevsion() { return docIdWithoutRevision; }//getDocIdWithoutRevsion /** * Method to get revsion */ public String getRevision() { return revision; }//getRevision /** * Method to get docType */ public String getDocType() { return docType; }//getDocType /** * Set revision if client didn't specify the revision number. * It come from revsionAndDocType String. This String look like "rev;doctype" * Rule: * 1) Get current revision number from remote metacat * 2) If couldn't get, set revision number 1 */ private String setRevision() { // String to store the result String revision = null; // Int to store the index of ";" in revision int index = -1; // If String revisionAndDocType is null, revision set to 1 if (revisionAndDocType == null || revisionAndDocType.equals("")) { revision = "1"; }//if else { // Get the index of ";" in String revisionAndDocType index = revisionAndDocType.indexOf(";"); // Get the subString about rev in String revisionAndDocType revision = revisionAndDocType.substring(0, index); // If revision is null or empty set revision 1 if (revision == null || revision.equals("")) { revision = "1"; }//if }//else return revision; }//setRevision /** * Set docType for this document base on the information from retmote metacat * It come from revsionAndDocType String. This String look like "rev;doctype" * If we couldn't get it from remote metacat, null will be set */ private String setDocType() { // String to store the result String remoteDocType = null; // Int to store the index of ";" in revision int index = -1; // If String revisionAndDocType is null, revision set to 1 if (revisionAndDocType == null || revisionAndDocType.equals("")) { remoteDocType = null; }//if else { // Get the index of ";" in String revisionAndDocType index = revisionAndDocType.indexOf(";"); // Get the subString about doctype in String revisionAndDocType remoteDocType = revisionAndDocType.substring(index+1); }//else return remoteDocType; }//setDocType /** * Method to get a metacat url for dataset document id. * First, get replication document home server for dataset document. * Second, transfer a doc home server from replication servlet to metacat * servlet. The reseaon is when we use read action to get the document, the * url is metacat servlet. Note: the protocol should be https. Because * replication is using https. If we use http and maybe access wrong port * number. * @param dataSetId, the document id for which we need to find metacat url */ private String getMetacatURLForGivenDocId( String givenDocId) throws Exception { // DocumentImpl object of this given docid DocumentImpl document = null; // Replication home server String replicationDocHomeServer = null; // String metacat url String metacatURL = null; // Check the given Docid is not null or empty if (givenDocId == null || givenDocId.equals("")) { throw new Exception ("Couldn't find a dataset docid for the required id"); } // Create a documentImpl object String accNumber = givenDocId + PropertyService.getProperty("document.accNumSeparator") + DBUtil.getLatestRevisionInDocumentTable(givenDocId); document = new DocumentImpl(accNumber, false); // get the replication home server (it come from xml_replication table) replicationDocHomeServer = document.getDocHomeServer(); // If replication doc home server is local host. throws a exception if (replicationDocHomeServer. equals(MetacatUtil.getLocalReplicationServerName())) { throw new Exception ("Couldn't find the docid: " +docIdWithoutRevision+"."+revision); }//if // replicationDocHomeServer looks like // "pine.nceas.ucsb.edu:8443/tao/servlet/replication" and we should transfer // it to"https://pine.nceas.ucsb.edu:8443/tao/servlet/metacat" // get index of "replication" ocurrence int index = replicationDocHomeServer.indexOf("replication"); // Get the subString from 0 to the index String subString = replicationDocHomeServer.substring(0, index); // Add https at head and append metacat metacatURL = "https://" + subString +"metacat"; logMetacat.info("metacatURL: "+metacatURL); return metacatURL; }//getMetacatURLForGivenDocId /** * Method to get revisionAndDocType String from remote metacat */ private void getRevisionAndDocTypeString() { // Set property for login action Properties prop = new Properties(); // Set action = getrevisionanddoctype prop.put("action", "getrevisionanddoctype"); prop.put("docid", docIdWithoutRevision); // Now contact metacat and login. String response = getMetacatString(prop); // response contains error information if (response.indexOf("")!=-1) { // Set response null response = null; } // Set revisionAndDocType equals reponse which get rid of white space if ( response != null) { revisionAndDocType = response.trim(); }//if else { revisionAndDocType = response; }//else }//getRevisionAndDocTypeString /** * Method to read both xml and data file from remote server * and put the output into the given output stream * @param outPut, the serverlstoutputStream which the remote document or * data file need to put. */ public void readDocumentFromRemoteServer(ServletOutputStream outPut) throws Exception { // Set properties Properties prop = new Properties(); // qformat set to be xml. Data file will be handle in MetaCatServlet class String qformat = "xml"; // Action set to read String action = "read"; // Input stream from remote metacat InputStream remoteResponse = null; // Check docIdWithoutRevision is not null or empty if (docIdWithoutRevision ==null || docIdWithoutRevision.equals("")) { throw new Exception("User didn't specify the required docid"); } // User specified docid (including revision number String specifiedDocId = docIdWithoutRevision + PropertyService.getProperty("document.accNumSeparator") +revision; logMetacat.info("The requried docid is: "+ specifiedDocId); // At first login to remote metacat server. logIn(userName, passWord); // Set action prop.put("action", action); // Set qformat xml prop.put("qformat", qformat); // Set the docid prop.put("docid", specifiedDocId); // Get remote metacat response try { remoteResponse = getMetacatInputStream(prop); }//try catch (Exception e) { // If has a exception throws it again throw e; }//catch // Read content from the remote input and write the content into // the given output byte[] buf = new byte[4 * 1024]; // 4K buffer // Read remote input into buffer int index = remoteResponse.read(buf); // If index is -1, this meams remote input ended while (index != -1) { // Write the content of butter to given output outPut.write(buf, 0, index); // Read next bytes to the buffer from remote input stream index = remoteResponse.read(buf); }//while // Close remote reponse if (remoteResponse != null) { remoteResponse.close(); }//if }//readDocumentFormRemoteServer /** * Method to read both xml and data file from remote server by zip output * and put the output into the given output stream * @param outPut, the serverlstoutputStream which the remote document or * data file need to put. */ public void readDocumentFromRemoteServerByZip(ZipOutputStream outPut) throws Exception { // Set properties Properties prop = new Properties(); // qformat set to be xml. Data file will be handle in MetaCatServlet class String qformat = "xml"; // Action set to read String action = "read"; // Input stream from remote metacat InputStream remoteResponse = null; // Check docIdWithoutRevision is not null or empty if (docIdWithoutRevision ==null || docIdWithoutRevision.equals("")) { throw new Exception("User didn't specify the required docid"); } // User specified docid (including revision number String specifiedDocId = docIdWithoutRevision + PropertyService.getProperty("document.accNumSeparator") +revision; logMetacat.info("The requried docid is: "+ specifiedDocId); // At first login to remote metacat server. logIn(userName, passWord); // Set action prop.put("action", action); // Set qformat xml prop.put("qformat", qformat); // Set the docid prop.put("docid", specifiedDocId); // Get remote metacat response try { remoteResponse = getMetacatInputStream(prop); }//try catch (Exception e) { // If has a exception throws it again throw e; }//catch // Create a zip entry ZipEntry zentry = new ZipEntry(zipEntry); outPut.putNextEntry(zentry); // Read content from the remote input and write the content into // the given output byte[] buf = new byte[4 * 1024]; // 4K buffer // Read remote input into buffer int index = remoteResponse.read(buf); // If index is -1, this meams remote input ended while (index != -1) { // Write the content of butter to given output outPut.write(buf, 0, index); // Read next bytes to the buffer from remote input stream index = remoteResponse.read(buf); }//while // Close remote reponse if (remoteResponse != null) { remoteResponse.close(); }//if // Close zip entry outPut.closeEntry(); }//readDocumentFormRemoteServerByZip /** * Method to do login action. set cookie for it * @param usrerName, the DN name of the test method * @param passWord, the passwd of the user */ private void logIn(String userName, String passWord) { // Make sure userName and password are not null if ( userName == null || passWord == null || userName.equals("") || passWord.equals("")) { return; } // Set property for login action Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("action", "login"); prop.put("qformat", "xml"); prop.put("username", userName); prop.put("password", passWord); // Now contact metacat and login. String response = getMetacatString(prop); logMetacat.info("Login Message: "+response); }//login /** * Method to do logout action */ private void logOut() { // Set property Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("action", "logout"); prop.put("qformat", "xml"); // Send it to remote metacat String response = getMetacatString(prop); logMetacat.debug("Logout Message: "+response); // Set cookie to null }//logout /** * Send a request to Metacat and the return is a string from remote * Metacat. * @param prop the properties to be sent to Metacat */ private String getMetacatString(Properties prop) { // Variable to store the response String response = null; // Now contact metacat and send the request try { InputStreamReader returnStream = new InputStreamReader(getMetacatInputStream(prop)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); int len; char[] characters = new char[512]; // Write inputstream into String while ((len = returnStream.read(characters, 0, 512)) != -1) { sw.write(characters, 0, len); } // Close the input stream reader returnStream.close(); // Transfer string writer to String response = sw.toString(); // close string wirter sw.close(); } catch(Exception e) { logMetacat.error("Error in RemoteDocument.getMetacatString: "+ e.getMessage()); // If there is some exception return null return null; } return response; }// getMetaCatString /** * Send a request to Metacat and the return is a input stream from remote * Metacat. * @param prop the properties to be sent to Metacat */ private InputStream getMetacatInputStream(Properties prop) throws Exception { // Variable to store the returned input stream InputStream returnStream = metacat.sendParameters(prop); return returnStream; }//getMetacatInputStream }//Class RemoteDocument